Saturday 5 October 2024

A picture of


A picture of

Praying hands’

On my bedroom wall

To God I call

My love,my dear’-Lord Tennyson

In sunshine flames

Up in the stars

There are speeding cars!

Up in the stars

A moment from Mars!

Up in the stars

There are horses and carts!

This is the moment of love

Sat in bed with a coffee mug

Its meaningful,just us

Do not tread on my dreams

Ignore my screams

A warm heartbeat


In your shine

I worship you like a love shrine

They say its a crime

I continue to pine

Take this rhyme as a sign

I want us to last for all time

The stars align when we dine

Life is kind

A classic car design

You help me climb

Free my mind

A violet tide going on for miles

Its our natural communication

Even when we come from different nations

Thankyou for your patience

Your beautiful fragrance

Your heart is so gracious

Like the constellations

Giving me inspiration

Looking for you


I wanna see the tulips of Amsterdam

I wanna go to parties and look all glam

Visit the untouched Vietnam

Possible paths

The heaven of love

Like clotted cream fudge

Going to Devon

Following the warmth

Going down south

Its always cold in the north

Peaks of ice cream

Weeks of applying sun screen

Love shared and proved

I feel soothed

Taking pictures in a photo booth

Excitingly opening the hotel room


Calling my heart

The day we met at Acorns

You were the brave one

A door opened in my heart

A romance was about to start

Thinking and being

Watching the leaves in the wind

The day beginning

The birds singing

Biscuits Jam or chocolatey?!!

When I am eating

I really really know

Kill the body

Kill the soul

Watered or tortured?

Is your relationship keeping you alive?

Or it is something you have to survive?

Exciting words

Looking for purple birds

A relationship to last for years

More or less

My heart requests

Beautiful and moving sex

Dream like

A flowing stream and a bike ride

With flowers on each side

For adoration

For celebration

For sensation

Kylie and Jason!

I woke up today

But you were away

The sweet birds sang

When you rang

My heart just went bang

Daisies kissing our feet

You gave me a rose

It was so sweet

We had to meet

The stages jewel

Shining and bright

I wonder will you pick me out tonight?

Pick the strawberry

Pick a life

Pick where you wannabe

Longing lover

I dont wanna suffer

Without you makes this tougher

Flower of peace,my way,my path

Tell me the truth from pole to pole

I want you to empty your soul

I wanna protect you from the crawl

Purple light of love

In the evening

Sipping wine

Watching the kindling

God,I praise and pray

I landed in a sea of poems

Classic face

Classy place

I cant wait for your embrace

Tulips of Amsterdam

I wanna see the tulips of Amsterdam

I wanna go to parties and look all glam

Visit the untouched Vietnam

Possible paths

The heaven of love

Like clotted cream fudge

Going to Devon

Following the warmth

Going down south

Its always cold in the north

Peaks of ice cream

Weeks of applying sun screen

Love shared and proved

I feel soothed

Taking pictures in a photo booth

Excitingly opening the hotel room


Calling my heart

The day we met at Acorns

You were the brave one

A door opened in my heart

A romance was about to start

Thinking and being

Watching the leaves in the wind

The day beginning

The birds singing

Biscuits Jam or chocolatey?!!

When I am eating

I really really know

Kill the body

Kill the soul

Watered or tortured?

Is your relationship keeping you alive?

Or it is something you have to survive?

Exciting words

Looking for purple birds

A relationship to last for years

More or less

My heart requests

Beautiful and moving sex

Dream like

A flowing stream and a bike ride

With flowers on each side

For adoration

For celebration

For sensation

Kylie and Jason!

