Kiss away my weird
Kiss away my fears
Kiss away my tears
'Our singing strength'-Robert Frost
Loving fierce
Spotting deers
I say a prayer
I hope God hears
'A lasting hold'-Robert Frost
Hold my hand tight
Hold it all night
I dont wanna fight
I want to stay in the light
'Gathering leaves'-Robert Frost
He wont let me gather my leaves
The rose,the rose I lay
On your little grave
I wish I had been brave
I wish you could have stayed
Your an Angel now
Sat there on a cloud
You are with God
Thats the comfort I have found
Crisp leaves
Crunching under my feet
The flowers will come out
In just a few weeks!
The butterflies,the big skies
Go all purple
Appreciations bloom
Remembering our skydive
Blowing kisses from the sky
Tinkling melodies
Conquering enemies
Flower of all
Standing so fall
I want to make you feel comfortable
Feel like you can call
Lonely bells and fairy tales
Standing over a wishing well
Casting a spell
Like lovers crying
Like lovers sighing
Like lovers desiring
The love I feel
The letter I seal
Carried on a stream
Holidays as child
A coco cola sunset
Danish pastries
Custard and lit up faces!
On many a walk
I carry a torch for you
Warm and inviting
The sun is brightening
A dolphin sighting
The beach kites flying!
Inspired by wisdom
Traingular prism (Pink Floyd)
'On cloud nine'
'On a wing and a prayer'