Monday, 3 April 2017


‘Little bloody skirts’!-Sylvia Plath

‘Webs of cities’-Ted Hughes

‘Of his eyes,the two dewdrops’-Ted Hughes

The butterfly fluttered into the curtains,
Curtains in the sun

Yellow in the sun and brown in the rain’-Seamus Heaney

‘Tragic chorus in a gate’-Seamus Heaney

‘To a new-grooved harmony’-Seamus Heaney

Music in it

‘Music, Shakespeare and the sun’-Wendy Cope

The waves of war’-Simon Armitage

‘Wave of gentle dreams’-Simon Armitage

Birds and the solar wind

‘Love has no ending’-W.H.Auden

‘An air of great friendliness’-Philip Larkin

Curled up with a dish!

Days of song,full of song

‘My body is the magic of the world’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glee of childhood’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Touched my lips to song’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glow-worm stars’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘The glowering sky’-Siegfried Sassoon

Ugly thoughts broken and mad
I look for wild purple in the sky

Gramophone alone

‘My song’s desires’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Soldier ,soldier ,morning is red’-Siegfried Sassoon
‘Peace in the pools’-Siegfried Sassoon

Lost the light with
A philosophic smile

‘The sound of the sunflower’-Brian Patten
‘The fairy tale of forever’-Brian Patten

Pleased by silence
The hurt fades

‘What glows beyond her’-Brian Patten
‘Springs sweet avalanche’-Brian Patten

A freak poem
Where does it come from?

Their own electricity

‘When I went out I stole an orange
I kept it in my pocket
It felt like a warm planet’-Brian Patten

A bed’s oasis
There’s an echo of him

Holding you on the swing
The cutest little thing
That white cotton bonnet
I’s write you a sonnet
And buy you a creamy vanilla cornet

But you may not remember  when you get older
That your auntie Lisa competed to hold ya!
Or tickled your tummy and
Closed all the windows so you wouldn’t get colder,love ya!

A songline by the fire

I love your imagination
Your mind is like a decoration
You treat life like an exploration
I am full of adoration Xxxx

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