Saturday, 20 August 2016

Our doll's house

Our doll’s house is a lovely house
It’s got little furniture and little lights,little curtains to close at night

‘The good fairies will protect you,and arrive here down their rainbows,or the
Sunbeams In fine weather,even when you cannot see them’-Wendy M  Stuart

Down South dairy country
Many a sunny story

Smelling the lush grass

‘She opened this Pandora’s box of delights,
Which was full of clothes from a past era’-Wendy M Stuart

An old musical box for my precious polished rocks

‘The shimmering colours of shot-silk,turquoise,greens and blues,was like
The action of moving and rolling waves-‘Wendy M Stuart

‘The house is blessed with fairies’-Wendy M Stuart

Web Design

The art and science of building effective and attractive websites.
The word design means –something visual

CSS is used for the design and layout of you webpage ‘cascading style sheets’

Javascript-enables you to update your webpage after it is downloaded and respond to user actions on it.

Content creation
Web design
Launching the website
Promoting the website
Measuring your success

Internet users love fun sites,sharing games,films and music

You need a domain name it gives you independence

Avoid a passive voice is a photo sharing website

JPEG is the best format for photographs


Your target visitors
Which pages are more important
Using a consistent design across your webpages helps to reassure visitors that
They are still on your website

Websites often use ‘a gradient’ where one colour fades into another

Colour scheme

A text box
A text area
Select menus


Hypertext markup language

The best format for music is MP3

Beauty of the web

Build a rank in the search engines.Without a good ranking your website can be close to invisible.
People are defensive of their email inboxes so don’t intrude by sending unsolicited bulk emails.

Heaps of jewels

Heaps of jewels come out of the sky

The cocoa factory
A flurry of activity

‘The brilliance of the moon’-Josephine Jacobson


Warmth and communication
To be fed,clothed,loved and comforted.

The ‘Big Apple’ blossoms on

A fantasy of gorgeousness
In  a White Wedding dress

‘Summer of color and softness and good smells’-Josephine Jacobson

A huge park and a dolphin arc

‘fiery orange ball’-Josephine Jacobson

A rainbow of fish
And our favourite dish!
‘Thunder in the heart’-Geoffrey Holloway

Gran’s garden party

I laid down a blanket on the neat grass
Assorted my guests and gave them a glass
Listened to Grandpa playing the Sax
Told them I was top of the class

A telegram
Melting to the ocean

Their burning love and their red chests,,tweeting

Spending summer calm as a canal

‘A choir of roses’-Geoffrey Holloway

A whispered prayer
Nothing but the heart

‘Sky blue youth’-Alex Lykiard

School with a fountain pen

‘Make love in the sky’-Paul Edwards

An attractive occupation
I will write another poem

‘Falling asleep
After lovemaking
The last snowflake’-Geoffrey Holloway

I cried today
Didn’t have my memory

‘The washing line waits like a rope of pearls’-Geoffrey Holloway

Pregnant Art

‘A key of dream’-Geoffrey Holloway

Tender as a plum

A ripple of trees
They move and tease

Beat your panic
I am a motif!

I want to be a pond
Not the ocean

Desire to learn

‘The garden,like a sleeping jungle’-Wendy M Stuart

The Infamous London smog
We would have been tall and safe together

In her fantasy

In her fantasy
She saw the galaxy

The flower chorus
Flower gorgeous
Sway in waves
Hide as jewels in caves

The Blue Flower
Blue is like the police force in harmony
The colour we see on a hot day

Denim jeans
Blue eyes,blue butterfly wings
Robin eggs blue,too
Perfect and flawless
A blue peacock
Forever explorers

To band my boat

A gleam of terror
A hare’s wild look

God in heaven
Burning like a flame
Spiritual energy

The Great good sense

The mist level
Heavenly blue
Truly,I like you

Day of grace

The children intently watched
The sweet box
Courage makes us dreamers
Courage makes us poets

Tears of repentance
Glittering colour

Little popular songs

Let’s try it
Love style!

Just stay
Calm and productive

Team GB
Team Respect

A baby dream in my arms

Summer street air
Out in the beer garden

A scattering of purple shells
Waiting just for me!


Silent lakes
The little glen
Rump steaks and
Half-naked men!

Stronger after the rain
If the sun come’s out I don’t complain

Moonlight on the floor
I love to go to a disco!

Tranquil note

‘The lamp is on.The rain has stopped’-Josephine Jacobson

The mighty sparrow
Come visit me
I have bread and a waterbath
All for free!

