Thursday, 9 July 2015



This love aint working

‘The frozen mountain’-Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Pure womanly’-Thomas Hood

My twenties
Melancholy years

‘The beauty and mystery of the ships,
The magic of the sea’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I need to find a house
A dreamy house


The curving beach
My love,
There is a fleet

‘Jewels of strawberries’-Genevieve Taggard

‘Each one a lovely light’-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

‘Bright and beauteous bride’-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

‘The song that made your bosom beat’-Walter Savage Landor

Rain and melody
Sweet thoughts of you and me

Prophet dreaming
Someone with the answers

Is the answer from the shore?

The Ice Age
About the frozen time

Angel shield me
Angel heal me

Like a hurt deer
You made me cry

Classic face and a dainty waist

‘She is coming,my dove,my dear
She is coming,my life,my fate’-Lord Tennyson

Tender evening sunshine flame

The clouds turned into a thousand doves
Like some sweet prayer

‘Madness risen from hell’-Algerion Charles Swimborne

A soul for daily bread

‘Bloom the year long’-Robert Bridges

A glitter of sand
Of God’s hand

The best of all
You always made that call

Fair and free
The fair hills perfectly pure

‘The night in her silence,
The stars in their calm’-Matthew Arnold
‘Mazes of heat and sound’-Matthew Arnold

They feed our hearts with fame
With perfume and sweet night

‘Many dreams that sing and sigh’-Algernon Charles Swinburne


By spirit I will live it

‘Every wistful waiting star’-Richard le Gallienne

‘That eternal look’-Laurence Binyon

‘Alone in a world of cold’-John Alexander Chapman

You are a hidden comet

‘Eternal tone and time’-Alfred Noyes

‘Little flower of friends’-James Elroy Flecker

‘Night shall fold him in soft wings’-Julian Grenfell

‘The glory of the Lord is all in all’-Richard Doddridge Blackmore

‘My heart is a box of affection
My head is a box of ideas
My room is a box of protection
My past is a box full of years’-Sophie Hannah

Bright and alert and ready to work

The twirl and swirl of the ballerina

Staring up at the moon
And those roses in full bloom
I hope I see you soon

Looking for a strong romance
Welcome to Ember Inn

Being bled by your voice in my head

Boogie baby chocy chuck!!!

Singing drinking thinking of you

Hands on hands first
It’s like romantic verse

A protecting circle

A hotel with a true sense of indulgence

Baby bond you hold my hand

But I am in trouble and I cannot prove it phantom pain

Beauty like a far star

Beauty like a far star
Fairest bosom showing’-Anon

‘Mother,babe and play’-Nicholas Breton

‘Honour of the field’-Edmund Spenser

‘Beautifullest bride’-Edmund Spenser

‘My true love have my heart and I have his’-Sir Philip Sidney

‘With full delight
I leave this light
And take my flight for heaven’-Robert Herrick

Giant energy
Words of melody

‘Moonlight -love and mystery’-Charlotte Bronte

I need strong hands

‘Gemme of all job’-William Dunbar

‘The pretty strawberry’-John Skelton

Chamber -melody

Swimming in the cream sea

‘The summer’s flower is to the summer sweet’-William Shakespeare

‘Thy sum of good’-William Shakespeare

‘Wait on honey love’-Thomas Campion

‘Hath better store of love than brain’-Sir Robert Ayton

‘For stars gaze on our eyes’-William Browne

The highest trust

‘Psalms of heaven’-Anon

‘Neighbouring star’-John Dryden

I wake from a morning dream

‘Depth of pains,and height of passion’-John Dryden

‘Of the sun’s enlivening eye’-John Wilmot,Earl of Rochester

‘Glitter in the Muses ray’-Thomas Gray

The body fair
The land of thought

Sound and freedom

‘Th’ bed of strawberries
A sleep with lullabies’-Robert Herrick

As my prayer
As my air

‘The busy sun’-Richard Lovelace

Truth and admiring youth

Beats and sweets

‘Bereaved of light’-William Blake

‘Golden spirit ,lamp of day’-Henry Rowe

‘A land of love and a land of light
An everlasting dream’-James Hogg

‘The beauty of the morning,
Silent bare’-William Wordsworth

‘It is a beauteous evening,calm and free,
The holy time is quiet as a nun’-William Wordsworth

‘Pure as the naked heavens’-William Wordsworth

‘Her eyes as stars of twilight fair’-William Wordsworth

‘My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky’-William Wordsworth

‘The glory and the freshness of a dream’-William Wordsworth

‘A thousand times and a thousand again
All the glowing world’-James Hogg

Love and harmony on a balcony!!!

