Saturday, 20 March 2021

Watching the children and their magical way

Watching the children and their magical way


To go on holiday

To drink the tranquillity


My garden of faith

A new avatar (idea,concept)


Looking at photos and the past versions of yourself

Remembering how you felt

I will forever remember


‘The peace is in the future not the past’-K.Holnoe

‘Nothing is lost until you give up’-K Holnoe

‘Emotions are powerful,running through our bodies like

Electricity’-K Holnoe

‘Your mind is an endless masterpiece if you

All it to be’-K Holnoe


The soft of being soft and making love


Holiday Advert

A wave of smiles


Foggy and dark roads 

We can win against mental health

It’s not the end of the road

Mental health is not taboo


‘Suffering from anxiety is like

Struggling to swim,when your

Stuck in a rip tide and the storm rolling in’-Harriet Knock


Mental health awareness week

There is a difference between 

Appearance and reality


The world is hard but we are strong


‘Let the sunshine in and let go of the rain’-Harriet Knock


I urge you to fight

The pits of depression



Did you put your mask on?

Did you wash your hands?

Did you follow covid rules?

Do you understand?

Did you stand 6 feet apart?

Did you put some rainbow art in the window?

Did you clap for the NHS?

And didn’t travel too far?

Thank the Lord for Sir Tom,the brightest star


Did you pick a hobbie or go for walks?

Did you contact your family for distant talks?









Serving ice cream


Serving ice cream

A tender smile with lots of sprinkles!


Acorn kids with Autism


To comfort them

Put no pressure on them





Protecting from self-harm


Going for walks and drives




Hear my prayer of love

Please send me someone

Like you sent a dove

I look for you above


Collecting crystals

Walking down a soft forest path


A pillowy softness

Activating my heart


‘The stardust in my eyes and the glitter in my hair’-Gila Nehemia


‘Arousing from reverie’-Gila Nehemia


We rise together

A million kisses

The precious earth


My rock

My freedom

My hope


Trusting my soul defiantly


Clouds like waves undulating in the sky


‘Mental illness is like a cancer of the mind’-David Walker


‘Stood in the shadows’-David Walker


Harvest of goodness

Simple and sweet


The storms we weather


‘Butterflies and teddy bears’-David Walker


I am your baby

'The golden mists are born'


‘The golden mists are born’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


‘The radiant frost’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


‘Two hearts,beating each to each’-Robert Browning


The evening moon

Shines into the bedroom


‘Love is heaven and heaven is love’-Anon


Pretty girl

Purple and pearl


And I weep

Left alone in a storm


‘Each time a woman stands up for herself

She stands up for all women’-Maya Angelou


Calm in your heart

You look at the arts

You look at the children

Licking jam tarts


Weakness and wounds


I love you with everything I am

Please understand

I just want you around

‘You are a psalm of life’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow




‘Real love never fades

It still burns like the sun

Although they are far away

Those memories go on and on’-John P Read


The natural way


I want to find my joy

I want to find my boy


I want to find my voice

I want to make that choice


I want to find my girls

I want to travel the world


I want to have a child

Make it laugh and make it smile


I want to drive a car

Take pictures of the stars


I want to find my dream home

Wake up to blue skies and live on


A perfect sunset

A beautiful concept (idea)


To undress and connect




Will it be sunny?

I’m still eating my ice cream sundae

Tomorrow it might be chocolate honey!


‘The root of your song’-Maya Angelou


To cherish,to admire


Will everything in my head go quiet?

