The energy to keep living
Stop feeling like your plaything
You turned my head
Filled up my head
Like a book I read
Not so romantically dead
You lighted my heart
Like a strawberry tart
Held my hand on a travelling cart
Broken by life
By the order of the stars
Young men sweating in the gym!!!
A sky so clear the stars
Anxious and afraid
No memory
I feel unsafe
The craft of song writing and back lighting
Mist and rain
Someone has been slain
Scenery, Greenery
The trees look teary
Tomato soup
A warm kiss
Petal from a wild rose
Taking off her night clothes
'The sultry sun'-John Clare
'To sit in sunshine calm and sweet'-Thomas Moore
Now is magical
'Epic' bar
'God will direct me,
God will correct me,
God will protect me,
God will accept me'-John Stuart
Workings of a emblem
A cry of dew like drops of you
Man of today and tres (french)
'As precious as gold to my infant eyes'-Thomas Traherne
The curved beach
Three-pointed star and the campfire
And the twin flower
Clothes hung in a golden galaxy
Clothes hung on stars in sky
The black shapes of boats bobbing up and down
Like notes on a stave in a musical
'Rebounding hail'-Karma,fate
Web or mobile?
When love met courage
I thought you were a good guy
'Moon bathing'-Adrian Henn
Famous people
Embracers of the sun and dove
'A crispian'!!!-someone that likes crisps!!
Took my intuition,answers
Does bargs mean carbs?
The plan?
To work harder and smarter
'That lamp of the possible'-Sylvia Plath
I want to be a traveled prawn
'Regarding me with attention
The moon's concern is more personal
She passes and repasses,luminous as a nurse'-Sylvia Plath
The best vision and beauty
Bossed and forced into eating
An angel in trouble
Weight hate
Marriage dove
Pennies that shine and whirl
Pink and perfect
'The night lights are flat red moons'-Sylvia Plath
'What blue,moony ray ices their dreams?'-Sylvia Plath
'My pretty red heart in two'-Sylvia Plath
'A ring of gold with the sun in it'-Sylvia Plath
'Hos room with big roses,
I have painted little hearts on everything'-Sylvia Plath
Star of dew landing in front of you
The old story
A new start
Moonlight pearl
All the pearls got together
Bonbon sin
Eating sweets or unhealthy food
Archipelago-island-a group or chain of islands
Scarlet heels
Scarlet wounds
'Figured in the midnight sky,a mosaic of stars'-Sylvia Plath
'Yet individual planets direct all zodiac
Yet astronomic fountains exit from the heart'-Sylvia Plath
'Red the unraveled rose sings in your hair'-Sylvia Plath
'The moon seems smooth as angel-food'-Sylvia Plath
A radiant kaleidoscopic photograph
The real sky
I don't want to be a schizophrenic
'Now you,my intellectual leprechaun,
Would have me swallow the entire sun like an
Enormous oyster'-Sylvia Plath
'God has gone and hidden all the bright angelic men'-Sylvia Plath
A memory tree
Will my memory return?
Or will it be buried in the fern?
The waist way
A train loaded with chocolate?
Cream egg advert idea
'Committed a creme'!!
Curves of music
Curves of a double bass
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