Christmas day is now chocolate day!!!
Staring at chocolate on the tree!!
Pinching chocolate off the tree!!
Unwrapping a box of chocolate!!
Dipping into a tin of chocolate!!
Am I obsessed?!!!
Baring it
Sharing it (writing)
Praying on it
When we meet
We are sitting on a love seat
Driving in a main street
Playing our song on repeat
With a common beat
Drinking our whisky neat
Plaintive robin song
Glitter on Christmas cards!!
Room for smiles
At set of the sun
I will ever do for you
See you
Hear you
Feel you
Taste you
Love you
Local heart
A local Leyland heart
Starlit Stonehenge
We must arrange Stonehenge
I have special admiration
Rhythmic tide
I look at the sky
Italian classics
Golden Marguerita
Golden Spag Bol
Should have been painting colours of different fish
In think of my days in Standish
I love to be smug and warm
Listening to a thunderstorm!!
Opalized haloed view
Visiting the Barrier Reef
A little flower
Bed time hour
Quietly sweetly watching the telly!!
The sea beats
A new note in the morning
Loyally love me
Rainbow bright
'With happy glance the glorious sky'-Bronte
Mysterious tragic pair
A real love rhyme
Manhattans 'Upper air'!!!
Sparkling eyes
Childhood memory
Rhythmic swing (in the back garden)
And blackberrying
Ancient fashioning
Fashion on a ration
Poetry of places and faces
Love and fire
Worth fighting for
Uniting for
'We wove a web in childhood,
A web of sunny air,
We dug a spring in fancy
Of water pure and fair'-Bronte
Fire my heart
Fickle in desire
Tender hours
A living flower
Dews of bliss and your kiss
I remember
Bleeding freshly wound
I am drifting
Wounded and drifting
'And what is harmony,but mutual love'?-Lord Rochester
'She found a pulse in every part
And love in every vein'-Lord Rochester
The miniature of man and immorality
'In my dear self I centre everything'-Lord Rochester
'To my endless flame'-Lord Rochester
Spare my heart
Love admiring
I am not a book that is expiring
Fixed stars and constellations
Like a group of people making a picture
Reading kindle such a fire
Full of sporting waves
'My love thou art my way,my life,my light'-Lord Rochester
Life and fire
The young spark
Luscious swirls!!(Boobs)!!!
Depression or a music session
'Christmas in the skies'-John Clare
'With the merry band'-John Clare
'Like a carpet the green meadow lies
The trickling brook veins sparkling to the sun'-John Clare
The halo that you give
May it always outlive
Poplar pointing to the sky
A bird in a glossy coat
Will it sing my note?
Send a message to my dreamboat?
The world wearing a cotton gown
Sung of Phoebe all the day
'Please bless such genius with a gentle heart'-John Clare
Headly David Howarth
Head of Howarth's Music
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