Friday, 5 February 2016

No coward soul is mine

‘No coward soul in mine’-Emily Jane Bronte

‘This love lifts me like a bright white star’-Gig Ryan

A child’s eyes wide open
Magic party food

It’s the way you see me
The way you free me

He played suede notes

‘The yellow sky dances’-Gig Ryan

‘Dream,repair’-Gig Ryan

‘The ash of television’-Gig Ryan

‘All the wet satin rivers’-Gig Ryan

‘Velvet bodies forming on the beach’-Gig Ryan

‘The traffic stars’-Gig Ryan

‘Above the traffic twinkling birds listen’-Gig Ryan

Being helpful and kind
Having compassion and giving up your time
Making the day beautiful
And always being truthful

Fresh Flower Flare

The Silky Collection

Meet you by the chocolate shop

‘When I look out the window it rains
When I think of you it rains’-Ashley E.Leonard

Fitting Rooms

You wear that
A special way

Asking from the heart
The size of planet mars

Showing love like God above

‘And I will die reaching for your soul’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘Momentarily,clouds awake to the sounds of prayers’-Ashley E.Leonard

The soul of marriage
Like two swans entwined on still water

Job search
The bird sat on the perch
Which direction

‘I try my best to glow’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘Everyone is destine to do something’-Ashley E.Leonard

‘The unknown future creates a depression’-Asjley E.Leonard

The lavender field said ‘Welcome’

I have known you
Your eyes,your lips,your hands
All my life

Looking down on the city at night
Lamp posts look like ‘hundreds and thousands’ making the light

‘Combing the white hair of the waves’-T.S.Eliot

‘Writing is mystical’-Jo Shapcott


Bodies floating like dead water flowers
Because they could only be there in four hours
We all know there were not enough boats
First class wore top hats and coats
‘The Other’s’ freezed to death and didn’t port

I wonder how bright the stars were that night
Struggling to breath in the frostbite
Bodies fighting,then bodies still
The Millpond

If the world was going to end
If Aliens were more than pretend
If a meteor was about to hit
If the ocean got high and hit you
Like a kick

A longing of pink ebb

White feathers falling like snow
Forming pillows below

Till I end my song
Until someone does respond

‘Torchlight red on sweaty faces’-T.S.Eliot

‘Lost lilac and the lost sea voices’-T.S.Eliot

The light of the stars is ancient

Sink into the seats and beats

Names of stars
Doves pair for life


You light up the dinner table
You light up the church and Gods Angels
You light up the bedroom
So romantic, tantric
You light up my prayers

A crowd in my head
Thinking of song words and bread

‘Conciseness of the absolute now’

Fate of the Senses

They searched for millpond life

‘My mother has bought me a lavender tree’-Lavinia Greenlaw

‘The marriage-hearse’-William Blake

‘Thirsted evermore’-Christina Rossetti

‘And yet,by heaven,I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare’-William Shakespeare

I hope for eternal years

Sunset like steaming rubies

Warm to touch
Village memory

‘The Titanic’s lamps hang on its side
Like fruit on lit cliffs’-Helen Dunmore

‘The Titanic goes down entombing’-Helen Dunmore

The high sweet leaves against the sunset’-Jo Shapcott

Sweet oil
A pool of oil

Open to desire

The blue light and the sketcher
Peace tea

A personal museum

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