Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Pier

The Pier and its daddy long legs!!!
Watching over the side for a killer wave

She deserves no such hurt
Give her magic firelight

Fourteen and cider
Needing a guider


Pass the duck pond at stannings
Woodland birds sing
Wishing I could go fishing with the boys

I dance alone
Don't expect to be caught!!

Wedding radiance
Electrical connection

Sunshine on a grey church
Sunshine on the stain glass windows

'Whipped into peaks'-Barbara Price

The sun encourages the corn

I dream of a love of husband and wife
That lives beyond life

I want a dress like cinders from 'The slipper and the rose'!!

Forever turns
I will always return

My own fault
My own fall

A dream life
I dream us alive


The doubt,the grey grey area in my mind
I must use positive self talk

Sweet sleep
A form of magic
I dream
Let's fall in love

X factor

My love,my dear
You are my musketeer
(A royal bodyguard)

You already know I loved you

For there garden a miniature waterfall
In a cottage in Cornwall


The sound of linen thrown in the air and the smell
The beautiful smell

A flower
A treasure for you

I wanted to know you better
Be romantic in a letter

The note of a heartbeat

There every time
You are sublime
Morally worthy and complete

God is always awakening life

Spring flowers
Summer heat
Autumn leaves
Winter snow feet

Feeling in the pink
(Excellent physical health)

Songsters spiral
Circling the crowd (audience)

Inviting Christmas glow
From people that you love and know

Mutual care and peace

Glissando -sliding movement on keyboard or harp
A thousand times more sweet

Ghosts dream on

'Scarlet riding'!!

Flowers and their silent tunes
The universe and saturns moons

Spill the jewels
The truth

Lovely baby
In my arms
You are like a little lamb
And its mother at the farm

'A giant takes a coin and scratches the sky'
-Rachel Martin,Wigan

Hated image
I must try to love my image

Pretty Lakes
Pretty shapes

Best view
The best view is you
Like a ballerina in her tutu

Imprinted deep and clear
Love hung above us like a chandelier

Compassion and love

Wedding lollipops
A white dress made from snowdrops

Rainbow lays
Put in beautiful position
Thankyou Lord

Whats the weather like in you?

A innocent awaits her prince to convince

Holding hands
Glove in glove for love
Dove with dove for love

Latin for love?

In the cool cool art gallery
I felt your presence

(The ghost of Monet)!!

Love is
Greek tragedies
Latin mysteries

Latin words for I love you?

Turn to me
Gaze at me
Kiss me!!

Semibreves,staves and waves
A archi-save
(most important)

My heart is carried on a breeze
How far I do not know

Those woody,mossy scents
Make me feel content
Sometimes in a tent
Roman candles provide the light

Toffee apples sticking to your teeth
A Christmas wreath!!

Chinese lantern
Made in art class
Smiling at me

A dove made from snowflakes floating gently down

'The sky is full of white horse clouds,galloping towards the moon'
-Frank Tout

When all sounds are blending
And people start friending

New life will sound a note
From my throat

Money is silencing wisdom

Now love,now present

Not yesterday
Not tomorrow
The present love

I remember as a child I used to run
Mudpies,puddles and fun

Blossom trees
Pink trees

A wind of satin,coppery hair

Another thought
If everyone is out tonight
Am I not their sort?

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Jesus scarf'

I love Jesus scarf
Music note scarf
Stomach pains

'Comments' make you fat

September 9/11
Hell until I heard you were safe

I need to change

Life is full of lessens and questions


Childhood memory
Ironing with a toy iron and board!!

Need to glue down a diet

Backing out of jokes
Backing out of keystrokes

Shakespeare road
By the shipload!!

First light
First hope

Nectar,sweet and cool

Ambrosia custard!!

'Poppy red rivers'- Jacqueline Bain

Pool of intellect?
You have my up most respect

Be helpful,thoughtful

Positive self talk
And a shop walk (exercise)

Of natural light
The shinning sword of a knight

Contemplating chocolate!!!
It calls me

Auriculate (ears)!!!

Titanium body!!!
Not just anybody!!!

I want to be in shape
Looking like the perfect landscape!

Love you more than the stars in the sky!!!

