Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Short story

Lisa Howarth Short story

I crepted up the stairs,the wind was howling outside like ghosts holding a tune.
I put out my toes to feel each step because I couldn’t see a thing!
Reaching for the rail I remember thinking I could do with a candle but when
I got to my room the door opened on its own!Even the curtains were moving.
I decided to investigate,carefully pulling a curtain back and holding my breath.
The window was open!But, I saw a bat flying past and immediately shut it tight!
Goodness me.Even the trees were looking distressed and the leaves were curling and swirling in
waves.I kept thinking there was a monster outside my bedroom window,a monster made of
Wood chippings climbing my house.I dreamt I was kidnapped by the wood monster and
Taken to the chipper myself.
Then,the morning arrived.Everything looked like poetry,the birds singing,the sun and the flowers.
And the smell of fresh clothing on the line really put a spring in my step!
The clock struck 6.I had a busy day ahead on the market selling plants,garden ornaments
And outdoor stuff.It was my mother’s stall.We had lovely little waterfalls and bird huts and food.
At home we had a big wooden shed in our back garden but we never went inside,that was
Where the wood monster lived!
We didn’t even look through the shed window.We thought bats were flying around it at night,
Circling around it like they were looking for someone.
One night I decided to go outside the house with a very large torch,it was dark
But I really wanted to see inside the shed.So,I was quiet and grabbed a large stick just in case.
Each step I got closer my feet got colder.I was wearing a nightie and dressing gown and careful
Not to step on the cracks in the pavement because that would be bad luck!
So I approached the shed and slowly unlocked the door.I wondered if there would be any mice
And spiders!Maybe there was a family of animals!Lot’s and lot’s of animals!
I pushed the door and saw spider webs,old deckchairs but no wood monster!
Not even one chip!So,I returned to bed,proud of myself.
But then I thought what if he was hiding in the garage?Hiding under the car?
Or hiding behind the hedge?In the trees?
What if there was a secret world through the rose bush where everyone was invited?!!!
I thought,’I really must find it’.

Eyes and tears

Eyes and tears

‘Pendants of the eyes’-Andrew Marvell

Fragrant towers on the dressing table




Morning prayer of love

The Wig
Union purple locks

A hot day of hot desires!

‘The orange bright’-Andrew Marvell

The frozen zone

His nakedness and neighbouring shore

The fair hands of children

A Pilgrim palm
A sweet painter

‘The good,the bad,and those mixed everwhere’-Andrew Marvell

A special property

Idea for book;
Gnomes having a party in the garden at night
Playing football,golf
Having a BBQ
Going on swings and slides

Language of the sandwich!

New realms of food
New realms of art

Something magic
Love that’s not tragic
Hand in hand romantic

‘The heart family’,divine will
(Childhood toy)

Not sure what I feel
Not sure if it’s real
But I think we could heal

In the end

We are all placed in a grave
And when the rain comes we get to bathe?!
I wonder if we get to smell the flowers?
I wonder if we listen to the church clock
To pass the hours?
I wonder if we all get to chat
Listen to the birds singing
And give God a clap!

So intimate
Like chocolate

So intimate
A violet

So intimate
My own comet

So intimate
A love sonnet

So intimate
Your spirit
I love the passionate
I love the affectionate

Something precious and perfect

I'm in the thunder

I’m in the thunder

At War with the ice cream tub!
At War with a fly in the kitchen!
At War with writing fiction!
At War with doing up my pants!
And the decision to go to the gym!
Play squash or tap dance!

Angel drinks

The bullet,I saw him kiss another

Your words are gelling
Your words melting
Your heart is close to me
Your love opens the cage
To let me go free

Touching your hand is warm and soft
Like feeling the sunrise each day
You are a light at night guiding me the way

Your eyes are ‘the swirling sea’
It feels like they are choosing me

Dream house in a
Tranquil park-like setting

The cozy jewel box
Treated for schizophrenia

Idea for children’s book
Theme ‘Space’
Flying saucers,flashing lights,meteorites
Satellite dishs,shooting star wishes

I feel like the traveller in the dark

A misty heaven,making love

‘Green rocks that harmonise’-Robert Scotellers

A precious perfect rocket

I want to meet a martian

Secret spaceship under the stairs

‘Peppermint moon’-Anon

Flowers like mysterious suns

‘Search the night sky for meaningful sighs’-Wendy Cope

A graceful arc in the garden

‘Sweet sky baby’-Maureen Haselhurst

Love is flying like a dove
Love is that moment you share with God
Love is knowing you have enough
Love brings protection
It’s what you dream of

No experience
I need to step out of the audience
Spray a little fragrance
Show some elegance
Stop the over indulgence


Why did you die?
Clouds gather in my heart
Why can’t I fly with you in the park?


I am still around
I am still that sound
Of laughter of singing larks

When the breeze kisses your neck
Remember I will protect

‘Go kiss within the hay-Andrew Marvell

‘The trials of strong exercise’-Andrew Marvell

The Sun

The Sun

When it is sunny
I can feel the warm honey
And I look forward to spotting a bunny!
Even if the hayfever makes my nose runny
I love buying ice cream with my pocket money!

