Friday, 8 July 2016

My heart is like the sea

‘My heart is like the sea
Where many a pearl maybe’-Gwen Harwood


Child with milk and storybook

‘Consumed with total love’-Gwen Harwood

Look at everything in life with laughter

Catch the bus in the rain
With laughter

Chase the bin down the street
With laugher

Pick up your shopping from a broken bag
With laughter

‘Colours sing in your dress’-Gwen Harwood

Saturday night sweets

‘You of the birds’-Gwen Harwood

Ice cream
Harmony and delight!

Zesty blood cider
England’s football blinders
Eagle and child
When I walked in you smiled

Kiss kiss wish wish
But he was ish ish

The radiance of perfect love

Career a blossom climb

Deer to the touch

Kaleidoscope of light coming through the trees
So many kinds of gold

The rainbow over this house is
Like the whole of you

‘Pencilled on the sky’-Elizabeth Jennings

‘When poetry is spoken
That door is opened and the light is shed’-Elizabeth Jennings

The golden word is love

Love is a storm but love can be so warm

My words before death
Live your life with breathe and dreams

To the waves of the open sea
The spirit of poetry
Waves of standing hay

Paradise is
An endless movie

Age Concern charity shop

A graceful ornament
And a merry smile

So you have a considering eye?

A true lake
A feeling of openness

‘The flame of the poem’-Denise Levertov

‘Fernlike,trustful’-Denise Levertov

‘Pierces the heart all summer’-Denise Levertov

‘There was a white candle in your heart’-Denise Levertov

That kind candle
As we made love

‘The sapphire bloom’-Denise Levertov

‘The knowing joy of love’-Denise Levertov

‘Dew-beads of light’-Denise Levertov

The breaking of bread
And bbq chicken!

‘The cloud-rifts share their amber light’-Robert Louis Stevenson

A glittering frame

‘My whole soul rises and falls
And leaps and tumbles with you’-Robert Louis Stevenson

‘Coasting mountain clouds and kisst
By the eveninga amethyst’-Robert Louis Stevenson

Flowers and song
Flowers and girls


‘The name of a strong tower’-Robert Louis Stevenson

‘One star,one peace’-Edward Thomas

We walk around the shops

Beauty is there

We go on holiday

Beauty is there

The moon and I had a little cry

A clear brook and
A butterfly alighted’-Edward Thomas

‘The pond,a modest size it sits like a soup tureen’-Maxine Kumin

Make-up ,perfume
The cosmetic ideal

Nutella heaven and Steamy sex!

‘Make every poem your final poem’-Maxine Kumin

‘I have a dream became my dream’-Maxine Kumin

I love seeing you
Does that mean I love you?

Lights make it special
You make it special

But love can be a commercial


I want to say I love you
And write a piano song

I want to say I love you
I need you to belong

I want to make you strong
I want to right all wrong

Taste you with my tongue
Forever young

Afraid of words
Unafraid of singing birds

The passage of birds

‘By firelight ,with cake and song’-Carolyn Kizer

Breath of Italy

Magic marbles
Crayon of childhood

The romantic effect

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