Towering waves and roaring seas
‘His voice a thunder’-Guillaume du Bartas
Snows and mighty winds
With voices and with tears
Ancient tales
Rich in hope
Every waking dream
‘Every morn And eve an ache’-Thomas Hardy
The children and the apple tree
Climbing in yellow ribbons of sunlight
Music in the piano stool
The birth,the heart legend
Clouds broke up like merinques
All nature flowering
The way of the ocean
‘A spiders web,tense for the dew’s touch’-Ted Huges
‘The language of touch’-Seamus Heaney
The purple night
‘The light sings eternal’-Ezra Pound
‘Waterfalls of lace’-Allen Tate
‘Your eyes caress’-Laura Riding
‘The tree of heaven’-William Empson
‘The river films with lilies’-Louise Gluck
Frozen brook
‘Clear and equal like the shine from snow’-Stephen Spender
‘The natural silence of a tree’-Charles Madge
‘Ballroom of the Atlantic’-George Barker
Dove winged photograph
Then came the wreakage and storm
‘Surf,snow,river and earth’-Gerard Manley Hopkins
‘All my thought and love’-W.B.Yeats
A marital poem,cherubic
A few notes
The pen of flowers
The presence of God in fine artworks
You can feel every blow
To know eternity
All human Fame
‘Angels are the launching of a new ship’-Michael Roberts
‘Hazel stream’-Anne Ridler
‘The spin of worlds’-Richard Wilbur
Flowers fluttering into the lake
‘The soft eyes open’-James Dickey
The glint of the waves
Jasmine Island
‘There is no power
So great as love’-William Carlos
‘A dazzle of remembrance and of sight’-Wallace Stevens
My secret arts
My secret parts
Honest dream
Quiet as a soulful bird
‘Dead leaves to lie on ponds,decorative’-Martin Bell
‘Clown of a planet’-Martin Bell
Sweet Jesus please
‘Fluttering at the bottom of a cage’-Lynette Roberts
American dreams
‘The angel in the gate,the flowering plum’-Louis Simpson
Bronze butterfly
A warmer climate
‘The fragrance in the field’-Thom Gunn
‘A fantasy of directions’-Ted Hughes
The ebb of flow
Tongue of the young
Speechless with desire
Warlike and adventury
The pact the code
Like stars
The light was running on the stream
Gardens to dream in the afternoon
Bluebell flames rising
Bats not angels,in the high roof
‘The sun yellowed the pines’-John Berryman
‘Emerald streams and blue electric lakes’-Lynette Roberts
The incredible truth
The law of attraction
‘Blue rinsing bay’- Lynette Roberts
‘The raising tangerine’-Lynette Roberts
Everything you love and desire
Everything exciting
Filled with happiness
Love is a positive force
The magic of your life
Every single invention,discovery and human creation
Came from the love in a human heart
‘Take away love and our earth is a tomb’-Robert Browning
‘Blue wave of mountain birdsong’-Christopher Middleton
Lily pond pads
Eyes blue and mystical
‘My heart is a beautiful top’-Douglas Dunn
A positive force to propel me to get up in the morning
Attraction is love
Attraction is above
Like countless galaxies
‘One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life
That word is love’-Sophocles
Every time you talk about what you don’t love,
You are adding another bar to the cage and
You are locking yourself away from all the good
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