'Your eyes smile peace'-
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
You are my smiling dream
The image of my dreams
'A halo of delight'-
Philip James Bailey
'An image of some bright eternity'-
Percy Bysshe Shelley
But dreams of love I am singing
Forever shines and glows
And you just know
You are my conquest
You will be my victory
'A shape designed for love and play'-Arhra Behn
'The pensive dove doth all alone
The absence of her love and loving mate'-
Anne Bradshaw
See her eyes
Feel her heart
Endless battle
Numbers on the scales
Number on the clock
Uncounted candles
Everything that's lovely is...
'The pleasures of tender love'-Charles 11
'Love's fond fire'-Elizabeth Wilmot
'The coral of his lip,the rose'-
John Lyly
On the green-jealous
'Little snow-white feet
Her snow-white hand
'Look in thy heart and write'-
Sir Philip Sidney
Do not let your love and its beauty go
'Up on your lips the scarlet drops are found'
-Micheal Drayton
'Thy face is heaven and torture in thy mind'
-Thomas Campion
Bodies glorified in teenage magazines
'White desires'-wanting to get married
A larger destiny?
The roaring flame
The beating rain
'Its cheerful buds their op'ning bloom disclose'
-Matthew Prior
So is he mine?
I have to say goodbye
'Twas but a dream of thee'-John Donne
Howarth's Music
'We come to touch
The triumph of love'
Every feature
'I will enjoy thee with a kiss-
Sir Charles Sedley
Heat and hotness!!!
Recovered greenness?
(Dealing with jealousy)
Mental pressure
To cry for years
Mix good wine and chat
Breast to nest!!!
'My feet are on the flowers'-
Alice Meyne
'Meadow grace'-William Drummond
'Love's spirit in a flower'-Henry King
A secret beach path
You are my secret beach path
'Eyes exchanging warmth'-
Edward Robert Bulwer
'Flowers in the mind'-
William Soutar
He is the flower of my mind
Now and olden time
Constance Enslow
'The same delight
The same true mind'-
Harold Monro
'But by my heart of love laid bare to you'-
Christina Rossetti
'Never spoke of this thing
But hearing his name by chance
A light would pass over her face'-
Sara Teasdale
Driving to the beach in the car
Jumping in the salted sea
My love is onesided
Courage of the heart
Imposed boundaries
Fading to grey
One hell day and one fucking hell day
Rats Whips
Explosions of alcohol
Looking for signs of personality on the ward
I don't belong here
I want to go home
Less fedley more medley!!!
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