Sweep of death
Let me catch my breath

Identity of voice?The Talk?
I had no choice
It was forced upon me
Influencing me,scaring me

I thought you were my joist -(supporting beam)

To be strong when things go wrong
Burst into song,forget the problem

I dream of angel wing gates in front of my house

Use your rum
You open at night

At deep point thinking of you
Every time I go out you are gone

Seven facets
'The face of my gemstone'

Writing music
My heart beats
But I am still silent

A positive ally?
I need you to be a positive ally


Not knowing what to do nocturnal!
Staying up all night

Keyboard sounds

Fight bass
Sweet flute

Sitting at the piano
Is there
(An absence of the heart)?

A piano
Nothing more beautiful

Waves dazzling white with height

'The earth spews fire from her heart' -Arrieil Rutherford

'Under the blue arch of sky'-Margaret Kirkup

Of dreams and might have beens

Undine-female water spirit

Never been the lead


Rotating disco ball in sky

Song called 'I've had an idea'

Taking action
A striker in life?
A mountain
A hiker in life?

'Drops of ocean in her eyes' -Laura Challinor

I make a wish for the suffering to end

Over the wall,I marvel
A wall between us
Something prevented communication

Beauty the world
A cloudy pearl

Xray of Owl
Flying over turquoise seas

Barely functioning

Function pausing at a junction

Down depressed
My heart in arrest
Beating myself up

Eastern airblade
Bullied into silence

Words like flowers
A thousand flowers
You make me feel as tall as a watchtower

Human ans schizophrenic
Hope I am telegenic
(Looking good in television)!!



He cares with words

Fireworks display like hundreds of dresses and skirts in the sky!


Warming near a bonfire burning wood as aspire

The body is a tool for doing work!!!

A fix it biscuit?
Not the solution

Someone overweight
Looks like a full English!!

I cry,I eat
I cry,I eat

Hospitals and westfields appointments
Scales and needles
Looking at bibles
Talking to counsels

Danzig-Fancy pigeon

When people judge
Makes me feel not good enough

The talk
Why wasn't there another way Tom?

I moan

I ask the question everytime
Am I the elephant in the room?

Hardly left the house

Collins rd
Dragging me under with housework
I want to be full of life
I feel alive when I am writing

Where I belong

Takes heart,compassion,sympathy,empathy

Why did I give up the piano?
Did I not play with my heart?

The question is
Am I talented enough,strong and tough?

You reflect the light

Take a challenge
Have an orange

Love Leyland
Holding hands in Leyland

Street light diamonds
Street lamp diamonds

As a child I was
On the street,under the stairs,hiding under the coats
Anxious and disturbed

My quest today

God the choirmaster

Cloud cuckoo land
Up in a cloud forest (tropical high-altitude forest)

I used to think your wings span

London illusion
Am I a London girl?

Tom tears torture

Winstanley college?
Felt like being tied to a tree

A food giant

Soaps and suds
After eating puds!!!

Life be kind
Its all about the writing

What happens overnight?

I never find my core or gel


Not with the world yet

Disappointment and frustration

I can't tell anyone
I would sound bizarre

Pain in my hands
Stops me holding keys and pens

Protect me from a sandstorm

Poem titles

The cupid effect
The chocolate run

Going through weight issues

Glows for night use!!

Trying to be brave
Climb out of this grave

Words and the key

1st time bared ad scared

Heaven heart

Heaven heart
I believe in God


Gems drop  from the sky

I pray that,
That we love

Moral me
I swear I will be

Rule Brittania!!!

God moves the kindly dial (The Clock)

Amaryllis in then shade
Like a bridesmaid

Heaven help me
I'm two miles under the sea

Funny is cool

But death is by dumb

Roses o
Different colours of pastel roses

Not much memory of Lyndhurst
Cloud and verse

'Sweet poppy syrup' -Anon

Aint no good in men
Good is from the pen

'Chariots on the milkyway' -Anon

The spiral galaxy

Ireland a leap away

Angels in the grass
Tickling my feet!!!

Singing for delight
Notes as high as the night

Creamy waves and aftershaves

Is he from the air?
He talked to me forever

For love and life
In pray to recover

Chunky pumpkin!!

