Thursday, 9 July 2015



My heart is beating
Looking for seating
Some are eating
Some are sleeping!!

You dropped from the sky
And we are all I darkness
To be sexy again

If I had a man
And a beach tan
A cocktail in my hand
An evening walk in the cool sand
I would be yinyanged!!!

It I had a friend
And was completely on-trend
A glass of wine to attend
Chatting and dipping our feet in a pools shallow end
I would be on the mend

Lights out!!
Time for  bed!

Lonely kid
Lonely adult

This is no time to quit
Better write a bit

I ate
Threw away my fate

My heart is awake
I watch over the lake
Covered in snowflakes
What a beautiful day you make

‘Your sentence,repentance ‘-Alexander Montgomerie

Experiment by the hand

‘When the sun goes out if sight’-Alexander Montgomeire

‘Milk-white lilies’-William Drummond
‘A proud mountaine’-William Drummond

Amazing meat!!

‘There shone a gleam’-Charlotte Bronte
‘Demands a purer light’-Charlotte Bronte

‘That sun divine
My spirit pine’-Charlotte Bronte

English ties?
Victoria slice?!!

‘Clear stars beam mild’-Charlotte Bronte

‘The dome of Heaven is o’er thee hung
With its maze of silver stars’-Charlotte Bronte

The voices of streams
The voices of waving trees
The solar beam

Makes me dream
Makes me eternally gleam

I want to be in the snowy zone

I want to find echoing caves

‘The journeyer of the deep’-Charlotte Bronte

‘For faith and true love light the rays’-Charlotte Bronte

Long distance and suffering

He has the perfect energy

Vision ,heart, brain

‘A quiet field,all green and lone’-Charlotte Bronte

‘For sunset soft and moonlight mild’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Existence seems a summer eve,
Warm,soft and full of peace’-Charlotte Bronte

‘And silently the little stars
Looked from the azure sky,
While Orion’s golden belt
Shone gloriously on high’-Charlotte Bronte

‘In attitude of heavenly grace’-Charlotte Bronte

Isles and smiles

‘Dawning star and setting sun’-Charlotte Bronte

‘The light of an Italian sky
Where clouds of sunset lingering lie
Is not more ruby-red’-Charlotte Bronte

To be in an heroic band
Above and rayed

Awake in heart
Awake in art
Drawing and painting
On a quiet walk

Word mystery

A long cry

‘As bright as festal wine’-Charlotte Bronte

‘My radiant love
A watchful star above’-Charlotte Bronte
‘Angel memory
That pure source of ray’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Through the flowers and shining leaves’-Charlotte Bronte

The waving fern on Welly Mountain

By secret light

We found a secret passage

My mystic amulet

‘Fanning me with their rainbow wings’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Deeply the lowland river flows
She hears it in her dreams’-Charlotte Bronte

Some kind of healing work
Lattice cloud

My advice in life?
Sparkle through

Be brave

To heal and bless
I pray to God to heal and bless

‘How his little heart was glowing’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Tis the rush of sound that fills the sky’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Like an old song or magic story’-Charlotte Bronte

‘Sunsets sheer of stormy light’-Charlotte Bronte

‘A touch remembrances lends’-Charlotte Bronte

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