I thought life was disastrous and overwhelming,
Until you
The hardship todaty?
Put it to God and pray
'If it were not for hope,the hear would break'-Thomas Fuller
Happy spirit
Act of kindness
Your courageous
It amazes
Termolous ocean
The driving winds
Love in return
Thats all I want
Real love
Dont put up a front
Does it make you feel alive?
Does if feel like you have survived?
Do a parachute jump!!
Holding my hand on a Mountain
Cups of water at a Fountain
'Hope is a choice of courage'-Anon
'No good thing ever dies'-Stephen King
Better to hope than despair
Smell the wood burning in the air
The flowers too,so fair
Use intuition
You know what is right
Help others,sisters,brothers
Creating hope
The lamp is lit
The natural world
The tide will turn
Karma will affirm
'Hope is sweet-minded and sweet-eyed'-Henry Ward Beecher
Finding new horizons
Are lifes diamonds
Bronte genius