Saturday, 16 May 2015

The Purple Brook

The purple brook
The purple look

Soundless as a dot
I guess 

The Sun
The Gold

Blazing ‘In the gold’

I dream you write me poetry

I love searchlights when they find someone missing
I love the spark of lighthouses when two people are kissing!!

‘The Earth was made for lovers’-Emily Dickinson

A Merry Wedding

Heaven a princess
Heaven a knight

Hill of love
Sunshine above

Melody new
A rhapsody like you

I want to have a unpuzzled heart
I want to have a unmuzzled heart

Glowing is her week in the papers

‘Summers noon,a perfume’-Emily Dickinson

Dreaming of the woods
Dreaming of a giant love

‘The Wizard Sun’-Emily Dickinson

‘Some key of calvary’-Emily Dickinson

I want to offer him the whole of heaven

Ability and influence

Formula of sound


Perished in the sun?
Fire of the sun?

I cry
The terror of the children
In the third world

The stars Eternal

Can you be faithful and afar?

Undiscovered and unspoiled

‘The embers of a thousand years’-Emily Dickinson

The hummingbird in my sleep

10o clock News

The intuition of the news

‘Sunshine was a sweet place’-Emily Dickinson

‘As children,to the Rainbows scarf
Or sunsets yellow play’-Emily Dickinson

‘In the meadow,when the wind runs his fingers thro’ it’-Emily Dickinson

‘Till I loved,I never lived –Enough’-Emily Dickinson

‘Correcting errors of the sky’-Emily Dickinson

Homeless at home
When your parents are not warm

Pink eternally
That night

A letter, a joy
The written letter

The hope of touch
Of such soft hands

The sacred night
Sacred,not hatred



‘Naked in the presence of stars’-Julie Matthews

Essential irony

Remembered always
Especially sundown
Summit of a wave

Coolest in the street
The swings and the grass under your feet

‘God of electricity’-Robert Minhinnick

‘An anthology of flames’-Robert Minhinnick

‘Spinning like a petal in a web’-Robert Minhinnick

‘Electric breath between stars’-Robert Minhinnick

Electric bells
Electric bluebells

Purple kite in orange light

‘Fields of sleep’-William Wordworth

‘Of splendour in the grass,
of glory in the flower’-William Wordsworth

The yellow field

‘The clouds that gather round the setting sun’-William Wordsworth

‘With summer spice
the humming air’-Alfred,Lord Tennyson

‘I dream a dream of good’-Alfred,Lord Tennyson

A dream of winter
A dream of snow
Jack Frost
Winter jeweller

‘But our marriage is dead
When the pleasure is fled’-John Dryden

Notes begin

Righting wrongs
Writing songs

‘Let the moon shine on thee in thy solitary walk’-William Wordsworth

‘The sparkling waves in glee’-William Wordsworth

‘Beautiful and fair
The sunshine is a glorious birth’-William Wordsworth

‘The dear world’-Cecil Day Lewis

‘The desire returning’-Cecil Day Lewis

The summer dance of the sheets!!

A gorgeous hue
Blossom and dewdrop

I want to be a petal
Find somewhere to settle

I want to be as gentle
As a dress from the oriental

I want find a crystal ball
And show you your future

Heaven is a face on earth

In you today

Love is in you today
Love will power you through
Bravery is in you today
That’s why I love you
Hope is in you today
Like a bird eating from your hand
Kindness is in you today
You always understand
The truth is in you today
You will not tell any lies
The truth,again,is in you today
And my heart is the prize
A joke is in you today
You always make me smile
I feel like we are on our own private isle!!
Work is in you today
An honest’s days crust
More work is in you today
I stand and watch in lust
The most important quality
Is gratefulness
Thanks is in you today
That’s why you are the best!!!

What I like

Anything Made of Light is
What I like

I love the sun on an evening run
I love the stars that light cigars
I love the street lights that say welcome
I love the flashing lights surrounding Beckham
I love the moon like a tasty mushroom
I love the bulb,the lightbulb so I can see and write
I love the glow worm to keep me safe at night
I love the light on my keyring
I love the disco lights and singing
I love the full beam lights on my car
I love all aliens that come from afar
I love my rock light from the sanctuary
I love sparkling jewellery
I love the light on the water
I love your smile and I dote you
If we were stuck in the sea I would float you
Because I love light,I have already told you!!
Anything else?
Oh.I forgot the torch,
I forgot the light coming through the porch
I forgot the candles on the cake
I forgot the flash on the camera mate
Which light do I love the most?
Gods light on the coast

This maybe the night
With your love I could fly like a kite
I’d be high as the stars so bright
Love at first sight

If I close my eyes
Would you undo my ties
Brush my thighs
Long and strong
Full of song

A scarlet gown
Looking for a clown


Dishes ‘I believe I can dry’!!!