Ice pops from the freezer
Dreaming of Blackpool pier

New York

A gathering of flowers
And gospel church choirs

The sky is blue
1 scoop or 2?!

How does it feel to be slim?
Does it mean you win?
Or are you running from a pillaging?

Why are you not moral?

Am I on the wall in a splat?
Am I directly under a lit match?
Am I in the dangerous bachelor pad?
In the path of a hot tap?

Feel sick
In  a chocolate pit
There is no kick in eating shit

Empty of dreams  -We all need a dream

Mr Bowman

‘A peach bloom of young years’-Carl Sandburg

‘Sweetness of remembrance’-Carl Sandburg

Plots of love,when ,where?

Always the strongest

Lavender whispering
Lavender wings

Build the city again said the child

‘Love is a fool star’-Carl Sandburg

‘Dream and doorway’-Carl Sandburg


Dreams not games

A sky of yesterday
An ocean of tomorrows  

‘The cool stars’

‘The crying is lonely’-Carl Sandburg

To dance
The song
The story

Loving liberty

‘Death in the song of the wind’-Carl Sandburg

‘Valley orchards for your nose’-Carl Sandburg

‘Sweet and Sour’ poems!!

‘The moon is a milk-white love promise’-Carl Sandburg

Looking up at the gate

Is it the beauty of flowers
Or the magic above?
Is it the talking for hours
Or the loyalty and good?

Am I in love?
Am I in love?

Would he save me from the wolf if I was red riding hood?
Would he listen to my story
Keep me warm with a rug?

A charming owl popped out

A charming owl popped out

Romantic pink ribbon
Your heart is a maze

Jelly phant

The swan embrace of children

My little ‘cream tea’!

Trapped by a rose

Love is flowin,enjoyin with you

When they don’t want you back for fat
And you’ve got the sack
Feel’s like there’s nothing left to attract
Even with a platt in your hair
No-one really wants to be there

I’m just not me
I had a strong tummy
I could wear high heels and not panick
I remembered every detail,every person,every drink
I cared about how I look
I trusted my family and friends

Why didn’t they save me?

The rain is following me
The world is swallowing me

Living in fear
Deep into my heart

I watch the river of white rushing water passing by

‘Time carries on relentless,
Like a rocket in it’s flight
Timeless as the sun is,
With it’s hours of golden light’-Joan Prentice

A little fairy boat

‘The world is our oyster
Like a pearl in its bed’-Joan Prentice

Sometimes I talk to you Grandad
I really miss you

Under the gathering clouds

The Northern Fridge!Northern weather

Of black despair
Watching you kiss her

Under the flowerpot

Your everlasting bride
Your everlasting guide

Fallen again?
Paper to pen

‘Blue sky morning blessed with innocence’-Micheal William Mulden

‘Dancing jewels’-Michael Phillips

‘We wake like owls to each others beating heart’-Josephine Kohl

Just passing boats
With a prayer to stay afloat
Just some random notes
Writing a song of hope

I feel like a tiny dot

The sky
Stuck for words but
I can see a group of dancing birds
The colours are beautiful
They are soaking into my heart
A singing lark
Sat on the park

The Sea
I breathe every wave
Imagine a party and

 A latenight bathe!

Those bees

‘Those bees are silly things,
But how I wish I had their wings’-Spike Milligan


A children’s secret world in the bedroom

Playground on the moon

Rhyming with a florist

Extra frosting please

Shell praising

Let’s make a booking
And come home for pudding!

When I was a child and my mum made bacon
The smell of cooking filled the house
And when my mum did some baking
I felt like a happy mouse!

One Christmas I attempted to cook a turkey
But I discovered I wasn’t a kitchen fairy!
The meat was dry,the heat was too high
I was no Mary!

Flirty turkey
Golf and cooking
Good cooking is like good putting
It’s good to begin small

A lovely,lovely main course
After a day on the golf course!

Cooking and sex

I’m stood at the hob watching the bubbling
Then he put’s his hands round my waist
Kisses my neck towards my place

My starry loves (children)

Haunted,they are
Still taking the piss in my gym knickers

A purple hand
A need to find a waistband

What am I doing to my body?
My eating is deadly,ungodly
When I look at photos I look like bacon fat
Hiding under a wooly hat
But I’m waiting for the fog to clear
I’m giving in to the fear
Eating chocolate my eyes tear
How did I get here?
Do I belong with the rats?
Will I ever get out of this trap?
Am I being held under a hot tap?
I exercise on the cross trainer lap after lap

I want to dance with your balance

Exercise is hope
A sigh of hope

Should I be smoking?
Constantly joking?
The loneliness is soaking into my bones
Looking at my mobile phone

A racing heart
The shimmering gleaming gift of music

She is the loving bloom of any room

Hearts of Pandora

To all the mothers of the world
A reaching hand makes your eyes pearl

The dewdrops of you
The dazzling drops of you

Starry moments
Radiant lines

Luminous green leaves
Sparkling blue seas

When we spoke

When we spoke on the phone did it
Feel untrue?

