Sunday, 26 August 2012

Warming us

The world is warming us
Turning and turning so we can see the sun

Breasts you would like to nest in!!

New rays
New dreams
New ideas

Friends and loyalty and trustworthiness

Leaves falling making notes on the ground

Wings carrying you
Wings of fame

Love shall live
So be descriptive!!

Fashion day
I want to dress better

I feel like the birds are singing to me
I don't mean that selfishly!!

Pleasures are always yesterday
What about today?

Heaven sent
Sometimes I count my heartbeat

We are constellations set

I have to bounce back

My Flutterby!!!

Do not swallow me
Do not cut me off

Life,joy,strength,having kids

I hate being fat
I feel like a spectacle

Fashion Label name Idea


Cosmography -means
Study of Universe or World


Ghosts with full body white gap around them like halos


A tree with constellationns (tree lights)

The university cell
This room holds me like a prisoner
I pray to JESU who wants to ease you

I want to hear
I will hear
Angells voyce

Grandpas advise?
Weeping is the ease of woe

Life in thine eye?
Are you alive?
Do you dive?

Brave a death?
How many deaths?
Thrown from a window?

Rains from grief
I will write a motif

Mothers arm
Fathers knees
They love thee

Dress the soul
Be spiritual

So rare and fair
My baby

Secret fountain
I love your soft skin
Water illumine

I can hear God chime
It's prayer time


The moon like foil,silvery-white light
The moon like a teaspoon

Don't offer thee gold
I want your love
I want you hold

Dungeons of the earth (Under the stairs)
I imagine I am in a castle keep waiting for a rescue

I dream of finding gold in clay
I dream of finding a cherubim
I dream of a face I have not seen yet

Love and dress
Why can't I get a hold on it?


Winged people of the sky shall sing
Trees will swing to the music

Folly,lust flattery
I will tell the truth in my diary
Imagine that scene with the pottery!!

The truth in a person does appear

Preston Guild (Final draft)

Many Preston Guilds Ago
King Henry 11 put on a show as
White,cream and gold Angels
Stood at the gate
And waited

Union Jack flags hung above the street
For the procession
Waiting for a drumbeat
Children got tarmac on their feet

All,all and all
They hoped for sunshine
Not rainfall
They wondered what would be on the market stall

Shop keepers watched in celebration
Many floats in decoration
Colourful costumes
Carrying banners
They really should have thanked the planners!!

Flying pigeons or pigeons waiting for bread
They were feasting so they thought they should be fed!!

Masked balls,grand dances and fancies
Firework display on the market place
Every firework a smile exploding ace!

Outdoor concerts and plays
Roads turned into walkways
And finally,
The circus and the funfair
They held hands like a pair
Watched and glared

Saying 'Once every Preston Guild' (20 years)

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