I am ill
Cant give out my best

Combating the voices
Gunfire in my head

He feels like
'Spawn of the devil'
-someone who is pure-evil

Stellar capella -bright star

Titanic propeller
Stuck in a cellar


The smell of Yankee candle Vanilla

Eating for punishment
Then the gym for punishment

Even though spar is only down the road
'It's cars and chocolate bars'

Rock bottom
I want love and affection
Love,not confection!!!

He is shallow -of little depth
Playing games

They don't do anything with their lives
I'm not asking for a lively jive

I am in discomfort
I cannot enjoy my evening

What is happening?
It gets harder to get farther

Fate,opportunity has to open a door or I will stay in the dark

Failed again
But I will always say amen

Am I breaking everyone's heart?

Advert Idea for Cadbury Chocolate

'Cad Fab'

Miserable The Talk

You are
And answerable

'Drawing butterflies'
-Being beautiful


I want to shower her with kisses
The little girl of my sis's!!

Pretty polly
I want to meet a pretty prodigy
That is edgy

Effigy -means-carving


I have been buried in a chamber

Will they notice?
I am a lotus-sacred pink water lily
-Sacred white water lily

Brought up on music
The drums.the piano,the guitar!!

'A pea family'

I haven't slept since my first visit to Australia
I am suffering from echolalia

I am now writing for the blue dahlia (Creative writing class)

I wish that I could make up a tune for you
I wish that I could make up a tune or two

I need the pain to end
I have no hope
I need to remember,concentrate
Feel accepted by my mates

Coming out of the doctors
I fell in then road today
Bruised knees
Hurrying to work
They really do hurt!!!

To be the best and fairest

To be the best and fairest
A full true love?

Dancing when no-one else is around

'My heart is like a ball of snow'-Thomas Ravenscroft

Love is a spinning wheel

Love it weel (fate)
(Old spelling of wheel)

God is just
You are my must (compellment)
I have found the treasure map and blown away the dust

Be my own
In this warm or in this storm


Horse of air
The wind in her hair

I want you so much

When you are doing your best
I call it
'All batteries in'-all efforts in

The lord maybe a bird
The lord maybe an owl
Have you heard?!!!


You are my gem and joy
I want to buy you many toys!!
And read to you the gingerbread boy!!

Surviving by writing
And reading and kiting

Love made from plays
They were my best days

Behind the door
A part of the jigsaw

'Smile like a holiday'

Reason from the stars
I look up in the sky we are so small

I can feel myself running away

Going round in fairy circles
I need my life to move on

'I'll climb the frosty mountain,
And there I'll coin the weather
I'll tear the rainbow from the sky
And tie both ends together'- Author?????

A knack of rhyme
I love New York in the springtime
Playing ragtime
Writing maritime

You are my warm midst the frost
I will love you at any cost

Feeling ugly and lost

Foamy ocean

Do you think I have the swagger?
Dagger?(killer instinct)


Daily sounds to battle

Your man?
Arm him for the fight

A butty and a bavarian!!!

My earth lover
Will you help me recover?


A flower is a softer power

They don't care
There's no royal rage

They know how to paint love
I would paint a dove

Rhyming peer
Meeting fellow writers

Excellent heart
Listening is art

I want to 'mix with the skies'
The birds and the stars

A pretty job?
I dream

Dessert,flirt,or a concert!!

Idea for cook book
'Taste and smile'

Hate hurts

Being alone?
Beats all the lies

Christian at her heart
That is how the world did start!!!

A rage to live and be descriptive

Moral his song with good,right,decency

Pencil our spaces
Pencil our faces
Pencil or places

Angel wishing moon
The stars are out!!

Two birds
I love you
I love you too!!

Repeat it in a song
Your like nutella and croissants!!!

At first we were together

'Glare the lamps,them whirl the wheels'-Don Juan

New York buildings like a chart
New York skyline

The highest charting song
The longest charting song

Advert Idea for Nike trainers

Advert Idea for Nike trainers

'Rhythm of the Nike'

Running through the mountain woods
A memory of my childhood

Silent sympathy
Quality sleep


'About the frozen time'
Will you ever be kind'?

Piano strings breathing
Vibes and tribes
Harpsichord secured
Pedal medal
Organ little lamb

Promise of devotion
As strong as the ocean

I burn to meet with thee
I watch far over the sea

Lashes for sashes!!!


