Tuesday, 19 August 2014

When she

‘When she whose love is even my air of life’-A.Mary.F.Robinson
He had piano flying hands

Your voice and warmth is paradise

‘The large moon’s purity’-Ernest Myers


Velvet soft on my hands
Velvet chocolate soft in my mouth

‘A meadow bright with gold’-George Augustus Simcox

‘Beauty still walketh on the earth and air
Mong branches green still ring-doves coo and pair’-Alexander Smith

Jealhead-someone jealous

Spontaneous flow of fondness

Every movie should have a golden ending

Harmony of hope

I stood at the gates of the water gems

To live victoriously
How do I change my life?
And it’s knife?

‘Like a swan from paradise-’John Addington

Orchard food
Flower food

Open sky?
A drive by the sea

This makes me think of the lottery

‘Our wishes glowed in the air’-John Tod Hunter

Soundskills in Brookfield
Dreaming brooks

Glittering like a brook

British musical ears

The romance of the gondolier
The bravery of a charioteer

This makes me think of Venice

‘The voices from the lantern’d gondolas ‘-Theodore Watts

‘What thrill of earth and heaven-
Most wild,most sweet
‘Where.faraway,the skies and mountains meet’-Theodore Watts

My love went down the pearly stream
I had to say goodbye

I dream of walking through a high lavender field
Bloom bliss as I put my head on the pillow

‘Was the fairest of the girls,
She had heaven I her face,
And sun in her curls’-Ben Brierley

Beauty rare thou art

‘Bare’s her bosom to the moon’-William Wordsworth

The wind sings like a chorus to make the melody flow
Like golden winged seraphs

‘The waist that is charming’
‘The movement that is warmin’-Samuel Bamford

My man would have
An open heart and tongue!

‘She’d a soul in her eyes,
And their brightness is gone
To its home in the skies’-Ben Brierley

A soft angel with soft hair

‘Thoughts into musical fire’-Thomas Brierley

Lips in tune
Make your fortune

Your patience and attention please!!!

‘The frail grass mutters to the flower’-Charles Swan

‘Buttercups bloomed at her feet’-Henry Nutter

Need quiet to move forward
Need to be trouble free

Blossom the way,lead the way!

Wordsworth and Coleridge

I am in need of a laugh some tale
And I am all alone but I feel stupid going out alone

I am always waking up
I pray for gentle sleep from heaven

‘The Quests are met,the feast is set
May’st hear the merry din’

O my sweet man
Let’s runaway in a minivan!

I am in lowliness of heart
Without you

Delicious notes
Delicious music

A blessing in the air
The church choir

Come and feel the sun

‘So this song should make all nature lovelier’
‘The image of a poets heart’

To go wild alone
To travel alone

Memory is a friend
I do not have many friends

As if by magic cured
Genuinely pured


Spirit of the Mountain
Walking thro the snow

A vision of trees
Gathering strawberries

Children looking at fairy water

Children are like fairy’s
Small and magic

The devil has a hold on me
How do I break free?

Speaking as chords and travelling abroad

Speaking as art and painting a picnic on the beach or the park

‘Your eyelids flutter which says we are for each other’-E.E.Cummings

‘Bound to each other like mountaineers coming down
From a mountain,silent and glistening’-Sharon Olds

I want to find sweet work

The sound of the running bath
 I can smell it now!

‘I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker’-T.S.Eliot

As I desire to be





‘All kinds of loveliness and truth’-Edward Thomas
‘Delicate boxes of kleenez calling crybaby’-Anne Sexton

Sad or creative?
I feel so lonely

Sophie gentle and mild
A thoughtful child

Dreamily I look for
‘Cloudy symbols of high romance’-John Keats


We fell beautifully and suddenly

‘She is all harmony’-Anne Sexton

He is all harmony

‘Zummer het’-William Barnes

You took my time when I needed to climb

‘Fat and Flabby’?


‘Fat and Fab’?

I feel like a mammoth Howarth

Script at midnight
We are sat at the computer



Roast chicken and fresh bread!!

Make me part of song

‘Rain would cling like tiny crystal worlds’-Leonard Cohen

A perfect faith and loving face

Watch the rainbows
Blue sky notes

A broken heart,
Is it karma drama?

My weight problems are escalating

It’s like

I’m holding on in fear

I can’t put the past together
I can’t put the present together
How do I put the future together?

I want to shape myself
I want to re-create myself

‘A star above like mother’s love’-Michael Leunig

‘To raise smiles from tears’-Jennifer Cowburn

‘His smile was in full bloom’-Jennifer Cowburn

‘I’m looking for life’s precious little golden thread’-Michael Leunig

‘A city on a carpet of rose petals’-Michael Leunig

‘Shape your body’

The moonlight and the mist
We could share a kiss!

