Monday, 3 April 2017


‘Little bloody skirts’!-Sylvia Plath

‘Webs of cities’-Ted Hughes

‘Of his eyes,the two dewdrops’-Ted Hughes

The butterfly fluttered into the curtains,
Curtains in the sun

Yellow in the sun and brown in the rain’-Seamus Heaney

‘Tragic chorus in a gate’-Seamus Heaney

‘To a new-grooved harmony’-Seamus Heaney

Music in it

‘Music, Shakespeare and the sun’-Wendy Cope

The waves of war’-Simon Armitage

‘Wave of gentle dreams’-Simon Armitage

Birds and the solar wind

‘Love has no ending’-W.H.Auden

‘An air of great friendliness’-Philip Larkin

Curled up with a dish!

Days of song,full of song

‘My body is the magic of the world’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glee of childhood’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Touched my lips to song’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glow-worm stars’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glowering sky’-Siegfried Sassoon

Ugly thoughts broken and mad
I look for wild purple in the sky

Gramophone alone

‘My song’s desires’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Soldier ,soldier ,morning is red’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Peace in the pools’-Siegfried Sassoon

Lost the light with
A philosophic smile

‘The sound of the sunflower’-Brian Patten
‘The fairy tale of forever’-Brian Patten

Pleased by silence
The hurt fades

‘What glows beyond her’-Brian Patten
‘Springs sweet avalanche’-Brian Patten

A freak poem
Where does it come from?

Their own electricity

‘When I went out I stole an orange
I kept it in my pocket
It felt like a warm planet’-Brian Patten

A bed’s oasis
There’s an echo of him

Holding you on the swing
The cutest little thing
That white cotton bonnet
I’s write you a sonnet
And buy you a creamy vanilla cornet

But you may not remember  when you get older
That your auntie Lisa competed to hold ya!
Or tickled your tummy and
Closed all the windows so you wouldn’t get colder,love ya!

A songline by the fire

I love your imagination
Your mind is like a decoration
You treat life like an exploration
I am full of adoration Xxxx

Mother's Day

Mothers day

Remembering the round
My tears are bouncing off the ground
I wonder how they would look and sound
I sell all these mothers with prams  in town,
Talking to their babies
Going through life’s stages

I wish it was me

I wish I could meet the one with the hands
The one I could lie with,the one that is kind

Children so beautiful
My heart gets bigger
I can’t contain my love Xxx

An onion by my side
He looked straight at me and lied
Every layer made me cry

A satsuma
I only got a segment of his love

Up and down on a pea-boat at sea

The pear was hard and sour
It needed more time to soften and empower

He gave me grapes like jewels
But they were not forever

Sweet corn but you need some meat
Pasta but you need some sauce

Think special flowers

‘Meadow of the soul’-Geoffrey Grigson

A kiss of poetry
A patient tree

Angles of the mist
Dream face

Buttercups untold
Primary school children

‘The heart of light’-T.S.Eliot

I strive to be elegant and intelligent

‘These lamps,these planets
Falling like blessings,like flakes’-Sylvia Plath

‘I am not a smile’-Sylvia Plath

‘The natural fatness of these lime leaves’-Sylvia Plath

And I in agony
Pearl button

‘Pure and clean as the cry of a baby’-Sylvia Plath

By cherubim
‘Thinking sweetness’-Sylvia Plath

‘Bright stupid confetti’-Sylvia Plath

‘The snow has no voice’-Sylvia Plath

A love heart speech bubble

A love heart speech bubble

Hearts in your eyes

Bleeding down under
Bleeding down south
Bleeding putting this chocolate in my mouth!

Bleeding in Paris Disney
Bleeding in Lake Como
Bleeding I didn’t have Nutella at McDonalds
And a large cornetto

Bleeding in New York
I wanted to open the champayne cork
I didn’t want to hear this talk

Feels like your bleeding when you
Can’t have what you want

I want coco
Nutella coco
Nutella ice cream!

Still on the happy pills
Still on walking hills
How many hills?