I’m looking up high,high up


Anxiety and dietary blues


Mothers Day


Thankyou for putting the covers over me

Thankyou for all the cuddles and kisses and the stories

Thankyou for always being the first person that I see

For being there when I grazed my knee

And being host at our tea party


Thankyou for showing me how to make jam tarts

For pinning up my works of art

Thankyou for bringing me lot’s to drink

Teaching me to talk,to walk,to think

Thankyou for bringing me lot’s to eat

Warm in the cold

Cool in the heat

And thankyou for fixing my car seat

Putting my socks back on my feet


Thankyou for holding my hand

Building sandcastles in the sand

Thankyou for buying me ice cream

Smiling at me as I day dream


Thankyou for cooking the bacon

Doing all the baking

Sitting at the table to do some crayoning


Thankyou for always picking me up

Helping me when I got stuck

Thankyou for the cookies and milk at night

Kissing me good night


Thankyou for doing the washing

And making my bed

Thankyou for my little ted

Rubbing me when I hit my head


You have always been there

Putting me in my high chair


Thankyou for plasters

When I hurt my hand

Thankyou for taking us to see Nan


Thankyou for playing lot’s of games

For putting the plastic cover over

When it rained

And putting the fireguard up to

Protect me from the flames


Thankyou for singing nursery rhymes

You have given me the happiest times

You have taught me to be kind


When you washed my hair with baby shampoo

Made some bubbles,said I love you

When you made me a birthday cake

Got me an ice cream with a flake!


I remember bananas and angel delight

I remember flying my first kite!

Thankyou Mother,your eyes are so bright

Shall I stand by the wall to measure my height?!


Thankyou for my first bike

Making my shirts crisp white

Thankyou for playing with the play-doh

Watching when I put on a show

Thankyou for all the tickles and kissing me on the middle

You make me twinkle


The sapphire water

 The sapphire water

Moving up and down

I wish you were around


Stand in the light of sunrise

Everyday you are a surprise

I know why I waited

God is all wise


Rare friendship

There to talk everyday

And lift the clouds of grey


‘A smile today,a song tomorrow’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


They Glimmer


Your eyes

The stars

The lights on cars

Disco lights in clubs and bars


They Glimmer


The lights on boats

The sequins on your coat

The way you tell jokes

And sing those notes


The social smile


Feeling accepted

Feeling perfected

Feeling elected


Beside the portal doors

We can talk to family and friends

Right across the shores

Do a virtual indoor class

And work on our core?


Do not break lockdown laws

Wear your masks,give the NHS an applause


The halo of my memory

I want to treat you perfectly

Harmony ,Heartily


Glories of the brain

Stories of fame


‘A smile of such delight

As brilliant and as bright’-John Keats


The way of friendship

I’ll write you a song

The way you welcomed me

And help me belong

The beautiful light

The beautiful mic

The beautiful fight

The beautiful bright


I want to excite you

Be the wind under your kite

Be the moon at twilight


Help her

Shelter her

Be her spice


‘When the music starts’


‘New York eyes’-Nikki Merriman

‘I am my own forever’-Nikki Merriman

‘The war of enough’-Nikki Merriman

‘Sends my heart to the moon’-Nikki Merriman

‘I am worth the truth’-Nikki Merriman


‘Every that I am

Everything I have been

And everything I will be

Begins and ends in your love’-Bible


‘I wish you knew

That you are everything beautiful

About this world’-Nikki Merriman


A divine image


A divine image in a magazine

Do you dream?

Do you scream?

Do you think about that movie scene?

Conquering the balance beam?


Our tender flowers

And heavy showers

I look outside and wait for hours

To sit on top of crystal tower


A passion is in you

One day,you will know what to do

The power of you


‘Sweet evening yellow’-William Wordsworth


‘The cock is crowing

The stream is flowing

The small birds twitter

The Lake doth glitter’-William Wordsworth


In prayer

In despair

I could not heal


‘Thy melodies of woods,and winds and waters’-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

An Angel in the clouds


The pebbly brook

Melody and luck

Will I ever publish my book?