‘Her voice like a distant melodye,
That floats along the twilight sea’-James Hogg

Spring of dove
A spring of love

‘The rainbow comes and goes
And lovely is the rose
The moon doth with delight
Look around her when the heavens are bare
Waters on a starry night
Are beautiful and fair’-William Wordsworth

New-born bliss
I give your head a kiss

‘The song of thanks and praise’-William Wordsworth

My eyes were glued to the lighthouse top



My heart is beating
Looking for seating
Some are eating
Some are sleeping!!

You dropped from the sky
And we are all I darkness
To be sexy again

If I had a man
And a beach tan
A cocktail in my hand
An evening walk in the cool sand
I would be yinyanged!!!

It I had a friend
And was completely on-trend
A glass of wine to attend
Chatting and dipping our feet in a pools shallow end
I would be on the mend

Lights out!!
Time for  bed!

Lonely kid
Lonely adult

This is no time to quit
Better write a bit

I ate
Threw away my fate

My heart is awake
I watch over the lake
Covered in snowflakes
What a beautiful day you make

‘Your sentence,repentance ‘-Alexander Montgomerie

Experiment by the hand

‘When the sun goes out if sight’-Alexander Montgomeire

‘Milk-white lilies’-William Drummond
‘A proud mountaine’-William Drummond

Amazing meat!!

‘There shone a gleam’-Charlotte Bronte
‘Demands a purer light’-Charlotte Bronte

‘That sun divine
My spirit pine’-Charlotte Bronte

English ties?
Victoria slice?!!

‘Clear stars beam mild’-Charlotte Bronte

‘The dome of Heaven is o’er thee hung
With its maze of silver stars’-Charlotte Bronte

The voices of streams
The voices of waving trees
The solar beam

Makes me dream
Makes me eternally gleam

I want to be in the snowy zone

I want to find echoing caves

‘The journeyer of the deep’-Charlotte Bronte

‘For faith and true love light the rays’-Charlotte Bronte

Long distance and suffering

He has the perfect energy

Vision ,heart, brain

‘A quiet field,all green and lone’-Charlotte Bronte

‘For sunset soft and moonlight mild’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Existence seems a summer eve,
Warm,soft and full of peace’-Charlotte Bronte

‘And silently the little stars
Looked from the azure sky,
While Orion’s golden belt
Shone gloriously on high’-Charlotte Bronte

‘In attitude of heavenly grace’-Charlotte Bronte

Isles and smiles

‘Dawning star and setting sun’-Charlotte Bronte

‘The light of an Italian sky
Where clouds of sunset lingering lie
Is not more ruby-red’-Charlotte Bronte

To be in an heroic band
Above and rayed

Awake in heart
Awake in art
Drawing and painting
On a quiet walk

Word mystery

A long cry

‘As bright as festal wine’-Charlotte Bronte

‘My radiant love
A watchful star above’-Charlotte Bronte
‘Angel memory
That pure source of ray’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Through the flowers and shining leaves’-Charlotte Bronte

The waving fern on Welly Mountain

By secret light

We found a secret passage

My mystic amulet

‘Fanning me with their rainbow wings’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Deeply the lowland river flows
She hears it in her dreams’-Charlotte Bronte

Some kind of healing work
Lattice cloud

My advice in life?
Sparkle through

Be brave

To heal and bless
I pray to God to heal and bless

‘How his little heart was glowing’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Tis the rush of sound that fills the sky’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Like an old song or magic story’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Sunsets sheer of stormy light’-Charlotte Bronte

‘A touch remembrances lends’-Charlotte Bronte

The Flower and the kiss

The flower and the kiss
On a Saturday night
It is only my wish

You are the sun
There’s only one of you


Strawberry lemonade ice
For the burger and fries
In will pay the price

Just like college
I continue to eat
I want to smile a while

Everything you do
Everything I look up to
Everything you say
You are everything night and day

Open me with poetry
Show me you care

The sun made the golden grass
And it shined like brass


Love each other
Love will make you see

Mountain sun
Fountain fun

I love those irony songs
Like we are apart but belong
I love those ebony,ivory,islandy songs
I wonder what it is like
To see your body below you
I wonder what it is like
To meet the angels and light

Does your life pass you by?
Does God tell you why?

Say I am your beautiful sky
Say I am the mountain you climb
Say I am the mind you desire
Say I am the heart you no longer cry for

So cupid did know
That I’d love you so
They come and they go
You’re my evening coco

Food Ideas

Warburtons thin bagels toasted with pate or rhubarb and ginger jam

Nutella tarts with strawberries

I need to stop automatic eating!!

Dish of error
(Unhealthy meal)

‘Sweet silent thought’-William Shakespeare

Little birds land silent on the trees


You sleep and I watch your gentle breathing
You put your hand up to lovely shapes and sounds

You are my happy spirit

Feels untellable
When you cant tell the truth

‘The hour of lead’-Emily Dickinson

‘And now when the soul has gone its way to judgement,
And the flesh reposes here like a empty pod’-Henrik

You saw the hale-storm and watched

An unproductive tree?

