‘Twinkle,twinkle little star,
Make a wish and take it
far’-Brad Bleckwehl
Whispers in the waves
Whispers in the caves
Are they ghosts of sailors?
Or chatting mermaids?
The strength to nab it
To grab it!
Aimed at you
Love all wrapped up
‘Your warming smile
Your sexy style’-Brad Bleckwehl
I want to be loved and smitten
Dreamt in joy
Their energy continues on
We are creatures of emotion
Up and down like the ocean
I want to be skill divine
Inspiration and Motivation
The Angel’s aura in the mirror
The night club
Sexual vibes fill the night
‘Love is a force.It’s bigger
then borders,more powerful than polititicians and much
Stronger than hate’-Anon
To the one I haven’t met
I know you like a brunette
I know you would make me a
I know you would sing a duet
I know you would make me Juliet
Or maybe you will play hard to
I know you will like my
I know you will get me in a
Or maybe you will get me upset
Will you tell my secrets to the
Spread them on the internet?
Maybe you will take me on a jet
to see the sunset
I know you will dance with me at
the discotheque
I know you will save me when ‘m
a drunken wreck
I know you will be there from
one day to the next
Let us connect Let us respect
I know you will heal the neglect
and protect
Make everything perfect