Wednesday, 15 August 2018



I went out looking for conkers

The birds were giving concerts

Mum said,look at that dirt on your skirt

I said,it was the monsters!

I went out looking for flowers

I didn’t look at my watch for hours

I found some worms and caught lot’s of germs

And ran in when it began to shower

Mum said , look at the mess on your dress

I said ,it was the insects!

Look at that muck on your face

I said,I was only playing chase!

I went to the swimming baths

And I saw a goblin shark

I went next door to get our ball

And heard the dog bark!

I used to think that our apple tree

Would turn into a monster

I used to think I would win

The golden ticket for Willy Wonka!

Monsters and lobsters in the sea

Making friends and chasing me!

Now that I am all grown up and watch my

Niece and nephew,

I am the ‘tickle’ monster’ and I’m coming round to get you!

As a child I wanted to make friends with a Big Foot

But I didn’t have the luck

If I said I saw a monster,

Would you think I am bonkers?!

If I found a giant worm?

If I hide under the fern?

Would you rescue me from the monsters?

Wound you rescue me from world war bombers?

Up and down like a clown

Poppable and squashable!

What is my fate?

Will I still feel the hate?


The monster rumble of the tummy!

A monster telling off from mummy!

A monster of a chocolate bunny!

A monster spend of your money!

The monster washing machine in the garage

A monster fly on my sandwich

The monster hayfever making me sneeze!

Or cold weather making me freeze!

A monster ice cream in the sun!

A monster,monster distance run!

A monster burger with battle chips!

Strawberries and chocolate dip!

The monster of having too much sleep

The monster of leaving your clothes in a heap

When all you want to do is weep

When the ocean is too deep

The devil monster turning out to be a conster

I wish I was a youngster

With time on my side

The monster of food


The care of heaven

The care of heaven

On the lonely travellers call

Feeling rather than reason,

In a beautiful way

The inner me

The sexual energy

The story of an object

A message in a bottle

An old,old book

Antique picture or ornament

Where do they come from?

Am I going to be in luck?!!!

A dream life

Beauty and how it rescues us

The perfect process of night and day

The mistakes of love?

I can count them up!


Writing,to try and pull themselves out of hell

Viewing the world as an individual,

In a compelling personal way

Confessional poet

New angles of vision

Poetry,implies rhyme,rhythms,songs

Poetry is an act of problem

‘Just because you’re not happy

Doesn’t mean you’re unhappy

And just because you’re not in a state

Of ecstasy doesn’t mean you’re in a state of pain either’

The baby notion

Pure,raw energy

We love babies and little young things

How you turn the impossible into possible?

Magic is in you

Always find a reason to smile

I should be changing,not gaining

What would I put in a time capsule?

Kylie Minogue cassette,Walkman

First single LP

Old letters

Tin of Heinz tomato soup!

Recent magazines,papers

All my poems

Coupe of dresses of the time

Handmade jewellery

Make-up perfume




Image;A nest of pebbles

A unlosable friend

‘Ribbon of the silver path

Of the milky light on the water’-Jean Valentine

Night boat of lights

A dolphin beside your boat


Blowing in the same direction

Glass’s and ass’s!!

‘Never get too attached to anyone

Unless they feel the same towards you,

Because one-sided expectations

Can mentally destroy you’

‘If you don’t step forward

Your always in the same spot’

Fireworks and magic Why do they pass me by?

We are two hearts in the sand

All by God’s hand

‘Pure girls with luminous skin’-Paul Verlaine

A flicker of love

‘Autumn’s lullaby of air’-Paul Verlaine

‘Home,the snug glow of lamps’-Paul Verlaine

A truth like stars

The sea of my tears

‘Two good angels on the sea’-Paul Verlaine

Charity shop

Sweet glow charity

I’m coming back to poetry

A sultry kiss

In woven knits

Princess of smiles

The dreamful seas

‘But ,my love,my heart,my fair’-Francis Thompson

Heart strings

Unseen love

‘The heaven,heaven,heaven of her face’-Francis Thompson

‘Lights of cheer’-Francis Thompson

I dreamed higher

‘All yours,my love,all yours’-Francis Thompson


Poetry comes from an interesting mind

A spontaneous humanist

Summer’s here

The sky is clear

We have a crate full of beer!

There’s a swimming pool

And the beach is near

Let’s have an ice cream

On the edge of the pier

Spend the night at the pizzeria!


‘It breathes,this city’-Cameron Harrop

Teenage passion

An illuminated eye

Death is only the transfer

‘Death is only the transfer of energy to a new form’-Robert Penn Warren

The beauty dimension

The distant moonset

‘The sun-singing sea’-Robert Penn Warren

Triumph and nakedness!