The gentle meadow and her long hair

The Ducks

Followed her so softly
Followed her so sweetly

‘Like a fruit
Mystery and sweetness’-Rainer Maria Rilke

The steam hissed
As the people kissed

On my notebooks from school
On my desk and the trees
On the sand on the snow
I write your name’-Paul Eluard

‘Believe me ,I loved you all
Believe me ,I knew you,though
Faintly and I loved,I loved you all’-Gwenodolyn Brooks

Made eyes at each other

‘The unloved year’-Stanley Kunitz

An armful of wood to start a fire

Rain on the willows

‘In a grey mental mist’-Abioseh Nicol

So by love
Rainbows and photos

To reach you island

‘Beauty came like the setting sun’-Siegfried Sassoon

The nest of his fair hair

‘Healed,original now and pure’-Hart Crane

‘The matrix of the heart’-Hart Crane
‘Let the healing fountain start’-W.H,.Auden

‘Go for bush,inside the bush,
You will find your hidden heart,
Your mute ancestral spirit’-Abioseh Nicol


‘Natural life,most gentle wife’-Peter Porter

‘Iris bed’-Elizabeth Bishop

Flying in the mist

‘A parcel of daylight’-John Updike

‘Great fogs like ghosts’-Craig Raine


A desire for good
Lend me your wings
So I can fly to my love

A captive to your eyes
Every moment spent

The soul outlives the body

I am hot longing
Totally charged
You love me alive

‘I’ll make her fair,just and good’-Anon

‘The power of the eye’-Michelangelo

A wise male

‘Wings lifting both of them to heaven’-Michelangelo

Copying her strength
‘Most beautifully flowered’-Michelangelo

‘Your eyes from paradise’-Michelangelo

‘The heavenly dew on earth,pure in itself’-Michelangelo

‘A heart on fire,on fore for many years’-Michelangelo

‘So beautiful a breast with pleasure’-Michelangelo

‘Sound of intellect’-Michelangelo

‘The longing of my eyes’-Michelangelo

‘My heart is full of fire and faithfulness’-Michelangelo

‘Carried in my heart
The stamped impression of your face’-Michelangelo

Piece by piece he put me together
With good words and deeds

A thousand worries
Please give me fair words

‘The key of the treasure’-Michelangelo

A tale of love
A sail of love

He smiled at the happy valley

‘The sunset lighted the village’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘The lovely stars and angels’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Yours on fire
A passionate fantasy

‘Peace from my heart’-Michelangelo

‘At the sweet murmer of a little stream’-Michelangelo

Your wild star
A child star

In a hundred pieces
God keep you safe

For the love of you
I would travel on a raft of bamboo!!

More love and grace
More faith and love

‘The lantern of painting’-Michelangelo

Purple lavender print
The neighbouring ocean

‘The hunger and thirst of the spirit’Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘The bluest of heavens’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A rainbow in heaven
No more tears

Friendship wounded and bleeding

We were once

‘Sun-illumined’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘Like the spirit of God,moving visibly over the waters’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Moaning in the sunshine
Lonely in the sunshine

‘God whose voice was the sound of the ocean’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘As pure as water,and as good as bread’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The gift of song
The inner light

With flowers
Anything with flowers

A soft flow of magical words

‘Luxuriant blossoms’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘Notes of the robin and bluebird’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The sun is a peach of beauty
It is most true I love you

‘The love of learning,the sweet serenity of books’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

 I sat at the organ
Chords of air

‘Half of my life is gone,and I have let the years slip from me
And have not fulfilled the aspiration of my youth,
To build some tower of song’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘The magic of the sea’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
‘The round tower of my heart’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Special K
A beautiful day

Summer rhyme

The fastest car?
The brightest star?
Just don’t go far

A Kingdom

A kingdom to explore
I open my chamber door

Beautiful station
Take me away

Little acts of beauty
The baking of a cake

Your eyes like the stars 
Light the world with bliss

Alone no protecting arm

‘A river seeking for the sea’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Bloom on the meadows and buds on the tree’s’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A sun to love me

Companioned by the skies
I love watching through the window

I look down at the sea
Deep and beautiful

Demand the best
You don’t have to be at a desk

O Peace 
Will I find you in a tender moon?