I know there are people in greater pain
But I feel like  a weakening flower,flame
My head is spinning like a drunken hurricane

In God’s name,please explain
Before I give in to sadness and slain
It always rains,It always rains

Teddy bear,teddy bear
Soft,peaceful and still
Teddy bear,teddy bear
Perfect when I am ill

Treble clef vs Bass clef
Women v’s men

‘The lonely bird through the woods’-Anon
‘The soft breath of truth’-Anon

Soft evening degrees sat outside the pub

Eyes twinkle from the rocks
I love the smell of sunblock

A simple thing
Rabbits hopping in the garden

The brightening air
I love the sun

‘The storm of petals’-Alice Corbin

All love and beauty

We watched the waves
Idea scent ‘Intimate’

Losing weight ‘The Life you gain’

Erotic story idea
‘Nutella drizzle’

I need a dentist with grace

The Sun

The Sun, traveling gold

Adventures about backpacking
Little people backpacking
But they never leave the garden!

Little people ab-sailing down the staircase
Using a cereal box and yo yos as wheels for a car

Magic hot pot
Magic Bolognese

Pour me a cup of the world
Don’t be afraid of the spider tapping it’s legs

Too much time on my hands
Dreaming of campervans
Opening a few cans
What are God’s plans

Little people using choc bar as a ladder on stairs
Climbing up to the stars (chandelier in the hall)

Rabbit turning into gold by magic,
A chocolate rabbit hops into your room at
Night through the window

Caramel tears

I am fat-chocolate drops are running down my face

Chocolate ideas

Chocolate egg with a bold head,ball mask,sunglasses,different faces
Chocolate baby shoes
Chocolate petals


Lonely on the couch
Lonely in bed
I put chocolate in my mouth
But I want love instead

Lonely on the bus
Lonely in town
Looking for someone lush
But they always turn around

Lonely eating my tea
Lonely drinking coffee
I wish I could her the front door key
And my true love shouting ,it’s only me!

Lonely watching tv
Lonely watching a movie
I need a kiss,a long,long kiss to move me

I’ve got the lights,romantic lights,
I want you to stay the night

Romantic lights,all night

Just lonely

No boy next door for me
No man for keeps on holiday
Where do I go?

Ghost that plays the piano
Ghost on a plane
Ghost doing gymnastics
Ghost running
Ghost of a model
Ghost at the salad bar
Ghost of a baby

St Ann's

St Ann’s paddling pool
Looking for rainbow fish

‘A long dead star may only echo’-Patric Dickinson

‘The large echoing churches’-Elizabeth Jennings

‘With potato flowers’-Ian Hamilton Finlay

‘In a little rockpool that reflects the moon’-Ian Hamilton Finley

The very best few

‘As in her bloom of life she evolved alone’-Paul Durcan

At the end of the day
My eyes close
And I get to go away

My eyes close
And I get to go away

The breeze
My eyes close
And I get to go away

Playing music
My eyes close
And I get to go away

I smell the salt of the sea
I feel the sun warming me

Eating unhealthy food,
You get to go away
Drinking because,
You get to go away

Smoking because,
You get to go away

Exercising because,
You get to go away

Getting randy
Eating candy

I just wonder

Could I have made you a little fonder?
Could I have made you stay longer?
Could I have been your best lover?

A song girl – a bond girl?

Girl in a yellow dress sat in bed of daffodils

You held  me in your arms
You watched me play
You put me in jams
With milk and a cookie!

When you use your imagination
You get to go away

Outline Shame Blame
Will I ever have a nice shape?

Feels like someone has drawn around me in illuminous pen

Didn’t have much fun
Didn’t get much done
I just wanted to run
And he turned me into a ton

All -adream

All –adream

In Angel form he knew
Knowledge of the bliss

Love’s palace
Gem-born light

Do not neglect the flowers

‘Sleep is sweetest now’-Christopher Marlowe

‘The fruits he cannot touch’-Christopher Marlowe

To have a touch on sacred bay
If truth you sing

‘A marriage in May Weather,
To bring enjoying hearts together’-Leigh Hunt

The poet’s story
Under the airy trees

Towards fair Florence

‘Fair breast
Soft amethyst’-Anon

Desires and adorations

‘The first –orange glimmer
Touched the dial on the lawn’-Frederick Goddard Tuckerman

‘Life Love Experience Art’-Tuckerman

Hearts that wail and bleed
People that are in need

Jewel flower
With searching feet

‘We love too much to travel on old roads’-Edwin Arlington Robinson

Empty day
Necklace containing ashes of someone died

Romance and sunsets
Champayne and private jets!