‘With a glorious din’-Josephine Jacobson
‘A threat of termites’-Josephine Jacobson
‘They make love peacefully’-Josephine Jacobson

The sight of a dolphin
The feeling of a win

‘Pleasure from the roses’-Josephine Jacobson

A thousand leaves
A daze of colour

Sunny honesty and positivity
Winter Warm soup served in a group

‘A dazzling intimacy’-Josephine Jacobson
‘The walk,the dinner,the farewell’-Josephine Jacobson

Calls for hours,yellow flowers
‘The moons of the street lamps,lit their faces’-Josephine Jacobson
‘The inner spark’-Josephine Jacobson


Energy is the ability to do work.The amount of energy in food is measured in calories,
The amount of heat produced when food is burned (metabolised) in your body cells.
Food is the fuel on which your body runs.


Muscle is heavier than fat

BMI (body mass index) is a number that measures the relationship between your weight and your height.
Fruits and Veg –traces of fat
Grains -3% fat

Carbohydrates come in 3 varieties
Simple carbs
Complex carbs
Dietary fiber

‘Moderation in all things’-Terence (publius terentius afer)

Of course,candy!!!

Think of your body as a house
Vitamins are like tiny little maids and butlers
People eat for two reasons
The first is hunger
The second is appetite

Food gives you calories
Calories keep you warm

Exercise reduces anxiety
Sweet foods tell your brain to release natural painkillers called endorphins

New foods are an adventure
Control what you eat to control your weight to control your health
Reduce sugar and salt intake

Exercise increases muscles
Exercise reduces the amount of fat stored in your body
Exercise strengthens your bones
Exercise increases brainpower

‘The unpleasant calorie surprise’
‘The diet budget’
‘Mood meds’

Alertness foods

Calming foods

Foods nourish your body
Medicines cure (or relieve) what ails you.
The two should work together in perfect harmony

Eating very spicy foods makes mucus easier when you have a cold
The general names for foods that deliver a health benefit is functional foods
Getting enough calories to maintain a heathy weight helps protect against wrinkles

How do I change my life?

How do I change my life
I’ve become a stranger to life
Ashamed of running outside and riding a bike
Afraid I wont be liked

The Rainbow door

Silence at the graveyard

Flowers and teardrops
Colours and treetops
The rabbit’s hop
The Angel’s watch

Save me save me
Crave me crave me
Fav me fav me
Do not wave goodbye

Slamming the door
Teenage war

Raining,water tapping the window
But luckily I feel warm
Peacefully till dawn

Noodle street (China town)

Sugar dreaming

I twinkle in and out choosing a chocolate bar

‘I open heaven to you’-Laura Riding

‘Of suicidal leaves’-Laura Riding

The gemmed lady found out bout love

‘I am the unicorn and by your bed’-May Sarton
‘Her fingers sweet agility’-May Sarton
‘Triumph of ark,of spire,triumph of grees’-May Sarton

Sunlight ripples
The eternal dance

‘The smile of the sun God’-May Sarton

‘We looked on a flat sea
As blue as lapis’-May Sarton

Owl eyes
Mature power

‘A little lovely mooney night’-William Blake

‘Whenever the moon and stars are set,
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet,
A man goes riding by’-Robert Louis Stevenson

‘O love is a crooked thing’-William Butler Yeats
‘The very eyes of me’-Robert Herrick

Fleet and strong

‘Now that winters gone,the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes;and now no more the frost candies the grass
Or casts an icy cream’-Thomas Carew

‘I have a garden of my own,
Shining with flowers of every hue:
I loved it dearly while alone,
But I shall live t more with you’-Thomas Moore

Desiring you
My body swims and glitters

‘The respiration of the sea,
The soft caresses of the air’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘Thy God,thy life,thy cure’-Henry Vaughan

At school watching peers kissing in the hall
I wondered what was the code?
At college friends chatting to each other
What was the code?

I look at the beach
Are they all cheats?

I wrap a jacket round my waist
Looking around for the perfect face
Hiding under sunglasses
Waiting for a taste


Crushing up salt and vinegar hula hoops
Shopping for buttons on Leyland Market
Murray mints on holiday in the car in Devon
Church Fair
Buying a tiger  glitter picture and rollerskates
Skating down the hill
The day I saw Monet
Holding my sisters hands

‘I like to get off with people,
I like to lie in their arms,
I like to be held and tightly kissed,
Safe from all alarms –
I like to laugh and be happy
With a beautiful,beautiful kiss
I tell you,in all the world
There is on bliss like this’-Stevie Smith

A happy shield
Happy happy light

‘love is ours
The school bars’-Stevie Smith

The old sweet dove
The holy spirit of good

T’was the voice of the sweet dove
I heard him move
I heard him cry

‘High in the chestnut tree
I the nest of the old dove
And there he sits solitary
Crying Love,love’-Stevie Smith

A loving moment
Hanging on

Childrens books

Horror and ghost stories
True stories
Historical fiction
Religion and diversity


Pictures are essential,they must be bright and eye-catching
Humour is an absolute must because it draws in children.
They love to laugh at others  like them,and if the protagonist does
Obviously dumb or silly things,so much the better



Little people can indeed triumph over grown-ups
Poo poo,pee pee,tushies,,passing gas,burping,underwear –all hilarious
‘School assembly –who farted?!

