Tuesday, 19 August 2014

When she

‘When she whose love is even my air of life’-A.Mary.F.Robinson
He had piano flying hands

Your voice and warmth is paradise

‘The large moon’s purity’-Ernest Myers


Velvet soft on my hands
Velvet chocolate soft in my mouth

‘A meadow bright with gold’-George Augustus Simcox

‘Beauty still walketh on the earth and air
Mong branches green still ring-doves coo and pair’-Alexander Smith

Jealhead-someone jealous

Spontaneous flow of fondness

Every movie should have a golden ending

Harmony of hope

I stood at the gates of the water gems

To live victoriously
How do I change my life?
And it’s knife?

‘Like a swan from paradise-’John Addington

Orchard food
Flower food

Open sky?
A drive by the sea

This makes me think of the lottery

‘Our wishes glowed in the air’-John Tod Hunter

Soundskills in Brookfield
Dreaming brooks

Glittering like a brook

British musical ears

The romance of the gondolier
The bravery of a charioteer

This makes me think of Venice

‘The voices from the lantern’d gondolas ‘-Theodore Watts

‘What thrill of earth and heaven-
Most wild,most sweet
‘Where.faraway,the skies and mountains meet’-Theodore Watts

My love went down the pearly stream
I had to say goodbye

I dream of walking through a high lavender field
Bloom bliss as I put my head on the pillow

‘Was the fairest of the girls,
She had heaven I her face,
And sun in her curls’-Ben Brierley

Beauty rare thou art

‘Bare’s her bosom to the moon’-William Wordsworth

The wind sings like a chorus to make the melody flow
Like golden winged seraphs

‘The waist that is charming’
‘The movement that is warmin’-Samuel Bamford

My man would have
An open heart and tongue!

‘She’d a soul in her eyes,
And their brightness is gone
To its home in the skies’-Ben Brierley

A soft angel with soft hair

‘Thoughts into musical fire’-Thomas Brierley

Lips in tune
Make your fortune

Your patience and attention please!!!

‘The frail grass mutters to the flower’-Charles Swan

‘Buttercups bloomed at her feet’-Henry Nutter

Need quiet to move forward
Need to be trouble free

Blossom the way,lead the way!

Wordsworth and Coleridge

I am in need of a laugh some tale
And I am all alone but I feel stupid going out alone

I am always waking up
I pray for gentle sleep from heaven

‘The Quests are met,the feast is set
May’st hear the merry din’

O my sweet man
Let’s runaway in a minivan!

I am in lowliness of heart
Without you

Delicious notes
Delicious music

A blessing in the air
The church choir

Come and feel the sun

‘So this song should make all nature lovelier’
‘The image of a poets heart’

To go wild alone
To travel alone

Memory is a friend
I do not have many friends

As if by magic cured
Genuinely pured


Spirit of the Mountain
Walking thro the snow

A vision of trees
Gathering strawberries

Children looking at fairy water

Children are like fairy’s
Small and magic

The devil has a hold on me
How do I break free?

Speaking as chords and travelling abroad

Speaking as art and painting a picnic on the beach or the park

‘Your eyelids flutter which says we are for each other’-E.E.Cummings

‘Bound to each other like mountaineers coming down
From a mountain,silent and glistening’-Sharon Olds

I want to find sweet work

The sound of the running bath
 I can smell it now!

‘I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker’-T.S.Eliot

As I desire to be





‘All kinds of loveliness and truth’-Edward Thomas
‘Delicate boxes of kleenez calling crybaby’-Anne Sexton

Sad or creative?
I feel so lonely

Sophie gentle and mild
A thoughtful child

Dreamily I look for
‘Cloudy symbols of high romance’-John Keats


We fell beautifully and suddenly

‘She is all harmony’-Anne Sexton

He is all harmony

‘Zummer het’-William Barnes

You took my time when I needed to climb

‘Fat and Flabby’?


‘Fat and Fab’?

I feel like a mammoth Howarth

Script at midnight
We are sat at the computer

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