Rabbits and squirrels running ahead
As I tended to my flowerbed

Worms and ants came out to play
But mum told us not to be dirty

I wanted to catch a butterfly
But wasps and bees made me cry

The moment
When I saw a ladybird
I counted the dots and declared;
‘Here is my garden,it’s the best,be my guest’!

It’s got protective dogs,
Cuddly cats
Crickets having a chat in the night
Hedgehogs at your door first light!

There’s birds singing on the washing line
The fish are swimming in the pond
Full of green and slime

The shed is home to some lovely mice
I have fed them crackers and choc ice!

Next door you can hear a talking parrot
I would love a white horse to feed and to gallop

Sometimes we even get ducks and ducklings

But the spirit of the garden is all the boys and girls,
All over the world

The Watercan

A watercan for dying flowers
Little feet walking in the daisies

New York
The great depression
Looking for a great sensation

You kiss me like I’m red
You kiss me like I’m bled

You touch me like I’m pink
You touch me like I’m pure mink

You hold me like a violet flower
You hold me like love by the hour

You carry me like a blue flame
You carry me out of the rain

You smell me like I’m spices and herbs
You smell me like I was always yours

You play with me and my copper hair
You tell me we are forever

You play me like I am rare
We are together

I want to be kissed in disco light
I want to be held by the waist all night
I want to be stroked,to be treated nice
I want to be walked home by someone warm and wise

I want to be undressed tenderly
I want to be looked at desirably

God,please bring me someone
I need to be alive
When will my love arrive?

You wait so long
No longer young
The friendly and fond

Raining outside
I can hear it quite loud
I am in my bed with the heating on
I feel grateful I am not so cald

Me and my book

I love my niece Soph
Rolling her eyes,jokey
Even when she’s ropey
She’s my little loaf!

Bloods taken
Let’s put some steak on
Or bake a cake to faint on
Or start the day with porridge
Even if it’s horrid
Fill up your fruit bowl and set a goal
Salads,Vegs,include them all!

Of course I am no expert,I should take my own advice.
I wake up every morning at six for too much cereal and a chocolate fix
I get real pain in my stomach
There’s no information in my head
I try to remember but it’s all a blank
I cry,I cry most days
It feels like frying an egg and the whites bubbling
Blow torching meringue

I can feel them tearing the paper

Being ill
All those years,16 years and my family would rather me suffer
Than sing,have a go at the shop:
I needed my voice though,too painful not singing in a music shop
I’m overpowered,overruled when I try to diet
I’m not making this up

Warm water
Don’t want to be cold and unfeeling

‘A sparkling welcome’-Leigh Hunt

‘He will not come,and still I wait.
He whistles at another gate’-Francis Ledwidge

‘Cradle songs’-Francis Ledwidge

Dreams of sunset –gold

I began to learn the piano

I began to learn the piano
Felt like a flying sparrow
I hide behind the trees
From the shooting arrows

And I looked for a rainbow
And I looked for an angel
I just wanted the pain to go away
I wanted to write for a baby

When I learned middle c
I made a wish to play amazingly
I sat staring at the keys
Could I write crazily?

I feel like this boy is blazing me,
Breaking me,not embracing me

‘Love is patient and kind:love is not jealous or boastful;
It is not arrogant or rude.Love does not insist on it’s own way,
It is not irritable or resentful,
It does not rejoice at wrong;but rejoices in the night.
Love bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things’-
St Paul 1 Cominthians 13 1-13

‘She walks in beauty like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies’=Lord Byron

‘The lamps of the city pricks my eyes’-Amy Lowell

The daring man and the glaring tan!

Still in the nest
So many things to get off my chest

Being with you
Adds to the purple view

Just another day
A day of play
I love my nephew so much
I teach him what to say
No shananigins!
We need you to behave
I love to tickle him
His smile takes the blues away

Begging you to come and help
The innocently weird

Blue skies and away
Blue skies make me stay
Blue seas I would play but for
Bluebells in May


Aluminium light

‘Aluminium light’-Viviene Hanna-Artt

The looms are closing in like the sea
Hundreds of threads surrounding me
The noise so loud
I can hear it at home
When I go to bed
I need peace and a pillow
Away from the clickety-clack in my head

New York

I stepped off the plane and glared at the lights
My eyes opened like touching jewels in the night
The buildings were so tall
People held out their hands to flag down cabs to invite
Then I had a ride on the subway
Studying a map
Some people were friendly
Some people were rude
It was busy and mad