Poems Animals

The Lion
Her golden fur and her golden walk

The Hippo
Floating in the river
Facing the sunlight

The Tiger
Eyes glowing like glitter

The Giraffe
Peering in the clouds eating candy floss

The Elephants
All stomping together

The Rabbit
All soft and pure

‘Who saw the first tears in your almond eyes’
And the first smile ‘-Seamus Rainbird

Fair night love

No kissing?
No intro

‘I like to laugh and be happy
With a beautiful beautiful kiss,
I tell you ,in all the world
There is no bliss like this’-Stevie Smith

Shes like sweet inland water


My lady birth
Waiting for surf

‘The crystal of peace’-D.H.Lawrence

The sugardrop after a party

Delicate balloons resting on the ceiling
The moment eternal

Intimate support

English too!!!

Every heart
Realms of paper

Him in the sky
Does he sanctify?

What do I care about?
Love and very survival

Sun dazzle and acts of affection
A perfect summer

Faces glowing to the candles
An intimate dinner

A seeker of harmony
The sunset years with a
Bright aurora

The smell of gardens and summer

Frozen mars bars and sticky cream cakes
Hanging around with your mates

‘Needs.Wants.Us’-Seamus Rainbird

Memories and tears
New Years will be bright with gold

‘Pearls grey waters’-Vivienne Artt

‘A pink dove sings’-Marie Constance Brown

The sight of May
And the sunlit cloud

‘Bosom yanked high:
Sunflowers seeking the sun’-Seamus Rainbird

‘Uniqueness ,power to charm’-Seamus Rainbird


‘Trinity of joy’-Seamus Rainbird

‘Friendship,fodder,fun’-Seamus Rainbird

‘Love whispered at the start’-Marie Constance Brown

The playground
Reaching the stars

I am ‘all of flowers’

Child crying
A blossom weep

‘Dewdrops sparkling in your alluring hair’-Ian Fairey

‘Friendship with the songbirds’-Ian Fairey

Princess Diana

‘A storm of light that flashed on her Olympian height’-James Muirden

‘A smell of innocence across the park’-Vincent Smith

Wrapped in parachute silk

‘I love the first bit of the morning
The bit of the day that no-one has used yet’-Coral Rumble

Gaze around the room work’-Trevor Millum

‘In the clear blue sky
I hear the new days heart’-Ian McMillum

Rhubarb fields
I want to dance in rhubarb fields!!!

The audience
Glowing delight

Wine and music

‘Laughter jewels you’-Christine Jaritz

Friday, 1 May 2015

Just a sweet song

Just a sweet song

Faith and fire
Song of battle

Performing in


‘The celestial choirs are mute
,the angels have fled’-Harold Monro

No 1

A deeper light in the sky

‘Caressing pencils of the sun’-Alice Meynell


‘The very kiss of Christ’-Alice Meynell

‘A flower without pain’-Harold Monro

On holiday

‘I saw sunset glow’-John Mc Crae

A musical showering


We can dance,  each night

God on earth
Baby throne
The birth of Jesus


‘A rich tide of peace’-Eliot Crawshay Williams

‘Ghosts march of our brother’s-R.E.Vernade

Vibrating chords

They took that song into their hearts


‘Unfriended, unrewarded, and unknown’-Mary Borden

A mother’s tears
Being given a daffodil

Flowers are hopes and dreams

Being home song-

Is it a home joy?
Or a home sorrow?

‘The laughter of unclouded years’-William Noel Hodgson

The twinkle of wings in the light

Moon’s full

‘Her meditative misty head
was spectral in its air,
And I involuntarily said
‘What are you doing there?’ –Thomas Hardy

A sunset hold
I watch it,
A gorgeous sky night

Human tenderness
The glow of it

‘Sacred honour fair’-Alfred Norman

‘Love drove me to rebel’-Siegfried Sassoon

‘Of the hurt of the colour of blood’-Wilfred Owen

‘Twilight of the ships’-G.K,Chesterton

‘Your baby words’-Teresa Hooley

‘Virtue in the sun’-Edmund Blunden

‘Waters of a fountain’-Antonio Machado

‘She is all harmony’-Anne Sexton

‘Endless and singing’-Stephen Spender

‘Wine of song’-Francis Thompson

‘Sunlight on their graves ‘-Siegfriend Sassoon

Dreaming alone now
I miss having someone

‘The wild sweet blood of wonderful youth’-Charlotte Mew

‘Twinkling country things’-Charlotte Mew

‘Eyes of flame’-Lewis Carroll

‘I went out to the hazel wood
because a fire was in my head’-William Butler Yeats

‘The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun’-William Butler Yeats

‘I’m the lighter, you’re the lighter fuel’-Gavin Ewart

‘The song of nights sweet bird’-Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Daybreak that’s wonderously clear’-Maya Angelou

‘Heaven looks from its towers’-Robert Browning


I call it spacetime

A water-lily in my hand
I guess you can call it dreamland

‘Sweet and virtuous soul’-George Herbert

‘The language if dolphins’-John Fuller

College and
‘The lovely ones’

Thank you for playing music in the house

Heinz tomato soup
A touch of home in my suitcase

‘Sings hymns at heaven’s gate,
for thy sweet love remembered’-William Shakespeare

‘Flowering of the white moon’-James Berry

‘Beauty came like the setting sun’-Siegfried Sassoon

I will love you

‘By the light of the moon’-George Gordon,Lord Byron

‘The moon like a yellow fruit’-Iain Crichton Smith

‘We are born moonwise’-Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze

‘Under the greenwood tree’-William Shakespeare

‘A swirl of colour’-Stephen Knight

Pink volume

Odd ones

Would it be a disaster date
Because of my weight?