My man must be gentle,brave,generous

Show me a seat on the busy bus

Chat to me,

I’m more than a bust


The crystal calm

The sweet brook


Swift and strong

Stream of song


‘Orange hues of heaven’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


Sunlight of the dawn


‘Truth,Liberty and Love’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


The memory of a dream


‘Love remembers’-Percy Byshhe Shelley


My torch bearer

Ember of December

You looked so hot

I will always remember

When you found my spot


‘Toads,and snakes,and loasthly worms’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


Made calm by love


A baby crying

A child trying

A bird flying


A mothers hug

When a fathers word is enough


The divinest

The finest


In the sky

I see shapes and harmonies

I want to charm you from the trees


The curly white


Heart of quiet

I wish I could diet

Meet a pilot

Go to a hotter climate

Be happy to be silent


'Claw our way into a hope'


‘Claw our way into a hope’-Charly Cox


I swallow,and swallow and swallow

Pills today,

Pills tomorrow


Singing songs out into the blue


I just feel grief



Recovery and acceptance


Pallet of magic


My warm heart waiting


Before it all fades


When you’re been good all day

And then your demons make way

The children have a play

It’s a lovely day


Across the miles

Airplane smiles

The air hostess is running up and down the isles

With perfect hairstyles!

Looking at that sunrise

There’s purple fields

I order a drink and think of the beach

And who I will meet


So many flavours are on my mind

Let’s hope we have the greatest time

Come home with a tan

Singing the same song over and over

And doing the dance


Eyes sparkle,marvel in the waves


The children walked as light as peach petals

As the waves came in and settled

Their faces lit up like lanterns

Walking in the sands perfect patterns


Peach blooms in their eyes

Kites are flying in the sky

A beach ball passing by


I remember mum making us a boat

Blowing up our floats

And getting involved in water sports


Going on 2 mile walks to the ocean

Putting on some sun lotion

Then a bag of Fish and Chips

A cold beer for the adults to finish


Everyday I saw you

The stars, my heart would applaud you

I wanted to tell you

You were my first thought

I would dote on everything you said

From the minute I got out of bed


But you didn’t feel the same

When I looked outside

It always rained


I really want to have a child

To give a thousand kisses

And make them smile

To tickle tummy,to hear them say mummy

Give them toys to play with

Give them biscuits that taste of jam

Chocolate and yogart


Sing nursery rhymes and hold their hands

Especially if they like to climb!


‘The echoing green’-William Blake


My Angel-guarded bed

My Angel-guarded heart


Your prayers are in my head

A beating work of art


You make me feel protected

You make me feel unneglected

You and I are connected


Forever moment


Forever moment

Making a snowman as a child


Mysterious by night

An Owl in flight In starlight


‘So beautiful,so perfect,and so right’-Amy Sue Adams


‘Wave by wave

Touch by touch

Look by look,

Smile by smile’-Amy Sue Adams


My pillows,my blanket I thank God


‘A vehicle for Christ

A vessel for love

A vision for humanity’-Any Sue Adams


The room filled with sensual


I watch you in wonder

Taking your first steps

It was a day in Summer

In a summer dress


The right path

So I can belong


‘My love is in the air’-Sean Haughton

‘A breath of fresh air’-Sean Haughton

‘The pain is in full bloom’-Sean Haughton


‘A human heart with love

Is like a fish without water

And a bird without the sky’-Eniola Olaosebikan


‘The soft songs of the birds’-Eniola Olaosebikan


To that of a dove

To your love


‘A river of optimism flows’-Hunar


Give me a kiss

The lands of amethyst

Find out what makes me tick

Look after me when I’m sick

Help me build my life,

Brick by brick


Going in for adventures

Finding someone strong and tender

Going on a pub bender!


Full of hope and lavender


I wonder about the seasons,the tides,the moon

I wonder

Dreamy little one


You make my heart grow

I want to follow



The monsters and the shadows

Are they under my bed?


‘The moment,the Present,The gift’-Anon


A little love

Do some good



If he ever cheated


‘The gorgeous puzzle of life’-Anon


‘My prayer,my poem,my plea’-Amy Sue Adams


Danced in a dream of a golden morning

The yellow corn

Tastes good in the warm



Freeness love lures life on-‘Thomas Hardy


‘Lust in its golden hour’-Charly Cox


I dont know how to stop crying


I don’t know how to stop crying

I’ve seen that girl you keep eyeing

I’ll be stood here admiring

Like the sun is shining

I can’t help enquiring

Who is she?


