Tuesday, 13 April 2021

We are chasing a beach ball


We are chasing a beachball

Or trying to score a goal

Watching the crayfish crawl

The waves that rise and fall


I want to find an Opal

Meet the mermaids sing solo

Meet the boys that live local

Find a piece of coral

So wonderful


The sand can be too hot

But this is a beauty spot

Floating a paper yacht

Buying a stick of rock


I want to work in a bar

With tips in my jar

Shine like a star


But I live in LaLa

And the road seems too far

I want to work in a shop

But I don’t want to watch the clock

I need to be planted

My flower and my flock!


‘Learning peacefulness’-Sylvia Plath

‘Suddenly I am aware of my heart’-Sylvia Plath

I feel sheer love

When I look at you


Are you living in a fantasy?

Does life treat you magically?


Light up the cave

Take me through the maze


My psychological state


A lot of creativity


The part of the day I see you

The part of the day I dream you


A desire to talk to you

A perfect conversation




‘Depression is a monster

That destroys both heart and soul

It tortures without mercy

And consumes its victims whole’ –Patricia A Fleming


You echo in my dreams

And in the seas





'Your Angelic locks'


‘Your angelic locks’-AJ Byron


The you I worship


Harmony for everyone

Harmony for all


The musical


Fierce and free

I love you deeply

I’ll write you neatly

I’ll write you sweetly


‘Love is the first thing we look for

In our mothers eyes.In the smile

Of a stranger

In the shape of clouds

In a new landscape’-Anon


‘Judgement and love are opposites’-Robert Holden


In love together

In bed forever


‘An extra big prayer’-Robert Holden


My light, my friend


Finding you was like

The first note of a symphony

The beginning for you and me


‘For heaven’s light’-Anon


Fear and fighting

We used to be exciting

We used to be enlightening

We used to be inviting


The flame of you

The name of you

The pain of you


To go out and explore

Open every door


The sand and the rocks

I want to find a beauty spot

I want to find true love

Put down a beach rug


Another Saturday

Life is so far away

I’m walking on a bay

Watching wave after wave


I want to follow you

But I don’t want to trouble you

Kiss and cuddle you

A bubble just for two


Jump in puddles with you

Ride in shuttles with you

Run in the mud and the rain

And get wet through


Do you love me too?

Do you scan the room?

Look at the moon?


Because like you

The stars shine too


I want to swim the ocean naked with you

I want to make love and hide in the dunes

Watching lanterns fill the sky

Sat around a campfire


Childhood holidays


Out in my sunny’s

Dads trying to be funny

This ice cream is yummy!

Filling my tummy!


Climbing a tree


Climbing a tree

Jumping in the sea


In your every stare

A moment of ecstasy


Genuine emotion


Sweet talks

Affection awaits


Tattoos are a story


The adventure

The seduction


Your spirited heart and euphoric mind


‘When you are honest

Half the battle is won

Help me get rid of this evil being

So that on a again

I shall shine like the sun’-Alfred Vassalle


Flowers beautiful and delightful


A friendly door

A friendly pour

A friendly pouring of wine

And being kind


Sexual and daring


Strong,brave and above all filled with love


I’ve eaten too much

And now I feel stuck

I dream of being touched

In a little beach hut


I wish I looked good

With you on a rug

Sitting by the fire

A kiss and fuck


Ive been sleeping too much

I look at the clock

I need to find my rock

Do more exercise and

I might have some luck


Heart shape instead of every fullspot


The prefect outfit

Their faces are lit


The state of New York

A soulmate to talk

To share a moonlit walk


Looking at the stars

And all the lit up cars

Cocktail bars

And dancefloors


No energy

I’m pretending to be okay

No friends to speak of

No children to teach love

I’m weeping everyday


Will I find love?

And will it solve this loneliness?

Will I feel like the best?

Keeping me smile after sex?

Lying on your chest


It is possible to see God anywhere


To echo God’s goodness



Extra eyes and ears


‘Pink euphoria ‘-AJ Byron

'Fly well soar high go free'

‘Fly well

Soar high

Go free’-Danielle Steel


‘Love is life

And life is love

And love is all’-Danielle Steel


United joy in conversation


Let your light shine

Have a glass of wine!


Big dreams in their eyes

That old game of eye spy


Rain Haiku

‘Rain hits my window

Angels tap-dancing softly

A heavenly sound’-David Fox


A meaningful walk

Something new


Dressed up as the truth


‘A world of dew

And within every dewdrop

A world of struggle’-Talia Swinton


Admiring flowers

My heart wild violets


Out of the morning mist

I saw a gown of flowers

An ocean of stars


Let’s tinsel the sea


Lego towers and superpowers


The sun again reigns

Looking out of the windowplane

Lighting up the country lanes

And the crashing waves


‘You are my happiness,you are my all’-Kat Frank


Powerful love


‘A river of light’-Nowick Gray


‘The call of the owl’-Nowick Gray


A keeper

Something deeper


You are in every compartment of my heart

You are a martial art


My breath,my love and wanting you

You taste like honey dew


The social whirl

Back into bliss

My liberation


‘Will be there for you

Yes,even when you forget

Your own inner smile’-Nowick Gray


‘In the warmth and the power of love’-Henry David Thoreau


Love dwells in goodness and truth


Believing and knowing

To be free


Magical truth

The torch of truth


Destiny and memory


In the light of love’s pure gaze

I don’t want to be afraid in your maze


You give me

An ability to love for eternity

You hold my hand for the whole journey

An Angel


‘An Angel who had a bright key’-William Blake


The Great Aphrodite


‘The sweet gifts of dawns sky’-Andre Chenier


I live ‘For all sweet sounds and harmonies’-William Wordsworth


Mental Health Idea ‘The Secret Grief’


‘Thy sweet power’-Susan Evance


You go from flower to flower

With a spell of words


‘Bubbles of the latest wave’-Ralph Waldo Emerson


‘Where daffodil and lily wave’-William Butler Yeats


Breaking seas

We kiss and squeeze

Watching from a lighthouse

‘To glowing love’


Forever filled with your love

The cure of every pain


Physical grace in a Wedding dress


Listening to the music

Listening to the bliss


‘This flame of my being’-Shah Asad Rizvi


The height of the waves

I give God praise

The sun is in a haze


Makes me weep without end

Autistic kids that can’t comprehend


Gleams in your eyes

That big surprise


Swaying in the aroma

When you touch me


A future of devotion

My heart is open


Unspoken thoughts

The presence of love

At the dreamy glare

Your candle will burn longer


My prayers do reach the sky

There is a chorus of light


She’s like a feather like a flower


To kiss

To miss

To bliss


Under your wing


Love survives the roughest seas


Are you my anchor?

Are you my fate?


A sacredness in your touch

I love you very much


All those sweet times

I look at you

With fire lit eyes


The sunshine is dancing


‘Precious,lover Partner,friend’-Anon