Friday, 5 February 2016

No coward soul is mine

‘No coward soul in mine’-Emily Jane Bronte

‘This love lifts me like a bright white star’-Gig Ryan

A child’s eyes wide open
Magic party food

It’s the way you see me
The way you free me

He played suede notes

‘The yellow sky dances’-Gig Ryan

‘Dream,repair’-Gig Ryan

‘The ash of television’-Gig Ryan

‘All the wet satin rivers’-Gig Ryan

‘Velvet bodies forming on the beach’-Gig Ryan

‘The traffic stars’-Gig Ryan

‘Above the traffic twinkling birds listen’-Gig Ryan

Being helpful and kind
Having compassion and giving up your time
Making the day beautiful
And always being truthful

Fresh Flower Flare

The Silky Collection

Meet you by the chocolate shop

‘When I look out the window it rains
When I think of you it rains’-Ashley E.Leonard

Fitting Rooms

You wear that
A special way

Asking from the heart
The size of planet mars

Showing love like God above

‘And I will die reaching for your soul’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘Momentarily,clouds awake to the sounds of prayers’-Ashley E.Leonard

The soul of marriage
Like two swans entwined on still water

Job search
The bird sat on the perch
Which direction

‘I try my best to glow’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘Everyone is destine to do something’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘The unknown future creates a depression’-Asjley E.Leonard

The lavender field said ‘Welcome’

I have known you
Your eyes,your lips,your hands
All my life

Looking down on the city at night
Lamp posts look like ‘hundreds and thousands’ making the light

‘Combing the white hair of the waves’-T.S.Eliot

‘Writing is mystical’-Jo Shapcott


Bodies floating like dead water flowers
Because they could only be there in four hours
We all know there were not enough boats
First class wore top hats and coats
‘The Other’s’ freezed to death and didn’t port

I wonder how bright the stars were that night
Struggling to breath in the frostbite
Bodies fighting,then bodies still
The Millpond

If the world was going to end
If Aliens were more than pretend
If a meteor was about to hit
If the ocean got high and hit you
Like a kick

A longing of pink ebb

White feathers falling like snow
Forming pillows below

Till I end my song
Until someone does respond

‘Torchlight red on sweaty faces’-T.S.Eliot

‘Lost lilac and the lost sea voices’-T.S.Eliot

The light of the stars is ancient

Sink into the seats and beats

Names of stars
Doves pair for life


You light up the dinner table
You light up the church and Gods Angels
You light up the bedroom
So romantic, tantric
You light up my prayers

A crowd in my head
Thinking of song words and bread

‘Conciseness of the absolute now’

Fate of the Senses

They searched for millpond life

‘My mother has bought me a lavender tree’-Lavinia Greenlaw

‘The marriage-hearse’-William Blake

‘Thirsted evermore’-Christina Rossetti

‘And yet,by heaven,I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare’-William Shakespeare

I hope for eternal years

Sunset like steaming rubies

Warm to touch
Village memory

‘The Titanic’s lamps hang on its side
Like fruit on lit cliffs’-Helen Dunmore

‘The Titanic goes down entombing’-Helen Dunmore

The high sweet leaves against the sunset’-Jo Shapcott

Sweet oil
A pool of oil

Open to desire

The blue light and the sketcher
Peace tea

A personal museum

The Same Fire

The same fire
We have the same fire

The music and the magic
Every time I sit down to the piano

In my teens
I was a wilder flower

It’s in my eyes
By light electric
I want you

Charity shop ornaments
They make me remember

Raw radiance
Starlike and looking healthy

Face of love and peace
I love my mother

The heart aspires looking
Up at New York city

‘Remind,enchant,delight and
Know and comfort one another’-Katherine Raine

‘Unwritten poem,
Diamond in drop of rain,
Star in a tear’-Kathleen Raine

‘From the mystery that empowers poets’-Kathleen Raine

‘Evanescent as dream’-Kathleen Raine

‘The price of a far memory’-Kathleen Raine

‘Show me what I am and what is love’-Kathleen Raine

‘The seasons,the leaves,the loves,
Song to its source,soul to its star’-Kathleen Raine

‘Dear friends,whose letters alight like birds in my mornings’-Kathleen Raine

Reverie Was college my melody?

‘Walking ghostly in the dew’-W.B.Yeats

‘Send peace on all the lands’-W.B.Yeats

‘The moon beams from his eye’-W.B.Yeats

‘For the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand’-W.B.Yeats

The ancient ways
I love reading about the Vikings

‘I cast my heart into my rhymes’W.B.Yeats

My life is rhymed by reveries

‘Emblematical of love’

‘We must laugh and we must sing,
We are blest by everything’-W.B.Yeats

She had fluttering hair

The hills of old
When your running out of breath

Eyes that are laughter lit
And sore cheeks to go with it!

Crazed by love
Dreaming dove

Unbroken by the storm
Feeling safe and new-born?

A watcher is:a love and a kiss

Your day?
Make it beautiful

‘The waves of dew’-Eugene Field

I want a nice bum!


Going to town and having brown!

If its forbidden
You think about it al the time

‘Work it out’

Mental health
Not side effects
Human effects (How do people treat you)?