Passion and dreams were all around
Thousands of people walking the town
Beeping horns and police car sirens
Ambulances and brave firemen

New Yorkers singing and dancing in the streets
Going to the theatre, taking their seats
Broadway and Manhattan
The place they say ‘Anything Can Happen’

There seemed to be anger and attitude
But lots and lots of gratitude
The arts and galleries were so inspiring
I got out my notebook and had a go at writing

You could buy delicious salads on salad bars
Hotdogs,bagels,pizza,keeping your eye out
For the famous,the stars

If you go to New York in the spring
It’s even more beautiful like a perfect ring
Yellow roses ,models taking poses
Everyone trying to get on the TV
Or queing on the steps of the Statue of Liberty
Going up the Great Empire State building
Watching your coffee cup filling
In an age of surplus clothes and trainers
Slimmers and weight gainers
Watching the screen for the great entertainers
And political campaigners
Portion sizes make me angry
Spending all your time in the pantry
Before you can drink you are starting families
I guess that makes me British

9/11 broke my heart,the World Trade Centre falling to the ground
To think when I was last there I was looking at prom gowns
I would love to go to Madison park
Even sing at Madison park,ride on a horse and cart
Do some drawing on Central park

Bloomingdales and Macys ,all kinds of faces
Expensive lip sticks for a boy’s kisses
We went to a jazz club but I preferred the English pub!
The romantic Rockafeller Centre,Christmas trees,
People going on shopping sprees

An ice ring,all twirling girls and boys
Gospel church joy
I wish I had seen Niagara Falls or wrote the music
For when some credits rolled
I worship David Letterman
He makes me smile
I’ve sat in the audience like a happy child
The magic of tourists taking photos,remembering John and Yoko
I saw a poster of Madonna
Lit some candles and prayed for the same honour

