Saturday, 15 December 2012

Lovely knights

Lovely knights
Medieval knights
They protect you from attack
On horseback

He watched her bathing in cool streams,then
He watched her bathing in his dreams

I will triumph like a roman victory

Mortal  for your love
I would die to send you my love


Happy harmony
I smile on the balcony
I can hear a euphony
It is your voice
A pleasant sound

'Cruel hand' -Shakespeare
'That you shall die'

'The ice out of thy breast' -W.Aexander,Earl of Sterline

'The ice out of your hair'


The moon is in control
She knows her role
Her eyes look down on us all

Charming sleep

'From my bones coral is made'-Shakespeare

New gov
New love

We will have a 'Ghost moment'
With clay found at a bay
Like Demi and Patrick Sway

A card for kisses
In the office!!
The gentle echo of a love song

Innocent snow like a child


World Wide Wonder

Unexpressed notes

Perfect and full
Full and perfect -Pregnancy

This hell will pass away
And I will convey

Notes it ran
Notes they ran like water

To protect from harms
Show me your palm
Your favourite  psalm

Rules of good actually work!!!

You are prophetic talent

'The sun stretched out all the hills'

Moving leaves of destiny


A romantic dream
A sword,a horse,a shield

'The heart of sound'

'Curious peach' actually written by A.Marvell

A loyal mind,strength of mind

Fashion and the poetry of the dress

Yours words are palm,oak,bay
As strong as trees

Trying to find a house
A cupcake house!!!

KFC Chicken,the best and tenderest!!

He is the tenderest and the loveliest
Happy,happy,happy pair
Breathing in the sweetest air!!!

Harmonious springs
Skinny dipping

The strength and sparkle of life

Deep of air
Deep of life

Thy window be,we both smile


Streetlights of the Lord
Made into a cross
Made into a flower

'The simplest note that swells the gale'
'Two angel forms were seen to glide'

Peace and plenty
Totally contented

Orient light
The local Chinese

Rapture calls when I am with him
(Great happiness)!!

Note of praise
You do amaze
Always Bolognese!!!

Hearts adore a Labrador

The Lord is just and bright
He lets me write

Something catchy

Whats wrong?
Everyone else is out

Planet eyes watch our skies

'Tales and golden histories of heaven and its mysteries' J.Keats

'The winds play no longer and sing in the leaves' W.Cowper

My fire in the clouds
I see you in the crowds


A hundred sacred flames lit in church

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