Does she have the key?

Does she climb a tree

And sing passionately?

I can set you free

I dream of you kissing me


With wishes for happiness

And no covid stress


A dream is powerful

A dream is hope


My sweet,sweet friend

I will smile until this ends

Red fields,red tears

Poppies come out every year


I carry love just for you

In every verse

I share this sonnet

This is my first


The olive branch and the dove

Every card is signed with love

A little magic from God above


Every morning you wake up

Always beautiful

You are luminal


Smile at me with the rising sun

I know that you are the one I finally won


‘Your love wraps me in peace’-Imran Islam


To see you rise and set


‘I’d see your heart

I’d read your heart

I’d hear your heart

I’d touch your heart

I’d stay in your heart

I’d feel pain of your heart

Can I love you though we’re apart’-Imram Islam

‘You have the sun

Give me a gleam

You have the moon

Give me a beam’-Imran Islam


A boat of joy

A bowl of lemons


The tenderness of a dairyman

Cadburys Milk Tray!


We danced to a little night music

Thanks to cupid


‘The permanent stars are in the sky’-Anon


The energy,the vibe

Please send me good vibes

Please don’t send me knives

Please don’t tell me lies


Waves of bliss on my lips

The undoing of my zip


‘Then I shall shine



Radiate’-Any Sue Adams


Clarity and creation

‘So beautiful,so perfect,and so right’-Amy Sue Adams


‘Wave by wave




Let’s get in a bottle of wine

Do you remembering saying

‘That dress is mine’!

Now,I just want you to smile


‘Ladies celebrating ladies’-Leslie Knope


‘Some people go to priests

I go to poetry’-Virginia Woolfe

My friend is my understander


Valentine and you are not mine

I write you this letter as I pine

Waiting for a happier time

To see two magpies and get my sign

Sitting on the washing line


Please be kind and a little wild

Bring me a peace and be by my side


‘Wanting,waiting,wishing’-Lang Leav


Sure as the sun

Writing for the moon


Romantic,passionate love

To the sky above

To an open bud

The kind that makes you feel good

The smelling of burning wood


Vineyard of bliss

The perfect wine list

I make a wish

Waiting for a kiss


The Message birds

Travelling to Australia

For one cool wave

Gotta be brave

Find some gold in a cave

And a beautiful mermaid


Your arms,your hands

Walking on the sands

Tropical islands


Back at work

Please don’t make it hurt


A picture I love

A pool of tears flowing down the rock

A moment above

My heart is unlocked


Pancake Tuesday

Sugar and lemon or Ice cream heaven?!


When will the shops open?

I need to buy some clothes

I just spend my time,moping,hoping

Covid will come ‘to a close’


It would be great to go for a coffee

My hair is long and mopey!


I miss driving my car

Sitting back and watching the stars

With my sweetheart


I miss that feeling of freedom

Enjoying every season

Taking the top of the car ceiling

And then putting the heaters on when it’s freezing


'You are the ember'


‘You are the ember’-Shah Asad Rizvi


‘You are tender affection

You are titanium strength’-Shah Asad Rizvi


‘You are the path

You are the sign

You are the journey

You are the guide’-Shah Asad Rizvi


A sweet magical lullaby


‘Eyes are like moonbeams

Eyes are celestial and divine’-Shah Asad Rizvi


To be rid of this fear

And wakeup without a tear

I pray God can hear

I pray he’ll makes things clear


Precious time

Precious rhyme

The life of a child

Developing the mind


‘Your faith

Your strength

Your will to live’-J.S.Brown


Feeling like a dead battery inside

I didn’t get the beauty prize

I can’t believe my size

I want to be awake for every sunrise

I want to meet someone that is wise

And listens to my cries



I look through the magazine

It is my dream that we all have higher self-esteem


A sweet undress

I feel so blessed

Thinking of you

I sit here at my computer desk


Last night

The act of completion

Making love

By the fire and its burning wood

On a sheepskin rug


Silent as an Owl

I’ve travelled so many miles

I’ve made so many smiles

Out in the wild

Silent as an Owl


We are a valley of seeds

Looking at George

Surrounded by the light of star

Our little one playing with his car

I keep trying to teach him to say Lisa!

