Just a sweet song
Faith and fire
Song of battle
Performing in
‘The celestial choirs are mute
,the angels have fled’-Harold Monro
No 1
A deeper light in the sky
‘Caressing pencils of the sun’-Alice Meynell
‘The very kiss of Christ’-Alice Meynell
‘A flower without pain’-Harold Monro
On holiday
‘I saw sunset glow’-John Mc Crae
A musical showering
We can dance, each
God on earth
Baby throne
The birth of Jesus
‘A rich tide of peace’-Eliot Crawshay Williams
‘Ghosts march of our brother’s-R.E.Vernade
Vibrating chords
They took that song into their hearts
‘Unfriended, unrewarded, and unknown’-Mary Borden
A mother’s tears
Being given a daffodil
Flowers are hopes and dreams
Being home song-
Is it a home joy?
Or a home sorrow?
‘The laughter of unclouded years’-William Noel Hodgson
The twinkle of wings in the light
Moon’s full
‘Her meditative misty head
was spectral in its air,
And I involuntarily said
‘What are you doing there?’ –Thomas Hardy
A sunset hold
I watch it,
A gorgeous sky night
Human tenderness
The glow of it
‘Sacred honour fair’-Alfred Norman
‘Love drove me to rebel’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Of the hurt of the colour of blood’-Wilfred Owen
‘Twilight of the ships’-G.K,Chesterton
‘Your baby words’-Teresa Hooley
‘Virtue in the sun’-Edmund Blunden
‘Waters of a fountain’-Antonio Machado
‘She is all harmony’-Anne Sexton
‘Endless and singing’-Stephen Spender
‘Wine of song’-Francis Thompson
‘Sunlight on their graves ‘-Siegfriend Sassoon
Dreaming alone now
I miss having someone
‘The wild sweet blood of wonderful youth’-Charlotte Mew
‘Twinkling country things’-Charlotte Mew
‘Eyes of flame’-Lewis Carroll
‘I went out to the hazel wood
because a fire was in my head’-William Butler Yeats
‘The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun’-William Butler Yeats
‘I’m the lighter, you’re the lighter fuel’-Gavin Ewart
‘The song of nights sweet bird’-Percy Bysshe Shelley
‘Daybreak that’s wonderously clear’-Maya Angelou
‘Heaven looks from its towers’-Robert Browning
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