When you can’t see a life ahead
When your spending all your time in bed

Open the window
There will be ‘something ‘pretty
Seeing a rabbit in the country
Or looking high in the city

Even if it’s cold there will always be a chippy!!
Even when it’s hot we can make daisy chains like hippys!!

I want to be in the arms of my truelove
I only want to see ‘his eyes’ when I look onward

My true love
I wonder how soft his hands would be
How embracing his arms would be
How he would hold my waist
Move my hair away from my face
And his lips, that would be
Kissed, Kissed, Kissed!!

I begin to breathe
And then they leave

When will I meet someone fit?
I want, I want a ‘dream body’

You think your in trouble stuck in a tree
But then comes a dancing bumble bee
Round and round in lunacy

Round and round in lunacy
Here comes the bumble bee

Pegging out the washing
And smelling the flowers

If I was a flower I would say
You have pulled my petals right away

Amazing kids
Amazing vids to look back on


Tears have frozen
The sea has no motion

I am with you like God and the clouds


Don’t want to get caught up in a net

Wanted to back my books with lace at school
Because of you

I was thinking

Shall we?

See the Northern Lights?
Go to the Grand Canyon
On a summer night?

Shall we

Visit Niagara Falls?
See the wall of China?
Sit in a 50’s themed diner?

Shall we

Walk along the most beautiful beaches?
Find the most precious peaches?

Shall we

Have this dance?
Like two sycamores
In a twirling trance

All those times I stared
Hoping that you cared
My heart is bared



Feels like I’m near the ocean
You soft skin fill’s me

You’re a run on the park
The beat of my heart

A kissing relationship
I dream
He wouldn’t let me kiss him

Gotta cope

Gotta cope
Gotta hope

Gotta keep hold of your hand
Gotta keep hold of the rope

A trilogy of chocolate, ice cream and cake
Not funny

Feet in cool sands
A sunset holding hands

I dreamt about it in the attic

‘The dawn, the fire, the rainbow’-James Fenton

Heaven mix
Peanut, raison and chocolate fix!!!


As I stagger upstairs into bed
I know you are nights ahead

‘Sun moon stars rain’-E.E.Cummings

Faces in the bar

‘And the question finds no answer
And the tune misleads the dancer
And the lost look finds no other
And the lost hand finds no brother
And the word is left unspoken
Till the theme and thread are broken’-A. S. J .Tessimond

We watch
The setting moon

I wonder
I shake
A bag of runes
In my room

‘My own, my sweet’-Alfred, Lord Tennyson
You didn’t call or come over
Now my tummy rolls over

Attraction longing
The Jewellery swirl
As I window shop

Amidst the wrong
You came strong


‘The eternal holiness of you’-Rupert Brooke

Love is best
A fairy palace

One word poem

‘You’ –Gavin Ewart

I don’t need a princess tower
Offer me a flower

‘Sunset, and the colours of the earth’-Rupert Brooke

‘A shining peace,
under the night’-Rupert Brooke

‘Lips and cheeks,
Hours and weeks’-William Shakespeare

Not a husband of the moon

The sound of rain on the window
I am warm

‘Moon in the trees’-Billy Collins

‘We met under a shower of bird-notes’-R.S.Thomas

‘You sealed me with your love’-Thom Gunn

‘My echoing song’-Andrew Marvell

‘The segments of her lips’-Simon Armitage

‘In the middle of the night,
When we get up after making love,
We look at each other in total friendship’-Sharon Olds
I want your love
Oozing from the heart

‘Fine men, our brave, strong ,young men’-Mary Borden

‘Nothing but the wild rain’-Edward Thomas

I love watching
Children holding small flowers

‘Blossom for a conqueror’-David Jones

Cosmopolitan sympathy?

‘Sun-warm quiet on the grass’-Laurence Binyon

I believe in

‘Suns of home’-Rupert Brooke

‘Earth is bursting into song’-Charles Sorley

‘My songs of war’-Robert Graves

Desiring lips?
Desiring hips?

Dreadful death
It takes my breath

‘Where the sun has kissed’-Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy

‘Those mists are spiritual’ Edmund Blunden

‘Land of blossom and song’-Ivor Gurney

A musician?,
A nice creature’-Ivor Gurney

Love of fashion
Love of action

‘Women’s dresses, dewy lilacs
A song in the valley’-Czeslaw Milosz

‘Mastery of song’-D.H.Lawrence