Sing a verse of twinkle,twinkle and Baa Baa!


‘Out of my heart and into your soul’-Skea Meas


Song and show


‘Valentines forever and ever

My sweet heart from now until forever’-Anon


If you’re still go the blues

And it’s all bad news

You can win,you don’t have to lose

You will find your muse



What a bad dream

Thank God we now have a vaccine


Let’s work as a team


Language of love




When I am with you

You make me smile

You give me your hand and help me climb

The stars are aligned

You are sweet and kind


That bird in the garden is a sign

It feels like Once Upon a Time

I am writing you this silly rhyme


Here is a rose for your love

You are a magical dove

Here is a card and a teddy bear

What would you like me to wear?

In this romantic air

Kiss me ,kiss me there


Put your fingers through my hair

Whisper somethings in my ear

'In the depths of my heart'

‘In the depths of my heart’-William Butler Yeats


A spirit beautiful and bright


‘Love comes and touches you’-Carl Sandburg


The elegance of love


By the sounding sea

It will always be


Sat on the sands

Our only plans

Is a dip in the sea

And an ice lolly!


To ride on a wave

Climb into a cave

And sunbathe!


‘To see the peach-bloom

In evening skies’-Coventry Patmore


A life on the waves

The surfing craze


Would your heart pour?

If I didn’t get back my core?

Would your heart pour?

If someone threw me to the floor?

Would your heart pour?


Would your heart pour?

If I was called out to war?


Would your heart pour?

Would your heart pour?

Would you want more?


I’m walking on the beach

Looking for seashells to keep


Flowers at the doorstep

Couldn’t be more perfect

A kiss on the neck


A Himalayan trek

And a honey bed


Life in the hands of the eternal

The unique one


‘A heart ache

An earthquake

It divides the earth into two

I fall in the crack’-Emilia Crusoe

Delightful land


‘The lights of the city

Seen through a moving car

Seemed like fairies dancing

In the night sky’-Emilia Crusoe


‘You are my weakness

And you are my strength

You are my thirst

And you are my quench’-Shah Asad Rivi


Power of expression

The companion

The soulmate


The source of strength

A path of purpose


A life without sparkles

Please lead me out of the darkness

Please be heartful

They won’t be able to top us!


The weight loss journey


The melody of you

Everything you do

Your heart is true

Your eyes,a blue hue

There's Christmas sweets


There’s Christmas sweets,

It’s been four weeks

I need to get up on my feet

I still haven’t used my fit bit

But my eyes are lit


An audience of shining diamonds

My heart is found

That beautiful sound


I am a writer,a fighter

I want to understand

Was this God’s plan?

I want to throw a boomerang


Waves rise and fall


I want to meet him in a library

I want to meet him on a stormy sea

I want to meet him picking strawberries

I want to meet him,passionately

I want to meet him and kiss

To take a risk,hold me sweetly


‘You’re nothing short of my everything’-Ralph Brock


‘Take away love and out earth is a tomb’-Robert Burns


‘Lips to kiss

And mix our souls in mutual bliss’-Anon

‘Sweet hopes and heavenly fire ‘-Anon


‘Much more precious you’-Sir John Harrington


A swan or a dove?


Loyal flames

We have no time for games

We hold hands when it rains


You are a wish of my heart


‘A spirit in my feet’-Percy Bysshe Shelley


‘A wild flower lie’-John Clare


‘My song be like a flower’-Robert Bridges


A secret love

At your service


A wild flower lies at your grave

When I was a child and I cried

You told me to be brave


You held my hand when we crossed the road

I listened to every story you told

You used to take me out for some sweets

Help me put my shoes on my feet

Let me ride in the front seat

‘If you love me only in my dreams

Let me be asleep forever’-Anon


‘Harmony is pure love,for love is a concerto’-Lope devega


‘When melody and moonlight meet’-Elizabeth Acton


‘Come forth,sweet stars’-Sidney Lanier


To be admired


Him alone

Since I was born

All the others make me yawn

I feel warm,I feel at home


‘A touch and we combine’-Anon


My heart and more

An open door

On the dancefloor


O Boy of my dream

Making splashes in the stream

Looking for tadpoles

The water is shining


Holidays of sun and fire

At night we are sitting at a campfire

Love and desire

By day,the eye of the tiger



'Swimming under the moon and stars'


