Monday, 23 May 2016

'The red of those childhood years'

‘The red of those childhood years’-Linda Bierds

‘Stroke to the open blossom’-Linda Bierds

Smoking a cigarette in silence
Thinking of you in remembrance

Magic meadow
Love at first light

Induced by weight

Eating becomes an emotional calm down

My spirits sinks studying my bottom

By greed

Food should be glorious and free


Igloo-type tunnel made from hay

Horses clippety-clop

‘A sunflower growin your heart’-DianeWakoski

‘Your songs will be bled out of you’-Diane Wakoski

‘The coffee of longing’-Diane Wakoski

A paintbrush
A smile of lust

Honeycombed workings

‘Glitter of souls’-Seamus Heaney

The language of touch and
Dreaming wine


The daisy-chain
Sitting with friends and making daisy-chains

To write for the joy of it

‘For rhythm and contact’-Diane Wakoski

My heart glows like a ruby

You have all my womanly desire

In love devotion
Enchanted ring

My hungary body
The poet stood on the beach

Just discovered sweet and salted popcorn

‘Everyday of life is some concert clear and beautiful’-Diane Wakoski

‘Sweaty body of dreams’-Diane Wakoski

To write in rose light

‘To coax love out of the keyboard’-Diane Wakoski

I watch you
I watch you speak
I watch you laugh
Your heartbeat

Feeling intimate in the music room
My heart whispers
My love whispers
For someone to tend my wounds

A moment of love
I remember the dove
The sun smiled above
As we made love without rush

With starfish

Emperor of ice cream
Empress of ice cream

‘The music of wood’-Anon

A piece of holiday cake! Fit man/woman

‘The image of an onion,
It’s sweet blanket layers’-Diane Wakoski

‘The piano’
‘When someone with inspired hands throws it into orbit’-Diane Wakoski

The Olive branch

I don’t want a competition
I want you to love and listen


‘A hint of earrings,dangling,globes’-Sarah Kirsch

Raisin bread on holiday

Move me to tears with laughter

‘The very fresh morning sun’s performing’-Sarah Kirsch

‘A glorious morning violet clouds’-Sarah Kirsch

My own Orion

‘Swan-like loyalty’-Sarah Kirsch

The heaven of ideas

Floating on chicken soup

Chocolate candy

I am danced

A child is a sunset in miniature

Dancing with knowledge

I am a hungary poet
I am your poet,mother

‘The great roaring fiery heart’-Marge Piercy

‘Art requires a plaza in the mind’-Marge Piercy

The sun putting gold glint on the water
A peach tree brightly

‘My breasts are vulnerable as ripe apricots’-Marge Piercy

As naïve as ripe strawberries

‘Your pain flows into me through my ears and fingers’-Marge Piercy

‘The first spears of the morning’-Marge Piercy

‘Peaches, tomatoes,pear glow like muted lanterns’-Marge Piercy

Strong and sweet
I like my men
Without the thorniest thickets

‘Like a seedling to the sun’’-Marge Piercy

‘Dance in the flowers of the festival’-Marge Piercy

Always baby

‘The river glinting like clean hair’-Marge Piercy

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