Thursday, 22 December 2016

Will I dream you?

Will I dream you?
Will I know you?
Will I hold you?

A painting of me dead
You didn’t offer me lips

Tear of Lear and madness

Love me back or pack

It was like
Can you give me just a moment?
Make me feel important?
I want to kiss you more
But your running for the door
I want to feel your hands
But your are walking on different sands

How many nights did I walk in the club
Not feeling understood
Wondering about singing,music ,Hollywood

Have I found forever?
Can we put our hands together?
Have I found true love?
Or will he cut the throat of a dove?
Have I found my soulmate?
Will he make me whole?
Have I found my best mate?
To confide and to hold?

Dancing,magic and movement

Heaven in view

Safe and sound

‘That quiet waiteth for his hand,
That quiet waiteth for his eye,
That quiet waiteth for his voice’-Micheal Field

Discovering good

Perfectly affectionate jewelled dream

Universal gladness

‘Nipples pointed at the stars’-Anon

‘Electric legs’-Anon

Child says everything  ‘With diamonds’

The ghosts of blossom

Christmas is coming
Children are jumping
Up and down
Santa’s in town

Christmas is those bacon crisps
Wondering what we’ll get from our lists!
Can I just steal a kiss?
Pass you a chocolate and make a wish?

Boxing day at Grandma’s
Special ham,potato sticks
Don’t forget the fruit and nut mix!

Meeting our cousins,laughing and buzzing
Dancing and putting on a show
Smiling at the pure white snow!

Christmas morning is the best
Even when you get no rest
Putting on a nice new dress
The lounge is looking like a mess!

Hats,scarfs and winter socks
Children playing in a box
Don’t forget  Top of the Pops!
I wonder who will do the pots!

Moonlight and sand
Pure patterns on the sand

A good book of poetry
A beautiful sunset above the sea

I took his hand and led him to the dancefloor,I said
‘Show your motion’!

I love watching children opening presents
Their eyes light up like gold

How many tears?

How many tears?
‘Weeping from milky eyes’-Karen Press

Lusty spring
When life is clear and kind

‘Worshipped with a kiss’-Christina Rossetti

‘Loves of the morning’-Louis Macneice

‘The purple and the wing’-Ruth Pitter

‘The glow of another world’-Robert E.Key


‘What of the day
Jesus was born?
Light in the cloudway
Gold in the dawn’-Robert E.Key


People of the skies
The sweet Cinderella

‘The moon was a bright lollipop’-Mark Burgess

Visionary looks
Beautiful books

Sweet light
Sweet love

‘the soft slithering silk of the water’s surface’-Marilene Phipps-Kettlewell

The incoming dove
Flowerful and free

‘Home with bright blossoms’-Robert E.Key

‘Hot chocolate held in both hands seemed like
The warmest softest place on earth’-Karen Press

The spirit blows
In velvet bloom

‘Christians awake,salute the happy morn
Where the saviour of the world was born’-John Byron

‘The mystery of love’-John Byron

Stained glass windows
And sunny charm

Church the sacred mystery
I’m dreaming by the window

‘Most beautiful
Flowing like a wave’-Alexander Coulson

‘Into the moonlight sweet’-Walter de la Mare

‘Christmas harmonies’-Thomas Hardy

‘My music shine’-George Herbert

‘I sing the birth was born tonight,
The Author both of life and light’-Ben Johnson

A tide of song
A bird in our palm

‘A bloom of candles’-Laurie Lee

‘The waters kissed’-John Milton

‘And still there flame is strong’-Christina Rossetti

‘Ornaments of grace’-Thomas Traherne

I sleep with cherubim

‘Hope survives the worst desire’-H.D.C.Pepler

‘Pools of dew’-Eleanor Fargean

‘A lake of fire’-James Elroy Flecker


‘An island,an imprint,a direction’-Marilene Phipps-Kettlewell

Fluttering with fragrance

An aura to the evening
You keep me breathing

Waking up
The first thing I do is look for you



Peacock butterfly
Map butterfly

A spiral of an apple
I want to drop five pounds

A childhood ghost

My Mountain Time

Resting like a cookie
No wonder my stomach folds!

Cause it was true love
That took me up above

You take me there
I don’t mean to stare

A nice nude?
Biscuits and chocolate
Don’t think I’ll ever get my body insured!

I am breaking
All the waving
Under a 100 pairs of shoes
Fooling myself buying unhealthy foods
Please tell me some good news
I’m trying to put together the clues

To make me pretty
I stand under
‘The snowflake waltz’-James Michie

Of  a Fern (living in Tasmania)

Summer daisies at my feet
Unicorn sky

‘Fill your head with magic dreams’-Sue Hardy-Dawson

Thankyou Lord for funny people

Do you know I feel this way
My heart is yours,don’t play
I want to shower you with gifts on a sleigh
Feel your kisses as we lay

Christmas day
Christmas pud
Christmas lights in the neighbourhood
Let’s be good!

‘The wonderment of all’-Ernest Lawrence Thayer

As large as alone
Magic fruit
A new delight

Advent of trust
A great man

Perfume called ‘Follow me’
Have you ever followed a butterfly?

Smile at cartoons
Beautiful balloons
Up and up together

Some company
Purple is the dream

‘A full moon rising like a giant pearl’-Karen Press

Lindo through the window!

Back then
I could fit in a size ten
Back then
There was an aura in the evening
And now
I’m as big as alone
And now
It’s the evenings I am on my own
I’ll find a path to follow
I’ll give out my last rolo