Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Kiss away

Kiss away my weird

Kiss away my fears

Kiss away my tears

'Our singing strength'-Robert Frost

Loving fierce

Spotting deers

I say a prayer

I hope God hears

'A lasting hold'-Robert Frost

Hold my hand tight

Hold it all night

I dont wanna fight

I want to stay in the light

'Gathering leaves'-Robert Frost

He wont let me gather my leaves

The rose,the rose I lay

On your little grave

I wish I had been brave

I wish you could have stayed

Your an Angel now

Sat there on a cloud

You are with God

Thats the comfort I have found

Crisp leaves

Crunching under my feet

The flowers will come out

In just a few weeks!

The butterflies,the big skies

Go all purple

Appreciations bloom

Remembering our skydive

Blowing kisses from the sky

Tinkling melodies

Conquering enemies 

Flower of all

Standing so fall

I want to make you feel comfortable

Feel like you can call


Lonely bells and fairy tales

Standing over a wishing well

Casting a spell

Like lovers crying

Like lovers sighing

Like lovers desiring

The love I feel

The letter I seal

Carried on a stream

Holidays as child

A coco cola sunset

Danish pastries

Custard and lit up faces!

On many a walk

I carry a torch for you

Warm and inviting

The sun is brightening 

A dolphin sighting

The beach kites flying!

Inspired by wisdom

Traingular prism (Pink Floyd)


'On cloud nine'

'On a wing and a prayer'

Bright little rays

Bright little rays

Something special to say

Take the stage

Far far up in the mountains

I feel like your out of reach

I feel helpless and weak

Wondering who else you are gonna meet

Will you survive in the heat?

Will you look after your feet?

Will there be a fountain?

Will you have plenty to drink?

Will you have food and a glowing fire?

Follow the right footprints?


Pools of blue

Any sunset sky

Watching the birds fly

You dont wanna say goodbye

I dream

I dream you would

Turn towards me

Make me feel pretty

Putting my feet on the magic bluebells

A beautiful hope for you

That all your dreams come true

You work so hard

I want you to find your truth

It was

The eyes

The face

The place

The ace

'Out of my heart and into your soul'-Soken Meas

Because its true

Because its you

I want soft kisses

I just want soft kisses

Fantasies and failures

Fashion and the famous

Beautiful dressmakers


I want it all

My goals,my soul

Always behind

'Of all of Gods creation

I love you foremost

Tower of inspiration

And kindness utmost'-Anon

Staying in with sweets

With the fire and the heat

It can be so cold outside

And you cannot hear them speak

We walk together

Quietly like clouds

I found this in a book

'The setting lamp'-Patricia Beer

Houghton Tower

The fire crackles

The Sun and Yew Tree

'The scarlet sun is rolling'-Anon

Holdinng hands and strolling

Will you tell me

The gospel truth?

Will you shout your love from the roof?

Mental Illness

To conjure a brave person out of anxiety

To not listen to society

Understandthe irony

A blessing of rain

In the African terrain

Pink and white

Pink and white

Marshmallow bed

I'm so comfortable

My head on your chest,perfect

Heinz advert idea

Baked beans I start to dream

Two pieces of toast and butter

Its the best feeling

Great Barrier Reef

Australia Boat trip

Little orange clown fish

Your chorus,your choir

We are on fire

We will back you up

Do what you aspire

The simple marble

I wanna hold your hand

Blow a dandelion

I wanna walk in love

Build a house for us

Warm hand

I feel your warm hand

Lets own our own land

By the beach with palm trees and sand

Rise above

Rise above it all

Prayer and love

We can be tall

Break through the wall

The Grand Canyon

A skydive in tandem

Your companion

Your orion

Majestic lion

The marvel and the power of our creator

The love of him above

The symbol of a dove

I look up at the sky above and I know

That God is good,he has to be good

I look at him

A hidden longing deep within

I need to win

I need to sing

A sunny smile 

A walk with style

Going on for miles

The river nile

Lovingly assured

Insecurity cured

Feeling woed

Scripture from the bible

'God is light in him there is no darkness'-I John 1:5

I wanna be 

Wondrous wise

Know when they are telling me lies

Know my enemies and my allies

See it in there eyes

'Be strong and if good courage'-Deuteronomy 31:6

Shining days

Full of praise

When Im feeling brave

The highest waves

'He will make straight your paths'-Proverbs

Discovering you

Discovering you

In a sky of blue

Being alone

Without someone

Looking for sun

Looking for the one

To be cherished long

The Valentines dance

I think we might have chance

Just hold me,show me,romance

I can hear the heavens clap

When we sit down and chat

All these stars are lighting our path,we laugh

I love a red rose

I love waterfalls

I love fore burning coals

I dream of being with you and pressing pause

In a gentle sea

I paddle peacefully

Wishing you were with me

A dash of bravery

Are you saving me?

Do you love me deeply?

Do you wanna keep me?

So he,

Whispered to me in the softest tone

You are my family,my home

Orange bubbles

In the bath

No more troubles

You are my path


Loving every second

Every,every prayer and

Picking up a pen and 

Feel like Im repaired and

Rain against the windows

Rain against the windows

Feeling warm inside

A hot chocolate and some lindo

Maybe something fried!