I love New York

The Necklace

The Necklace

My eyes opened,it was just me and the necklace
I stood looking outside the window,a perfect purple crystal heart
It was like a purple petal,a pressed butterfly
Or a purple firework making me gasp
I remember the lavender fields I once saw outside a plane window
On my holidays ,spiritual,special,so beautiful
I always hoped to find a purple starfish on the beach
It was like the juice of a purple berry.I could taste it
My fingers pointing,one day,I thought
Everyday I went passed that window,holding on to the coins in my pocket
After paying my rent and buying scraps of food,I barely had enough to buy
Dancing shoes.I worked as a seamstress,the hours were long,but with a single
Golden thread I held on to my dreams and soldiered on
One day when I stepped on the bus,it was a different driver.
His eyes were blue,his skin was golden,everyday was a holiday!
I imagined lying next to him,
Watching him breathe
He was always smiling,very polite,looked like he would be
Good in a fight!Tough and handsome.I wondered if he had noticed me
I started putting my hair in ringlets,wearing a little red lip stick
I just didn’t want to get off the bus!
One day,I found myself alone on the bus,trying to think of a conversation
Then,the engine stopped,the lights went out right in the countryside
We were alone,and there were no mobile phones!
I couldn’t have dreamed a more perfect situation!
All I had to do now was talk!
‘Hi ,my name is Jasmine,what has happened to the bus?’
‘I think we have broken down’Hi my name is Jake’
‘What can we do now?!I said
‘We may have to walk to the nearest house or farm,it may be a few miles!’
‘Oh,dear’I said.We both laughed and smiled
He said ‘here take my hand ,I think there’s going to be mud’!
I thought if we both fell in the mud,it wouldn’t be so bad!
The Stars
But the stars didn’t fail us,in secret,I held up my hand to wear them
I came across some purple violets in the field and remembered that crystal heart.
We were both lost and really cold.
I suggested we made a fire,I had so many butterflies but I think he felt it too.
The flames were high and we slowly kissed.
His hands around my waist
When the noon came,so did the sun
Oranges and lemons in the sky,and a strawberry patch, yum!
We decided to have a walk,and we were holding hands!He kept putting my
Hair behind my ear.There were rabbits jumping and they showed no fear.
Then we saw a house.
It was a charming house with a pink blossom tree in the front garden.
We knocked on the door,an old lady appeared.
I said ‘Hi my name is Jasmine’
He said ‘And my name is Jake’
‘We are sorry to disturb you but we are lost!
Could we possibly use your telephone?!’
The old lady said ‘Certainly’ ‘Come inside’
‘I’ll put some logs on the fire and boil the kettle’
She was so kind
We stepped in the house and shared a moment
Jake said ‘I better telephone the bus station and tell them what has happened’
He said ‘Excuse me Mrs……?
The lady said ‘My name is Mrs Bowness’
‘What is your address?
She handed us a cup of tea and then said ‘My address is 13 Swift Avenue.
Jake ‘Do you have a map?
Mrs B ‘Erm,yes I think so’
‘We need to locate the bus!!!For the breakdown truck to tow back into town!’
We all laughed!!
I didn’t find it too much of an ordeal,spending the night totally drunk on Jake but
I did fear he would leave it as a fling.
When the bus was back at the station,I didn’t need to fear,he said
‘Don’t go too far,I know where you live’!!!
The next morning,he called round!Infact he called again!
We got really close,went for walks in the countryside and visited Mrs Bowness!
She became a friend.We often took a bottle of wine and chatted into the night.
One day we were passing the jewellery shop and that purple heart necklace was still in the window!
I wasn’t deluded,we had very ordinary jobs,barely enough for our own little house.
One evening,I was getting ready for a night at the theatre.Mrs Bowness had given us the tickets as a
thankyou for planting her some violets in the garden.
And then it happened,Jake presented me with a box,a large velvet box!
I had tears in my eyes,I coundn’t believe he had managed it,remembered it even!
A purple heart necklace.
Jake said ‘it’s just on loan’
‘I have to take it back tomorrow’
It was wonderful.I sat in a box with a pair of posh glasses and felt like a real lady.
However,the next morning Jake was looking worried,he said ‘Jasmine,we have to go away’
‘But why,what’s wrong?’
‘I didn’t borrow the necklace’
‘I stole it’
‘But why’?
‘I wanted you to look and feel like royalty’
‘Oh,no where can we go?
‘Do you think the police know?’
‘Yes,they might we have to run’
So Jake and I boarded the train to Europe.We thought we could sell the necklace and live
On the money we made,keeping our heads down.
All of a sudden,the train began to violently move.We looked at each other,as in slow motion,
The train put on its breaks and our carriage fell to the ground.
We didn’t make it to Europe.
All I could hear was people shouting for help and screaming.I looked up and the train had
Completely come off it’s tracks.Carriages were scattered across the line and nearby fields.
I could smell fumes.I saw the train was on fire and quickly sat up.
I said ‘Jake,Jake’  ‘Where are you’?
I started to cry as I searched for him.
The sky was black with smoke and the ground was a red watercolour,swimming.
I heard the ambulances and fire trucks arrive but I still couldn’t find him
I walked around the dead and injured and I began to think,what if fate had intervened,
What if…Then I saw purple in the light reflecting,it was my necklace and Jake was holding on to it
Tightly,barely breathing.
He began to speak,
‘Take this necklace and think of me’
My tears hit the ground and I realised I was all alone.I let go of his hand and took the necklace
But it was broken and I lost the heart,just like I had lost his.

The Thimble

The Thimble

Nan opened her magic sewing box
She said ‘let’s fix those cotton socks’!
Buttons for our coats and socks
Ribbons for all kinds of locks
Then Nan passed me a silver thimble
I put it on my finger and felt it’s dimples
I asked Nan ‘What are these for’?
She said ‘To protect you from a needle
I wondered on the way home,
What else could thimbles be used for?
Maybe they could be cups or larger ones as huts!
I imagined little people at sea using thimbles as boats
Eating nimble bread,telling jokes,dreaming of tinsel and a life more simple,
Minstrels singing the warmest notes.
Then I decided they could be used as party hats!
Or a cooking pot making hot pot in Preston Lancs
They would be like stepping stones to a new life,
Over streams and towards.
As seats or as a drum,little people would be dancing around
When I was young I really just wanted to hold them and play and send the boy
Round the corner a kiss a day

The Theatre

I remember the building all in lights
I was all dressed up in sparkling tights
The doors were heavy and majestic,very,very,atmospheric
I walked up the steps holding the golden rail
People inline for tickets and a tale
My cheeks were flush
The carpet was red and lush
And soft,the curtains so soft I wanted to hide in them
Then the ice cream lady arrived and
All the children sky dived!!!