If this will teach me how to write
If this will teach me there is light

Is it worth it?

Is this a blessing of a lesson?
Is this treason or a reason?

I make myself sick
It’s like I’m being hit

Or some horrible trick
I want to be heroic

Those lambs are beautiful

Your heart is bright
I can see it

Peach perfect

You frighten
I brighten

Weather beaten

Sick of your cheating
Sick of your mistreating

A bar of music
Hand written

Am I floating in outer space?
Can no-one help me?

A survival of my rival

Let’s watch the ocean everyday day!

Thinking of moving out
But will the voices go too loud?

A heaven home?
How many steps?

Cuddles with Sophie and baby John

Rays that help you carry on

Fat,afraid and forgotten

I am adoring the drawing

Clouds bursting in the sky
Then,he passed by
That Leyland look in his eye

The brilliant light
A diamond shining over

As a teen all you do is look and examine
You do not see your own beauty
Your own brilliance

They lefted me surviving on one flag of pavement

Too many cakes to be on stage?

I shed a tear
I would love you near

‘Love me near’

A world in lust


You know,
When I carried that drum in the school hall
I really thought that in the future
I would go to my prom and that I wouldn’t have a tum

One drop of rain becomes a diamond

Music in my blood
I want to sing like a bud 

Music in my blood
I want to coo like a dove

A kool moon tune!!!

‘Scorn not the sonnet’-William Wordsworth

‘The soft invisible dew in each one’s eyes’-William Allingham

Am I an ocean giant?

A sky constellation song
Will we live for long?

A star’s travelling light
Will you be my knight?

Wonder and love
Standing under a rainbow

Music of my nature

I see love

All the flowers sang together
They were like a family choir

‘The stars and sunbeams know’-Matthew Arnold

The child rose to snowflakes like coconut on cakes

I live on visionary wings of love with you

‘Almond eyed’-Edmund W.Gosse
(Being in love)

To think and fink!!!

‘Beauty is true and truth is beautiful’-John Hogben

The red moon like a flame
Toasted with champagne

Ambitious love
Being with someone hotter than you

Day of Hope

Day of Hope

The sun rises and it’s a day of hope
Colours fill the sky
Like a kaleidoscope

One day something good might happen
Do not diminish my spirits

I’m going to write a song
Right a wrong
Cause in tears I phoned
Didn’t want to be alone

You were so far
But bright as a freckle on my arm
I wanted to jump over the pond
And belong to you

The Freckle Sky

The Star Freckle


If I was a shooting star
Maybe I could reach you

Taste a peach with you
Taste life with you

If I could choose a star
I would be blind to your flaws

Lets walk to the shop for penny sweets
Like we used to!!

Spark of Attraction
Looking in new show homes

How do I live?

Is this the voice of fate?
Clouds are passing in the air
And I look down at my weight

It’s like

The water is rising and I am
Stuck in a cave

‘Enjoy’ healthy life!

I feel like I have nothing
I feel like your plaything

It feels like I’m losing
It feels like your using

Those gloves do not fit anymore

This is not it

One drop of water can drown an ant
And I feel like I am drowning

It’s like

I’m holding on to something in a hurricane

The sun is a special light
The moon makes a special night

Did a star come to earth?
To help with Jesus’ birth?

I need an ending
To this hell I am in

Don’t stand in the way of heart

Misfits on benefits

I hate the size of my arms
I hate the size of my legs
I am waiting for his charms
But why would he take me to bed?


I hate those who hit
I hate those who split
I hate those that treat you like shit!

I would love a poet

Love and emotion
Turns into devotion

What is my desired sound?

I need a distinctive rhythm

I don’t want to write a deadly melody

Re-binged and unhinged
(Unbalanced and disturbed)

Unhook me from this hell

Summer holidays

Hoping to catch some rays
Or going to the pub for a ice cream sundae!

Summer holidays

A glass of chardonnay
Listening to reggae


Sick to the point of vomiting
Sick with anxiety

I am spiritually and emotionally distressed
I do not want to watch telly

Sick of rude people
And their rumours
Calling me psycho
They say I have no contact
With reality

Sick of worrying about the future
Wondering, will I have enough money?

I feel like a sick field
Unable to produce crop

I need whispers of romance
I need whispers of interest
I need these voices to stop

Psycho means-

An offensive term for behaving in an
Uncontrolled and unpredictable way

Can you be ‘secretly’ psycho?

Always be there
Let’s be together
Even in imperfect

How many times?
I rhyme but food I do not decline!
An arguing stomach

‘The poem you have written,give it to the wind’-Leonard Cohen

‘The bed is smooth as a wafer of sunlight’-Leonard Cohen

‘O what a blaze of love our bodies press’-Leonard Cohen

‘Weather of a halo’-Leonard Cohen