'Devotion to something afar'

Can I tell you a story?
Its really not for the glory

The battle and the breeze
A star of peace

'In the light of truth'-W.Wordsworth

Forever youth

The altar,sword,pen
With feeling

God does listen
But I do miss him

Symbols of high romance
Not finance!!!$$$$

Happy tears shed
Newly wed

Hurricane eclipse
Hurricane lamp (storm lantern)

Holy great delight

Eyes a ray eyes like a ray

The Beach

Waves tipped with white
A child flying her kite

Buttys and buns!!!

Love can flee
Dont stop climbing the tree

Lovingly writing you

Heart poem

Aerial hue(colour)
Aerial blue hue

Sunny glimmerings on water
I watched on Preston docks, feeling happy

I wish that I could uneat
I wish I was not weak
Reach that 'peak' of condition

I will learn to count myself lucky
Ignorance of pain
But you cannot ignore the rain

'Notes flowing like a stream'

'Harmonious madness' -P.D.Shelly

Love pined
Everywhere I thought of you

A smile today,a song to-morrow

'While the touch of natures art
Harmonizes heart to heart'
'Love the breath between them' -P.B.Shelly

Big hug for Sophie!
She hugged me like a boat hugs a coastline

A dress that was fashioned in a dream

My delighted spirit would glow
If you chased me in the snow

Playing with similes and identities

Treble soft
Playing the piano treble soft

In sunlight life seems like a warm hand

Yellow curls in the sun
A beaming smile for everyone

I smell your shirt but you are so far

'A deep distress hath humanized my soul'-W.Wordsworth

Dreaming in my sleep
Brimming deep

They are both speaking to me

Flowers,hearts and stars


Sikerly eating sweets and chocolate


The tide more strong
The tide more rapid
Higher waves
Higher love

Thous shalt be wood
And there was wood!!

Relationship war
A long and short straw

Children in need
Planting a seed
The nation has agreed
Each year we must exceed!!

Lovely knights

Lovely knights
Medieval knights
They protect you from attack
On horseback

He watched her bathing in cool streams,then
He watched her bathing in his dreams

I will triumph like a roman victory

Mortal  for your love
I would die to send you my love


Happy harmony
I smile on the balcony
I can hear a euphony
It is your voice
A pleasant sound

'Cruel hand' -Shakespeare
'That you shall die'

'The ice out of thy breast' -W.Aexander,Earl of Sterline

'The ice out of your hair'


The moon is in control
She knows her role
Her eyes look down on us all

Charming sleep

'From my bones coral is made'-Shakespeare

New gov
New love

We will have a 'Ghost moment'
With clay found at a bay
Like Demi and Patrick Sway

A card for kisses
In the office!!
The gentle echo of a love song

Innocent snow like a child


World Wide Wonder

Unexpressed notes

Perfect and full
Full and perfect -Pregnancy

This hell will pass away
And I will convey

Notes it ran
Notes they ran like water

To protect from harms
Show me your palm
Your favourite  psalm

Rules of good actually work!!!

You are prophetic talent

'The sun stretched out all the hills'

Moving leaves of destiny


A romantic dream
A sword,a horse,a shield

'The heart of sound'

'Curious peach' actually written by A.Marvell

A loyal mind,strength of mind

Fashion and the poetry of the dress

Yours words are palm,oak,bay
As strong as trees

Trying to find a house
A cupcake house!!!

KFC Chicken,the best and tenderest!!

He is the tenderest and the loveliest
Happy,happy,happy pair
Breathing in the sweetest air!!!

Harmonious springs
Skinny dipping

The strength and sparkle of life

Deep of air
Deep of life

Thy window be,we both smile


Streetlights of the Lord
Made into a cross
Made into a flower

'The simplest note that swells the gale'
'Two angel forms were seen to glide'

Peace and plenty
Totally contented

Orient light
The local Chinese

Rapture calls when I am with him
(Great happiness)!!

Note of praise
You do amaze
Always Bolognese!!!

Hearts adore a Labrador

The Lord is just and bright
He lets me write

Something catchy

Whats wrong?
Everyone else is out

Planet eyes watch our skies

'Tales and golden histories of heaven and its mysteries' J.Keats

'The winds play no longer and sing in the leaves' W.Cowper

My fire in the clouds
I see you in the crowds


A hundred sacred flames lit in church

Clean washing


A line full of clean washing
Dancing with the bees
The grass and the trees

The smell of essential oils

Beautiful to the eye
You are filmic

At Howarths Music!!!

