Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The clouds stayed together

The clouds stayed together

‘My moon of night’-Ernest Dowson

‘Angelus of evening rings’-Ernest Dowson

‘Streams full of stars’-William Henry Davies

‘Sweeter than tone of heart’-Michael Field

Magic rune

‘Magical’ -Madge -Madonna

‘The cathedral tower
Dreams like a flower’-Thomas Sturge Moore

‘From dreams to a dream’-Thomas Sturge Moore

Before schizophrenia
I had a love for travel and adventure
Am I only left with dreaming things?

‘A porch light shine on the rain-sodden path’-John Freeman

‘Like charioting in a victory’-Lascelles Abercrombie

The evening beam and
The jewelled dream

‘Performing on a heart of gold’-Thomas Stearns Eliot

Let there be God
Let him have a golden rod

‘Is soft as the breast of doves’-Frances Comford

‘Parks of heaven’-Edith Sitwell

‘Deep in the smart’-Edith Sitwell

He kissed me

‘With a sweet and velvet lip’-Edith Sitwell

The candle
A tendered light

Rays coming from the sky
God is a lullaby


‘The flowering of the same meadow’-Walter James Turner

‘Bright crackle of lightening’-Walter James Turner


‘Flickering for want of oil’-Herbert Read

‘Life from the glowing earth’-Julian Grenfell

‘The stream of time’-Walter James Turner

United Kingdom?
United perfection

‘The new life by the fire’-Dorothy Wellesley

‘The road of the moonshine’-Dorothy Wellesley

‘The bliss of dreams-lap into eternity’-Herbert Read

People kill your dreams
They move you away with a jet stream

‘Virtue in the sun’-Edmund Blunden

‘The scratching of a mouse’-Edward Davison

‘Sun-gold oil’-Roy Campbell

Passion from your heart
I sit up when you start speaking

‘Of yellow light,with a glory like chrysanthemums’-Louis Mac Niece


‘Director of all human love’-Charles Madge

I want to dig a grave
I feel ugly when I shave
I know I have to be brave
But I know I also have to be saved

By my father,mother
I just hide under the cover

The pig of brig
Why do I have to suffer?

The best is
Creativity and keeping fit

The worse is
Depression and isolation

The greatest is
Buying a poetry book full of dust from the charity shop
Buying clothing with the tags still on
Buying toys that children will love where ever they came from

Shouldn’t we just sail through life?
Remember all the love and light?
But then our dreams go out of sight
Waking to a devils bite

I love talented cake makers
They are a cool magenta

Wish I could wand away the hunger
World hunger!!!

‘Each day a precious gift’-Iris Hesselden

I wanted to write a book called Opportunity

A lovely action
Giving life

You direct me towards the sky

‘To make our lives a beacon of light’-Maya Angelou

‘Regrets are anchors that drag you back’-Edith Piaf

A protector by my side
I used to dream we would paraglide
Onto a bed of snowdrops

Eternal God
Protect me from the ‘mighty hunter’

‘As we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other
People permission to do the same’-Marianne Williamson

The road in view
Alive in you
We hold hands and look at each others eyes blue on blue

‘The future lies before you
Like a field of driven snow,
Be careful how you tread it
For every step will show’-Anon

The best side

The best side
Is how you guide

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