‘The lemon-coloured light’-William Stafford

Porch lights

New in your heart

Little chocolate bar of light

My fluttering eyes!

‘Leaning towards you means I love you’-William Stafford

War is like a fire

She is a bread bloomer

‘Often give,often receive’-Chinese proverb

‘Do todays work today’-Chinese proverb

‘There is no logical reason for this misfortune.

Thus it must be part of destiny’-Zi sang,Zhou Dynasty

Mental troubles

A ready mind

‘You cannot open a book without learning something’-Confucius

‘A good laugh is sunshine in the house’-William Makepearce Thackeray

‘It takes 25 muscles to smile and 62 muscles to frown’-Anon

‘Laugh,and the world laughs with you,

Weep and you weep alone’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground’-Theodore Roosevelt

‘Whatever you are,be a good one’-Abraham Lincoln

‘Love is an act of endless forgiveness,

A tender look that becomes a habit’-Peter Ustinov

‘Love is the poetry of the senses’-Honore de Balzac

‘Bosom of the air’-Shakespeare

‘Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all’-Alfred,Lord Tennyson

Touch and protection

‘One word frees us of all the weight

And pain of life;that word is love’-Sophocles

Don’t be addicted to the wicked

Wine and sweet words

‘Kindness in words creates confidence

Kindness in thinking creates profoundness

Kindness in giving creates love’-Lao Tzu

Equal in beauty

Our heart are wed

‘The breezes of divinity’-Mark Strand

Life-altering dance,shimmering

‘My blue heaven’-Charles Simic

Time and eternity

Alone,sad and sore

‘War is punishment and peace is a reward’-Wistawa Szymburska

Beauty moves you to tears

‘Rise like dots into the sky’-Jean Valentine

‘The Northern Lights sifted their fire’-Jean Valentine

In love,my swimming eyes

The early dead

The early dead
A pray at my bed

The satellite is fixed

‘A lilac message of love’-Duncan Campbell Scott
‘Mysteriously the leaves sway and sing’-Duncan Campbell Scott

His sparkling songs bursting out

To dream of rest and a honey scent

A magic name and a dreamy choir

The magic player
Like a poppy full of power

‘Another setting of the pleasant sun’-Duncan Campbell Scott

Full of soft moons
Embroidery in the sky
A constellation of family

They say ‘time heals’
But the more I wait
The more time he steals

The reality is there are no shields
The reality is you have broken wheels
No-one cares,no-one feels
Will God answer the prayer of someone who kneels?
I dream,Just one letter with a seal

Charity shop

Tidying the tops
Wiping down the pots
Cleaning away someone’s teardrops
Or trying to solve a necklace tied in knots

Then we sort the CD’s and DVD’s
We sort out the books A-Z
Sometimes we have wedding hats
5 inch heels or comfy flats

Children love the toy corner
We get out the water guns when it is warmer
Everyone loves a big toy
Or maybe a game to enjoy

Lot’s a puzzles and bear cuddles
Wellington boots for dirty puddles!
And then there is the window display
It’s a piece of art,you can’t turn away!

Imagining love,love of his affection
‘Gone into the sounds of love’-C.K.Williams
‘Love making that is fulfilling’-C.K.Williams
‘Lattice of a song’-C.K.Williams
‘A petal of sympathy’-C.K. Williams

‘Blushed like almond blossom’-Linda,writing class

‘The bliss of growth’-Sanskrit Proverb

‘To thine own self be true’-Shakespeare

With new eyes
The delight of children

‘That is part of the beauty of all literature
You discover that your longings are universal longings,
That you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone.
You belong’-F.Scott Fitzgerald

‘My home is my retreat and resting-place from the wars’-Michel de Montague

‘As long as you live,
Keep learning how to live’-Seneca,BC -65AD

Excited and curly!

‘For purity was wordless,and perfection’-Robert Pen Warren

The magnet years

Laced into night

‘Laced into night’-Octavio Paz

He is a peach in the desert

‘Rhymes with the beat of my heart’-Octavio Paz

‘The sun’s waterfall’-Octavio Paz

The solar sung

The sea sang

Pillars of magic

‘The necklace of songs’-Rabinbranath Tagore

Sun drinker

Walking outside the door

I actually feel like I’m bleeding

I wasn’t invited

Will I ever get the chance of leading?