‘Looking back,
My faults and errors seem like stepping stones
That led the way to knowledge of the truth’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Smile a little,smile a little
All along the road,
Every life must have its burden,
Every heart its load’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Smiles are blossoms’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘We do not always win the race
By only running right:
We have to tread the mountains base
Before we reach its height’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

It’s about ‘sweets tomorrow’

‘From a god’s fountain
Of art or music or rhythmic song’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A home of truth
The inner gold of children

Coral cave 
A shy touch

That vast love
A little longer kiss


I have the flashlight
You have the air
Lets find each other there

‘I your caresses,and you my rhymes’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A sweet memory is like an Angel

Musicians playing in perfect tune and time

Sweet laws I will have justice
‘On looks of fire,and kisses and sweet words’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Mental illness

‘In the Milky Way’

Don’t take away my trust and truth

I want to write a play of ‘winning’ hearts

‘Devoid of heart,she cannot know 
The suffering of a human heart’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Wedded Life
Love is enough,right?

‘The sweet scent of sympathy’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Love’s beautiful form’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘Your strong arm sent a thrill’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Great sense of fun and love
Such lips and gossips!

‘The meadow and the mountain with desire
Gazed on each other’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

One eternal greatness of passion

‘The loved and longed for goal’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The soul longs to fly
We look at birds and our
Eyes like a city all light up

‘Those eyes like a bright bluebell’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I wish there was a boy next door
I wish there was heaven and more
Cause I’m watering the flowers of a show
And wearing a purple bow!!

I wish there was a friend next door
Someone to listen open some wine and pour
Cause I’m looking over the fence on my tiptoes
But no-one is in the garden

I wish I looked better in a photo
This loneliness is making me feel so low
I’m clicking on links to psychics 
To see what they know
These voices,please,please just go

My moonlit star
My la la la!!

Your face by candlelight
Your face by a campfire at night

The suns strengthening glow
I stretch out in the beach

‘The impulse of all love is to create’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

College vain regretting

Waiting on the shore to find a shell

The mission of a poet is to know love

‘The reaction of glow and bloom’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Unhappy years 
Ocean tears

I love you up to the very stars

Your trusty arms make me feel content

‘So great a sweetness’-Michelangelo

With faithfulness

Your face in a photo I hold on to
Your face in my dreams 
I want to wake to

No good at timing

But I’m no good at timing
The waves just kept on climbing
My heart rate just kept rising
As you kept me crying

I hate the way I look
Nutella cook book

I want to write the truth

So uninspired,
Nothing to write
Feeling so tired,
But I will win this fight

I know you re enough
Cause I start my day with love

My day with love
We burn like firewood
We kiss like two rosebuds
We touch like swans above

Fields of lavender
Fields of heaven smell

Take me to the river
Watch the sun’s golden glitter
Have a picnic for our dinner
Find our own special villa

Your heart is everything
You are so charming
It’s like I’m stargazing
Butterflies are flying

The Moon Kids

I want to travel to the Moon
I want to be a bride and find my groom

Wildbrook flowers
This love is ours

The glow and thrill of life

‘Sweet eyes of blue’-Matthew Arnold

‘Seas of snow’-Matthew Arnold

‘A heart ever new’-Matthew Arnold

Butterflies like

‘Fluttering lace’-Matthew Arnold

‘The eternal moonlit snow’-Matthew Arnold

‘Know like a star’-Matthew Arnold

‘The echo of my feet’-Matthew Arnold

Mystery of his heart
I look at wall art

But always aware of the bees

People who believe
I like to interweave

They left me there in reverie and prayer

‘Smitten by the sun’-Matthew Arnold

‘Tower of purple bloom’-Matthew Arnold

On her Wedding day

‘I could glow like this mountain’-Matthew Arnold

‘That my soul were full of light’-Matthew Arnold

Living waves crash over me
They give me glittering arms

‘My hope,my fame,my star’-Matthew Arnold

‘Tissue of white violets’-Matthew Arnold

A heap of flowers making passion

‘In sunshine flames’-Matthew Arnold

‘Masters of the waves’-Matthew Arnold

You shelter me with your coat

In the wild
A dream of the heart

‘The tender purple’-Matthew Arnold

‘Morning dew
Emotion new’-Matthew Arnold

Searching for my home,my street
But I am always facing towards you

Sacred love
A handful of dove

The flowers and the air
I love the summer air

The carriage I am waiting for

‘To a mystical goal,on a secret quest’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

A glow and radiance from the dream
Talk more of love
I am looking for jobs on direct gov!!!

The whole world joined in weeping
When the princess kept sleeping

A halo about her

Musical chords with universal good

A talk to God
Putting up the tripod

The glory of the form
How you love to perform

Out of lace
Came great grace

In this hemisphere
The sky can still get clear

‘Schizophrenic glaze of youth’-Sophie Hannah

Song for humility
Song for equality


Pen of the poet
To know it and show it

Climbing back to you God
You are like untrod snow,the beginning of the day

A peaceful goal

‘The heart of foe or friend’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Teaching at school
In youth’s sea

‘Joy of the journey’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox