Sunday, 12 April 2015

Just say the words

Just say the words
You eyes are diamonds surrounded by pearls

Good guy?Please be a good guy

‘Faith with the art of poetry’-Douglas Dunn

‘Poetry is a splendid story’-Douglas Dunn

‘A kiss and air’-Douglas Dunn

Ironic and affectionate voice?
Is it abduction when you don’t have a choice?

A universal miss

Idea Advert for chocolate

‘Chocolate is a ballad’

Eternal night
Apostle band
I love going to live concerts

Wounds dressed,
Eyes dried
I love my mother

With hot desire!!
Eternity is free
Eternity is fire!!

Mystic paintings of angels
I dream they are holding me

Tired pig
I hate the feeling of not being proud of myself

Music of the past
And all those dates that didn’t last

Music is global harmony

Magnificent craft
Magnificent arts and crafts

An orange glow,orange disc
Up in the hills

Thinking and rethinking

The voice of dews

I want to feel
Earth whole

Australia’s desert heart

The dreaming seas of summer

‘And the little Tasmans isle
Crowned with snowy peaks
And a circlet of crystal lakes
Lies like a heart shaped pendant
In freezing Antarctic seas,
Green as an English meadow,
Yet garlanded with eucalyptus and banksias’-Michaela Davis

‘Oh beautiful Tiger
As bright as autumn gold
A soul that shines with the light
Of a thousand suns’-Angela Russell

Pillow of peach
A pillow of sand on the beach
Watching ‘The Peach’ (Sun)

Sadly missed
Being madly kissed

Tears on blank pages
Empty pages

Velvety soft petals like tender wings

Exciting too
Somewhere new

‘Waiting for spring to release the fragrance of magic’-David Grover

A childhood dream

Crisps and chocolates
Lemonade and lollipops
Ice cream and doughnuts

Colours blow through the wind
The butterfly is missed!

‘I have a solution,to make myself beautiful’-Valerie Searles

‘I shall send a thousand butterflies’-Sylvia T Lacey

An English sunset by a apple tree

‘Letting in the velvet of the evening sky
As you gracefully bid to us goodbye’-June Lilian Downey

‘Perfect and picturesque
Sitting at my desk’-Linda V Rogan

Goodness and eternity
The Wedding speech!!
Children and pink lights
We listen and copy
Loving so

Sticking marshmallows to your ice cream!!

His darling heart
I watched him on the playground

‘She was a snowflake
Dancing,twirling,spinning’-Dorothy Jeram

‘A fairyland of lights at night’-Vicki Turner

‘Always with a winning smile and I
Just love her style’-Alastair Michell

The babe and the beautiful
I want my body back

Are you my white horse?

Dangly earrings like butterfly wings

Writing still feels like its all silver
The summit
I have to reach the summit


God’s flowers

If all the world was at my feet
Without you it would be defeat
It would be a heart without a beat
Flowers would no longer turn towards the sun,so sweet

‘Faith in yourself to make a start
And follow the dreams within your heart’-Alice Joyce Davidson

Lilacs blooming
God’s perfect plan

‘God laughs
In sunbeams
Golden sunbeams
Of love
Of hope
Of faith’-Alice Joyce Davidson

‘If everyone was a poet
Fields would be sown with sonnets’-Alice Joyce Davidson

Eyes in the waves of the sea
Switching on then light to write
A neverending beach


Contentment comes to you when you stop searching around yourself
And you start searching within yourself
And you find your purpose your soul and God ‘-Alice Joyce Davidson

‘A ball of orange delights the eye’-Alice Joyce Davidson

‘Within a seed there’s a beautiful flower
And within a prayer there’s a wonderful power’-Alice Joyce Davidson

‘I love you,God’
For creating
Every atom,
Every star,
And every flower
And for putting me among them
With my own creative power’-Alice Joyce Davidson

The closer to God sway

‘The more you share and give away
The more you will be blessed,
A seed of kindness will return
Bouquets of happiness’-Alice Joyce Davidson

A compliment is a gift

I live
I grow
I blossom

Obscene eating
The world is rotten

‘A budding bush,
A fish-filled sea
Are miracles’-Alice Joyce Davidson

Mini eggs and little freds have to stop!
Cakes and kit kat breaks have to stop!
White crusty bread?Have salad instead!
Meat and potato Cornish pasty,magic!

Clouds disappear around you

To die with a pen in my hand

To die with a flower in my hand


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