There’s no sigh of him leaving

There is no kiss,there is no feeling

Save my soul

Break my fall

Your hand could keep me whole

For you my all

Can’t you see I’m loyal

A rose can grow

By a waterfall

The music is playing

Couples swaying

My heart is paining


I travelled the world with the eyes of a girl


I went into space and collected some lace


I found my own cave surviving all the waves


I met the one I love like snowflakes above


Angels all around protect me on the town

‘The orange wheel of heat’-Grace Paley

‘Looking back at beauty’-Grace Paley

‘His fingers are flowers’-Grace Paley

‘An avalanche of time’-Grace Paley


I want to take this in

There’s an ocean of blossom on the ground

Lover’s walking,they are found

Birds are singing,fully gowned

Children are playing and waiting

For the ice cream van to come round

The sun is getting really hot

The paddling pool is filling up

Children are sucking on ice pops

Water fighting,cooling off

I am sat in the café

Wondering will I get brown today?

It’s the weather for a picnic on the park

Or a nice summer walk

A BBQ would be lovely

Clouds disappearing above me

Burgers and chicken kebabs

Looking up,feeling fab

And then there I those evening sunsets

Playing football,back of the net!

You can smell the flowers but you might need

A hayfever tablet!

I wish I was on holiday

A ship deck

A dreamy jet

Jumping into the pool

And getting totally wet!

Running into the sea

Getting my hotel room key

Having a sip of a cocktail

Twirling my umbrella

Looking across the bar for a storyteller

A reign of sugar

A reign of sugar

Listen to mother

Emblems of stars

Look like a heaven of ideas

‘Whatever is not an energy source

Is an energy sink’-Marge Piercy

Glinting and singing

To the lavender sea

A Bavarian cream dream

‘The ebbing circles a rock makes on the water’-Marge Piercy

An angelical blushing morning

The use of time is fate

A true heart and happiness every child may reach

On a charmed wave

‘All the colors out to play’-Lola Ridge

A necessary waist

A social success

A satin sight

There is kindness

I want to be celebrated,not hated

‘Tell me darling tell me true

Am I all the world to you’-Gertrude Stein

The patterned path (Fashion)

‘Like a bird out of our hand,

Like a light out of our heart,you are gone’-H.D

‘Fragrant bays’-H.D

‘Settle on my hand for life’-Marianne Moore

American emotion

Just want a sexual embrace

Here again

I open the fridge

A supper sandwiche,again

A chocolate bar,the biscuit jar,again

A dove flew in

His love flew in

Somewhere in space

There is light and grace

Like embroidery lace

‘Whirl of melody’-Swinburne

‘Harmonious breeze’-Swinburne

A sign of lust

Cup of song

‘I am love’-Swinburne

‘Pure as prayer’-Swinburne

‘Thy body is a song’-Swinburne

Coloured shells

Sweet he is

‘And their kiss contents them’-Swinburne

‘Soft hair of the grass’-Swinburne

‘The song of the secret bird’-Swinburne

‘Heaven and sea together’-Swinburne

‘The mild light of intelligence’-Robert Southey

Thoughts of you echo all the day

What did I do wrong?

They all left me

I was young and alone

Every morning,my alarm clock rung

But I couldn’t describe it,or write it

I still need a song

The sense that I belong

I can hear the church bells gong,

I can see the fish in a pond

How can I say

How can I say I love you

How can I say enough

Let’s find a place together

Let’s go hide in the loft

Tuning into you

Wounded without you

Illumed by your way,everyday

But the Brooks were frozen

The day of his death was a dark cold day

The healing fountain came my way

Change and suffering

All my heart

Dying of bitches

A bag of sweets

Looking up at the mountains peak


You are locked together in a field

So pretty and warming

A haven for bees

You are open to the world

A kaleidoscope of wild flowers

Young and golden-haired

You have hopes of growing like a sweet girl

I would make a necklace with your seeds

Rescue you from venomous weeds

Use your oil in a stone massage

Or buy a Sunflower birthday card

I would like to ask Van Gogh,

What are your thoughts?

You strike my heart like the skies colours

If a butterfly came by and the air was piping high

I wonder if you would watch and cry

When it returned to the sky

I’m thinking it would be a good place to hide

Heads moving from side to side

They are giants that could shield the rain

They are giants that found flora fame!

‘My eyes dined’-Robert Pinsky

‘The inviting lady’-Robert Pinsky


It’s hard to let go

Someone out there will not let me grow

This voice in my head was never a friend I know

It surprises me with a ‘new’ low

Then I think of my childhood

I can feel my heart flood

I feel like I’m in a car stuck in some mud

I need something good to happen

I want to be by the stream

I want to be in your dream

I want to have a real scream

I want to be on your team

Magic beans,I love sun creams

I love holidays and good fitting jeans!

Humility and mercy

A Cornish lullaby

‘Light as a nest’-Don Paterson

‘The Octaves’ band name idea

‘No lovers walk,

No lute music’-Elizabeth Bishop

Beautiful moon-white

As I walk to the cornershop

My lamb,my calf,my eaglet,

My cub,my kid,my nestling’-Paula Meehan

Wild singer

The sun-warmed earth