I am going to try overnight oats

Variety of key
(Life and exercise)

Gratitude list

Grateful to wake up warm in bed
Grateful the Jesus bled
Grateful for something to eat
Grateful for sound sleep

Grateful for the clothes on my back
Even though I know I’m fat

Grateful for the light bulb
When the sky outside is all dull

Grateful for running water
And for being a daughter of God

Grateful for a niece’s hand
Grateful for my nephews kiss
Grateful for the love of my sis

Grateful for music,oh
I am grateful for music
And the magic of a child

Grateful for birds filling my eyes
Filling the skies

Grateful for the sun
It makes me cry like an onion

Grateful for the moon
And a disney cartoon

Grateful for the stars
And classy cocktail bars

Grateful for beautiful art
Grateful for a good heart

Mission statement

My mission is perfect health
My mission is just enough wealth

My mission is a safe home
My mission is to meet my Angel and fly over Rome

My mission is to help World hunger
My mission is to get younger and younger

My mission is to lose weight
My mission is to trust fate

My mission is to hear that silent melody
My mission is to make waves in the flowers,everly

‘The ocean unrolls like cloth into the shore’-Gig Ryan

‘You climb into the dune,curved around the bay
Like a castle wall’-Gig Ryan

‘Big romance paddles the water’-Gig Ryan

Glamorous dreams
Flowing in the streams

I believe there is
Character in poverty

Fresh Flower Flare

A Prayer

A prayer for January

Let’s worship the strawberry
December was spent eating too much chocolate
And being too lazy
I have joined the gym,but
I don’t like putting leftovers in the bin!
If I exercise and improve my time
Can I have a bottle of wine?
Is your new years resolution to try something new?
How about a ‘different’ cake or look forward to
Easter with mini eggs!

A prayer for February

On no,I haven’t got a date,it’s Valentines day in three weeks
And I’m foolishly waiting for fate
Maybe a dove will deliver a message or
A wax sealed letter will come through the door and
Invite me to explore?!

A prayer for March

The golden eggs from Willy Wonka
Haribo sweets and hot cross buns.
I really should have signed up for that race and get a sponsor, raise some funds
But I do love spring flowers,daffodils and blossoms
Time for spring cleaning and fragrance
To keep you dreaming

A prayer for April

And not too many showers.
A beautiful cut of tender lamb,we
Need a holiday let’s make a plan
A trip to the park on our bikes,
Fishing in the streams and flying our kites.
A ride on the train,ice cream and flakes

A prayer for May

Family holidays ‘in the lovely rays’.
A clotted cream and jam cream tea.
Going further and further into the sea.
Playing with a beach ball,jumping waves
And a front crawl

A prayer for June

A summer nightclub and that good all dance tune
Parties at Stone Henge under the moon,
On a beach at sunset sat on sand dunes.
Ice pops on the way home from school
Tying our shirts around our waists,looking cool
A prayer for July

Getting the hosepipe out in hot piping weather
Running around laughing and chuckling together
Dipping out toes in a paddling pool
Eating lollies and ice cubes

A prayer for August

A time for Festivals,
Famous musicians and new arrivals
That perfect song,that perfect time
Pitching up tents and a lager and lime
Dreaming of a campervan,
Hippy clothes and making love,
Travelling hearts and doing good

A prayer for September

Let’s light the ember
The leaves are brown
And the conkers are falling to the ground
The fire is burning and the children are learning
Starting school for the first time,
Or walking to school alone for the first time,
It’s a brave time
There’s a que for the water fountain
There’s a que for school dinners
My message is ‘you are all winners’

A prayer for October

For those who trick or treat,
Dress up and have fun,get high on sweets
The toy adverts have begun,
It ain’t Christmas yet
But we love a Christmas song
Write your letters to Santa Claus,
Be good girls and boys and do your chores,
There are people in poverty and wars,
Send them a shoe box of gifts and who knows

A prayer for November

Bonfire night.May it not be too muddy on Worden Park
May the fireworks and fairground rides light up the dark
Treacle toffee and hot dogs,a super display and
Now we have fog. Sparklers?I look for the eyes

A prayer for December

The seasonal isle in the supermarket
The season begins
Chocolate reindeer,fruit and nuts,
Tins of biscuits,feeling stuffed!
May there be snow,a pure snow,
A crunchy pure white snow with a hand to hold

Mountain tops
A rainbow of dew drops
Watching the sunshine on golden crops

Walking in the rain round the shops
All hurdled together at the bus stop
Returning home to dirty pots!

The missing shoe……
…………………Oh,I found you!

‘The clear dew of his eyes’-James Clarence Mangan

‘His soul with song’-James Clarence Mangan

‘The glittering hill’-Sir Samuel Ferguson

‘Fairy waves’-Sir Samuel Ferguson

‘Spring glittering’-Sir Samuel Ferguson

Gentle my song
Like the Angels are rising

Spirits of love inflame
Watching the sunrise

‘Feels his heart rise’-Dante

‘A soothing essence that is full of love’-Dante

Pattern of love
Pattern of humility
Long as love

‘The garden smil’d’-Oliver Goldsmith

‘To gaze on the moon’-James Nugent Reynolds

‘Stars are weeping’-Thomas Moore

‘Strawberry-bright’-James Clarence Mangan

‘Our hope is Christ’-Aubrey de Vere

‘Sweet as ripple on the shore’-Thomas Davis

‘The mirror of the tide’-William Allingham

‘Tales of fairy power’-William Alingham

‘The butterfly of the sun’-Douglas Hyde

‘A picture for my heart to keep’-Rose Kavangh

‘Sea-touching’-Spike Milligan

‘Lusting to live’-Spike Milligan

‘Sunset gems’-Spike Milligan

Freshly fallen snow
You spend a moment just looking at it