Your main character is the soul of your story
Character arc is a visual tool

Children are wild creatures at heart
Emotions right at the surface

'With lilac rivers'-Silvina Ocampo

‘With lilac rivers’-Silvina Ocampo
‘Deepening petals’-Silvina Ocampo

The Graveyard

Ribbons in the graveyard
They look like silent lips
Gleaming teardrops
Much admired
A soft rabbit visited me

‘Roads with flocks of constellated eyes’-Silvina Ocampo
‘Your sky bathe me in pink light’-Silvino Ocampo


‘like petals in the wind being spirit’-Silvino Ocampo

‘Bloody men are like bloody buses-
You wait for about a year
And as soon as one approaches your stop
Two or three others appear’-Wendy Cope

‘Send helpless love across the sky,
Knowing we’ll never meet again’-Wendy Cope

‘When snow like sheep lay in the fold’-Geoffrey Hill

‘South facing rooms to catch the sun on my face
At exactly the right moment to flatter and caress’-Susanne Holt

How far do your tears travel?
Down you face?
A stream?
The ocean?

The honey of the book
The epiphany is magic

As sensitive as I can be
I hold a butterfly

Rhyme is an echo

A perfect room
Attracts new world tourists like a magnet


If I light up some fireworks
Will you know how to find me?

If I light a candle
Can I lead you home?

I can’t see any stars and I feel alone
Can I excite you and write a song?

Can I meet you at sunset
Hold both of your hands and face you perfect

How long am I going to be at sea?
I dream of dolphins swimming with me

Maybe I should lay down
With the starfish on the sea floor
Or find a ship wreck

When the breeze comes through the leaves like
Lots of diamond studs

Wonder in a poem

‘sapphire hair’
‘Like a goddess,the only one’-Egyptian poetry

Luscious love poetry
A little chivalry

Magical being BFG

Haiku means –awake to nature

‘Spontaneous me,Nature
The loving day,the mounting sun,
The friend I am happy with’-Walt Whitman

‘The apparition of these faces in the crowd,
Petals on a wet black bough’-Ezra Pound

‘A dark woman Lantern’-Anon

‘the sea is the eyelid of the shore’

Trusting the poem

Smelling memory
Burning wood,cotton sheets on the washing line,sun lotion
Tasting memory
Mum’s hotpot,unwell on the settee watching The Goonies
Smoothie in Cairns Australia
Seeing memory
Looking at him,watching a waterfall
Touching memory
The feel of mum’s home-made cotton dresses

The first time hands around my waist

Birthday Poem

Birthday Poem

Here is a poem so keep the drinks flowing
A little whisky glowing!

I want you to have the best birthday
In one year’s time you’ll be thirty!

I hope you get lots of pressies
Have a break from M’cy D’s stresses!

I hope the sun comes out
So you can sit outside with a can of stout!

I hope there’s no cloud cover
You work so hard
A committed runner

Sometimes you bug me
Sometimes you hug me
But I don’t know anyone else so funny

Simple as a first kiss
A persistent twinkle
Beats any wrinkle

A best belly dream

Where petals fall
The marital bed

Festival goer
I want to wear a fake flower crown

Everyone’s twirling at the funfair
The carousel
The Waltzers
Love is in the air

The sweet jar
Playing racing car
Hands up to the stars
And the milky bar

Do you think my Barbie
Will come alive?
Will my prince ever arrive?

Can I have a dolly?
Can I have a lolly?
Can I have a go-kart?
Can I draw some wall art?

Love is always
Love is ablazed
Love is amazed

Love is New York in May
Love is the sun’s red glaze
Love is stargazed

He brushed is hand up my thighs
Until he heard my cries
He picked me up put me on the bed
And poured the ocean into my eyes
He sucked my breasts,licked my nipples
Sent me a thousand ripples
He held my waist like a double bass
Spung me round he dance floor
He licked me into wet peaches
I laid back and thought of beaches

Running away in my sleep
Hoping that we will meet

The Light Bulb

The electric light
The moment
The light bulb was invented
I would have loved to have been there,
When the darkness ended

I would like to thank Thomas Edison for disco lights!
For the light on my bike
For the torch I shine in my room at night

I thankyou for the illuminations and  street lamps
How did he create that spark?

I can read my book with the side light
I can find my key with a keyring light
I can watch the ocean from a lighthouse
I can watch the pretty city above

I can see where I’m going in a car at night
Thankyou Thomas Edison for traffic lights!
Thankyou for mobile phone lights
Especially at a concert,all beautiful and bright

Thankyou for the spotlight and Hollywood
Thankyou for the theatre and making us look good!

Thankyou for helping us search for people
Who are lost in the woods or out at sea
The fridge light so we can eat –at midnight
The camera light
Lights,camera action
The humble light bulb

A festive orange
A festive smile