The secret of poems and steaming casseroles
You broke my dreaming
Sweet as toffee
I’m listening
The shock of you
Dreams and memories
Beautiful scenery
Light it up with wine!
Believing in magic
The whole bottle of pills
The last of the sun?
A smile held forever
A soul commercial
Rain can stop
Crystal notes
Blossoms in the street
When the dream was you
Let’s hide in a cave
Jump over the waves
Let’s find a rockpool
And erotic dreamy jewels
I found a stone in the ocean
I’m gonna paint it when I get home
I’m licking an ice cream cone
With a chocolate flake
It’s a date!
Fishing around the world
Looking for a pearl
Kissing until you find
The right girl
Making her hair curl
Making her dress twirl
Christmas is on its way
All that trouble for one day
But we love to see the children play
In matching jams,a family!
I looked outside the window
Has Santa been and has it snowed?
Did I get my toy or had it been sold?
I look at my sister and we run pass the decorated walls
Why does my heart always get broken?
Why am I holding on to this love token?
Why can I never find my vocal?
Why do I not belong to a local?
I’m not sure that I even want to go global
I just want to sing,
Have friends and be normal
How much longer God?
How much fuckin blood?
Why is God ignoring me?
Merry Carey Christmas!!!
Don’t forget the calendar
Don’t forget your camera!
When someone has died
They are smiling down on you
You wish they would climb down for you
An Angels talking to be She’s in a painting
I want to be free
Help me I feel so sick I need peace
Sunny songs and bon bons