A crazy pair


A crazy pair

Your priceless stare

There are more stars than grains of sands in seas

On the road of dreams’-Anon

Dear dreamer

I too am a believer

I too have the fever

A shop cleaner

University ‘Glow of mind’

My heart skips along

I hope nothing is wrong

I hope we stay strong

Im completely hung

Smiles and stories

Taking away my worries

I love going to the cinema

I love it when you kiss me and care


In the spark

Holding hands on the park

Sat in a circle singing to a guitar

I had a dream

We were never apart

Finding a sound

Finding a common ground


Searching for a harbour

An ice cream parlour

A deal with warner

A meeting with James Horner

My own Spa and sauna!

A date in Roma!

I dream of arrival

I dream of survival

Somebody I would die for

Somebody I would fly for

Somebody to try for

Somebody to win the prize for

You are fun and yum

I have to get rid of this tum

Theres no point being dumb

You will find another ‘someone’

The hours

The flowers

Magic touching them

I felt the love


I felt the love

When I met you

I wanted so long

To start anew

Mystery of life

How long is the hike?

Please give me some insight

How to fight the good fight

Dressed in lilac

A different dialect

A romantic pilot

Your touch

One touch would heal me

I wonder do you dream me?


Move to the front of the chorusline

Give your best smile

Sing your nursery rhyme

The confident kind

That moment

That part of the song

When your heart races

Remembering places and faces

And you feel like you belong

Satisfied and smiling

You feel like your flying

The distant memory of crying

Electrical and nice

Loving and kind

A desire to cry

You are ignoring me and I dont know why

Are you willing to try

Or are you gonna let us die?

The smell of Christmas

The smell of pine

A smell of roasting Turkey

I wish you were mine

At a Mountains feet I stand

Wondering what is the plan?

I give you nourishment of a kiss

A kiss that fed my soul and made me live

I really miss you

You are my vision

A slice of eternity


A slice of eternity

That cake is looking at me!

Standing in the bakery

Meat and potato pie and peas!

I believe in ‘Justice and Equality

Peace and harmony’

English class

Romantic chats

When ever you smile

It goes straight to my heart

I dont want us to part

To be a rainbow

Lighting up the world

To be an Angel prayed to

By every boy and girl

To be a songbird

Mother of pearl

Jerks of the job

When you hate your boss

And your at a loss

Praying to the Gods

I hate bullies

I love good deeds

Nana Nostalgia

Turning into Nans street

Thinking about that tin of sweets!

Cooking spagetti,perfectly

Opening the biscuit box

Bella going crazy everytime

Someone knocked!

Dessert was a choc ice

Playing a boardgame

Throwing the dice!

Turning up the hifi

Tinsel in our eyes

Playing football outside

Going on a bike ride

Walking to the local park

Creating a piece of art

Going to the video shop

Chosing a film

Chosing chocolate!

Looking in Nans chester drawers

Sat at her dressing table

Putting powder on our nose

Waiting for the nail polish to settle

My favourite memory of Nan

The way she stroked my head with her hand

I am with you always


I am with you always

A flower,a star,

The ocean waves

The one that stays

The light and the life’-Bible


I had a fall

You gave me your hand

By giving all

My life began

On a Mountain top

I say your name

Looking at the stars

I just cant explain

Like a drop of water in desert land

Kissing you better

I am sending you my lips

Im gonna try and write a hit

I miss us watching netflix

He’s patient and Im ancient


Your gentle voice

Can you hear me?

The kettle boils

Pink Floyd

My faith renew

Increase my faith

What am I doing in this cold,cold place?

I pray for Gods grace

Leyland market sweet stall

Speaking honeycombe!’

That walk to the corner shop

A chocolate bar and a bottle of pop

Or a long ice pop!

To make a difference

From start to finish

Thats why I do carework

To make them smile when they feel like dirt

The shining of your spirit

The sky is the limit

Go to the Works and chose a fidget!

Please give me

Your loyal love

All the joy from above

A gift of appreciation

The colour purple,amazing

Flowers in the garden

Flowers on a cardigan

Different colours of tartan

This is your path to victory

Can you picture you and me?

Watching the waves and sunrise

Love in your eyes