You bought me some perfume
But would you give me your life
Like they do in cocoon?
Protect me from the cloudy mist on the moon?
Decorate my hair with diamonds and blooms?
Pick me up soon
I can’t breathe from the sandy dunes
I fear death lumes

Making life bright with song

A neighbouring flower
A neighbouring shower

Pure lusciousness

Impatient for the sun
I need to book a holiday

The song of the honey bees
The hand of an old and wise tree

Anon a-dream

A sweet timid light

Poems of the woods
The drawing of it’s buds

Homely stuff
Home of love

‘We tossed our shuttlecocks
And tried to hit the moon’-John Clare

Eyes of truth and youth

‘I will live and love thee ever’-John Clare
‘A passport for heaven’-John Clare
‘The truth of my song’-John Clare

Large and lusty

Sweet fern tree
Sweet pianos chime
Sweet summers harmony

Stars in the night
Flowers in the day

The music of nature
Nature’s self is love

Dress of happiness

Peace and health is liberty
A beautiful thing
We are mermaids dancing through the waves

Angel –watered

‘My babe,my treasure ‘-St Alphonsus Mariade Liguon

‘Union,one,divine’-Ben Jonson

Roses and religious purity

‘The sweetest flower that blows,
I give you as we part
For you it is a rose
For me it is my heart’-Frederick Peterson

‘The rose is the eye of the flowers’-Sappho

‘The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love,
O,the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove’-John Boyle O’Reilly

A kiss of desire
Under the light of a sapphire

My verse and truth

I hope I am valued for my sweetness

Loneliness tortures me

Loneliness tortures me
When everyone is in a pair, especially
Even if it’s just two birds
I need to find my love and the words

Choir tryer

I’m sat in a car with the wipers on
They are wiping away my thoughts

I’m in a computer and the wires are coming for me

Days and days on my way-aist!
Months on my bumps!
Weeks on my cheeks!


 A diet of a violet

Calories and morality
I look at the figurines at the art gallery
Will I ever get a salary?
My true love remains imaginary

This monster is keeping me eating

Stella Stomach Pain

Hush and baloo
I am holding you
Like a penknife in my heart
‘I love my love and well she knows,
I love the ground where on she goes’-Anon

I love a flower
Can I love one flower too much?

‘With all the heart in my body’-Anon

Wearing green like a country scene

Bully girls
Bully boys
It stays with you like a horrible noise

‘Embraced by delicate waters’-Ted Hughes

‘Like that of a god’-Ted Hughes

‘The sweet wisdom of heaven’-Ted Hughes

‘The globe and it’s brightness combined like tear’-Ted Hughes

‘The arching trees’-Ted Hughes

Ray of the morning
The beach is perfect

My song irresistible

‘A way through strong water’-Ted Hughes
Summer stars
Magical code

As if ‘asleep on a heap of jewels’-Ted Hughes

Waves of blossom trees and dreamy scents

The tingling star
Scenting the world

‘To remember for years
To remember with tears’-William Allingham

‘Garden wall and gallery’-Alfred,Lord Tennyson

‘Miracles of loveliness’-Christina Rossetti

Your face is a scene of beauty

Ever Echo

He pressed me,caressed me

The twilight wave
Midnight bathe

Faith into flowers

Will I always come back to you?
All those games and girls names
You put me through?

Between Us

Between us
Complete trust
Kind and just

A cluster in my hands
Cold and warm sands
I need a rock

My hand for life
Your hand for life
Like the sunlight
A dress pure white
I see beauty in your eyes
As the congregation rise
And the vicar begins to melt

I look up at the cosmos and make a moment

Double slut (Two affairs)

Blue bays

The pristine heavens
Full of beans aged seven

Tears rolling down the edge of the window

I want a body

Stunning girl
My eyes are crying pearl
What little I have seen of the world
I’m reaching for your curls

Gunning boy
Somehow they play and display
Only to destroy
I feel like a broken toy

When you give me that look
I surrender to luck
I feel like I’m stuck
But you don’t give a fuck

Chocolate ring round Saturn!

I look like the lazy one
I look like the crazy one
The truth is I was overruled,totally fooled
By ghosts and ghouls

I need a job applause

A diet
A waist

A waist
A dress
Love is my maker
Not a picture in the paper

Will it be a ladder or will it be a snake
Will I wake up from the nightmare’s
And find my soulmate?

Will the rain come through the window
Or will it be a bunny,a chocolate Lindo?

Trying to make up my mind
Trying to find someone kind
Trying to fill up my heart
Trying to make a life and not fall apart

Would you like to go for coffee?
I don’t know where to start
Maybe a little toffee on top
Feel my pulse,
Fell my heart

Looking forward to
The garden on a Summer’s evening
The tender grass under my bare feet
And the sprinklers,running through the sprinklers!

A little soft piano
The light of a candle
I want to say thankyou