‘Swimming under the moon and stars,

We are one’-Kevin McManus


To look and marvel,sparkle


‘Enchanting’-Susan O’Reily

‘Stars sprinkle

Eyes twinkle

Moonlight shadow

Radiating glow

Magical skies



‘See my flame blaze’-Susan O’Reily


Remembering you

The beginning of spring till late June

I surrended to you

Your flame was burning too

We kept touching

We had something


Rainbow poems


A sign of hope

Throw me a rope

Look for me in a rescue boat


Music is the heartbeat to my life


Every night

Eye bright


Directly into my arms

I love children and a good all yarn



The warm sun on narrow streets

Lots of places to eat and drink


Our quest for outerspace

Or just a special place

Spiritual nutrients of the Bible

Helping us,survival


Music and chatter

A back packer


Until you reach your dream

Follow the diamonds on the stream

Enjoy your ice cream

Under the sun,a gleam


Springtime sky

Again I am eye bright

The daffodils are growing

I’ve dug out my kite,

And my bike!


Lightened by a prayer

Sweet hour of prayer


Honesty and humility



‘Love,help,pray’ –Leah Akinlonu


The Lord,Jesus Christ

We can walk with him humbly



My foundation,my source

The Sunday Roast!


When loving,seeking and finding you

I found the ocean blue


The flowers and the truth




Lockdown locks

Lockdown chocs!


‘Ready to fight those bad habits

Here in the boxing ring

There can only be one champion

And I am here to win’-Leah Akinlonu


'Come forth and feel the sun'

‘Come forth and feel the sun’-William Wordsworth


‘A wakening star’-Tony Mitton


‘Do not stand at my grave and weep

I am not there I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow

I am the diamond glints on snow’-Mary Elizabeth Frye



The brightening air


‘Rhyme to the sky’-A.A.Milne


Over the hill?


I’ll be your angel


‘Back in the playground blues’

‘Well you get it for being Jewish

And you get it for being black

Get it for being chicken

Get it for fighting back

You get it for bring big and fat

Get it for being small

O those who get it and get it

For any dawn thing at all ‘-Adrian Mitchell

‘I want to touch the clouds

I want to sing out loud’-John Agard


‘The daylight dies and darkness grows’-Mary Ann Hoberman


‘Pool of opened eye’-John Hollander

‘The pool of moon’-Vita Sackville-West


‘The moon says:Bless

The stars say:Enjoy the light’-Adrian Mitchell


Tender writing and a place by the ocean


Love You More

‘Do I love you

To the moon and back?

No I love you

More than that

I love you to the desert sands

The mountains,stars

The planets and

I love you to the deepest sea

And deeper still

Through history

Before beyond I love you then

I love you now

I’ll love you when

The Sun’s gone out

The moon’s gone home

And all the stars are fully grown

When I no longer say these words

I’ll give them to the wind,the birds

So that they will still be heard

I love you’-James Carter


‘The whispers of the land’-Kevin McManus


‘The melody of a familiar song’-Kevin McManus


Terrible Isolation


No Weddings,no parties,no funerals

No celebration

We have to go shopping on our own

I think I’ve put on about a stone

I can’t deal with this separation


Some of us are making a transformation

Some of us are using our imagination

Supporting the NHS as a nation

Your tier depends on your location

Is everyone feeling the temptation?


We just need to be patient

Wait out turn for a vaccination


‘The sun casts its colours’-Kevin McManus


‘The moonlight lake’-Kevin McManus