The Sun

Penetrating the clouds

I love the beach,our cosies and towels

I love the smells and sounds

Am I weird?

The poets strangeness

The poets humaness

The poets greatness

Its a magic web


All that knowledge going in  your head!

All those books to be read

Making friends and playing games

Booking flights and hotels

Like I can forget

A haunted poet

I wanna play the Flower duet,perfect

Cause I adore your more

Across the sea and shore

Devotional work

I believe in love

Whether Im caring,writing or feeling hurt

I believe in kindness

Its beauiful,the highest


Dreaming tinsel

Its symbol,twinkle

But I dont like the superficial

It has the power of a missile

Hear the people whistle

It all just looks so simple

Show your heart

Forgot your marks

True as touch

Speaking in dutch

You have the courage

Your ways,your looks,your guts

Did you search the sky today?

High in the milky way

Did I hear you say?


I told the moon

The listening moon

I need to see him soon

Smell his perfume

See his eyes fill the room



Daffodils in the air floating

Lighter nights doting

'Every atom within our bodies

was created long ago in a star,its true'-Donna Ashworth

Delighting in the ordinary

A basic bacon butty

A nice cup of coffee

Finding someone funny!

Dont you understand?

A great teacher is a watering can

They help you grow with  water and light

Encourage you whether your wrong or right

Reward your effects and insight

Change your life

You are what my heart needed

I pleaded to God

To lift the mist and the fog

My torch bearer

By chance 

I have these hands and the love is still there

By chance

My whole heart understands

By chance

I just watch and stare

By chance

We dream of a dance

Rising like stars,no compare

By chance

We travel sparkly hands

Just like birds

A Bizarre event

Hearing voices,I couldnt pretend

I really needed a friend

I really wanted to play

Go to the park for the day

Go to the beach for a wave

But it rained

I wish I was on three swings


Licking ice cream

Valentine dream

'Romantic,bold and sweet'-Anon

To come out of this fear

To hear a melody clear

To feel like God is near

This is the year

Forever safe

My spirit fed

Listening to the words he said

Watching him sleep in my bed

Stroking his head

My shield my song

You make me fee young

A sense that I belong

I went for a  walk

Touching the trees

I came along

A healing stream

Crossed the pebbles to the other side

Birds above in the sky

Faith and poetry

The breeze in the trees

Watching blue seas

Butterflies resting on the leaves

Teenage years

I miss the touch of the waist

Looking at your face

Your smile and your ways,it stays

Just here

The violet dream

Watching them all on screen

Trying to survive being a teen

Find a team

Crocketts theme

The family tree

Pass that branch to me

Where did I come from?

Looking at ancestry

Digging deep,discovery


Spring that gives birth to birdsong

Spring that gives light to the garden pond

I love the blossom tree

I love the butterflies fluttering around me

And then theres daffodils

Rabbits running up the hill

Watching the little windmills

The colour of the roses

Fills my heart,where my soul is

Sitting on the grass to have a 

picnic on the park,take a walk

Go on the swings,sun shining

Pink in the sky

Pink in the sky

Early morning,God is nearby

Even when I cry

The birdsong lifts me

I decide to fight

'And whilst it is true that life is nor fair

I believe we all get our share'-Donna Ashworth

Sparked a connection

Both of us in the reflection

In your protection

Your full attention

'Hand on your heart to feel that pulse and thats it

Your living'-Donna Ashworth

Plant a precious seed

Make somebody believe

Its all we need

And a good deed

I felt the magic,the intuition

That precious light of your

Will open many doors

I feel it in my pores

Just don't put up those walls

Kaleidoscope souls

A holiday spent in love

A hovering dove

'The trick is to live a life you wont be sad about'-Donna Ashworth

Taking breaks and all

I wanna write it on the wall

I will always be in sync

Pick you up when you fall

I want to know

I want to understand

Why do you have to hurt me in some way?

Why deep down do I feel afraid?

Like Im always waiting for a save

Love making magic

Brownie baking,

Writing creating

Early bird waking

I want a romantic chapter


Lets go with the stars

Burger topped with bacon

An ice cream with a flake on!!

'When loved we are brave

when love is absent,we are afraid'-Donna Ashworth

'So maybe brave brgins,when we begin again,loving what is us'-Donna Ashworth

'Its an act of great courage to paint or write or create anything from the heart'-

Donna Ashworth

'You will grieve versions of yourself you had to break free from'-Donna Ashworth

As your shield

Ill protect you in the field

Have you walk home feeling healed

A softwing,suffering

Loves the clue

Loves the glue

I dream to feel our hands

To hold you inn this dance

In silence

'I believe that love at first sight is simply souls recognising

one another'-Donna Ashworth

Soul health and laughter

I cuddle like a panda

You are my morning mantra

I put you in your crib

With cuddles and soft sounds

Tip toe in to the lounge

But when I hear you

My love has no bounds

Your spirit is my ticket

Dreams and planning


A softer landing

Sky diving in tandem




Cookies and soft cuddles

Mummy and bath bubbles

A glass of milk before bed

Prince charming in my head

Dreaming of being wed