Twinkle water
Twinkle toes water!!!
Dancing water

Sun and moon brought together

The flesh of fruit
Apple and banana

Hold hard the pram
Hold me into the night (from a child)

Come on fortress!

I blew it-what?
My future
Keep thinking about those readings


Decembers coming around
We are all going to town

Does experience make you happy?

The mist of the River Ribble
I embrace the ribble
Walking by the docks

Feeling uncomfortable

Today is for you
Happy birthday to you!!!

With burning ember
I will surrender

In my dreams
In my dreams you save me

A rose that does not die
That does not say goodbye

Why do they have say?
Why do I always have to beg and pray?

I find it really hard,living
Withering away
Petals scattered everywhere

I dreamed

You put my hair behind my ear
So close and near


Call around
In want to hear your steps on the ground

I needed to say what I felt
But I was utterly wordless
So now I write

Thought I was special being a writer
Being quieter
But there are other writers too!!!

To be brave
To be a hero
Waiting  for 'The Time'
Carrying a backpack of problems on the climb

Too hurt for a love song?
Too hurt to belong?

American cheerleaders



Has he got a big lens?

I need to heal
I am crying in the bathroom

Mask party

I can see you through my mask
My heart is beating kind of fast!!

Reading body language in films

Album title idea 'By elves'

Im rhyme
Be my time!!!

Madonna soul

Don't go away
Don't throwaway
Don't go away

How r u inside?

I have silent panic attacks like a thousand spirits in my head

Your love blooms
Beauty like a baby booty

They are turning into bees

Am I stronger than a flower?
Are you stronger than an hour?

Summer brave
Dancing in the waves
Staying up all night at a rave

A sum of good when we are together

'Her eyes are sapphires set in snow'
'Yet soft in touch and sweet in view'

I chose you

Love of the dam
Building a dam
But the water finds a way to come through

The way you write your name
The way you light a flame
The way you look in my frame

Lovely knights
Medieval knights

Focused on

Focused on my fat because of those cats

I have to be a good girl in church!!!

Abuse ignored is the worst kind of abuse

Problem?Extra chocolate?
Snuggled under a coverlet?(bedcover)

Enormously hungry

The Talk
Devastated as I waited

The language of chocolate
The language of cake
I am awake!!!

My 30th Birthday?
30 candles like 30 darts

Tender special art
Tender special lets not part

The Beach
Caves,waves and saves

November 5th Bonfire night

Treacle toffee people
Fireworks exploding in the sky next to the church steeple!!

Will you just give me my life?
I need your love o rife

Not trained for anything
Just a love of wording

Good friends with the cross trainer
Good friends with the gym
Will I attract him?

Spiced lime
Spiced time

Eye Act music
Reaching service users
'Something dreamy'

Not good for my waist
Or my fat face
One big suffering mess

Cedar rose

Angel retailer

Angel bar worker

I have found
God is around
In a sound or shooting up from the ground

So playground
So dumb and unfound

They are giving up
Building lifes Indian hut

Dream catcher

To smile when I hear myself sing
To remember and pray for music

I pull a feather from my pillow
And watch it fly

Child writing
Moon writing

I dont know how to talk any longer
It's all too much

I would love to write a short story
Con amore:Tenderly

Let me have my moment

Life with schizophrenia
Its all unexplained


Feels like a bleed

Suffered in mind and body
Where is my soul?

Be grateful
Not hateful

Chocolate Avert Idea

'The Lindt ingredient'

A gymo
-Gym member

I need a strong mind

Why am I alone?

Conker time!!

Feel empty

Lambcashire hot pot!!!

A huge fight
For the huge light

Devil of a day
Getting in a gangs way

Bright and sparkly!!!

The thought of chocolate
The thought of coke
Gets me up in the morning
Feeling like suicide


If they nag
It nags
And you eat


If they nag
It nags
And you sleep

I like gym people

Nothing is in place
I need a showcase

He's a wreck
Destroyed and he did his best to avoid

Bubbly and excited
Going to Man United!!!