Monday, 21 August 2017

Memories of Nan

Memories of Nan

Whenever we went to visit Nan
Spaghetti Bolognese would be cooking in a pan
Nan used to grow her own tomato’s
We would pick them when they were ripe
She used to grow her own potato’s but

I don’t really know what type
The first thing I did when I went to my Nan’s was go to
The old biscuit tin
Twiz’s and ginger biscuits and cakes with icing!

One Christmas she got a new HiFi
We put on some music,stopped being shy,
And danced till bedtime
The presents were piled up high,
There was gold and silver tinsel reflecting in my eyes
Chocolates on the tree and caramel pennies
Whenever we went for tea we were allowed to watch the telly!
And if it was summer and we wanted a dessert,there were choc ices
In the garage freezer or Robinsons ice cream from Bert!
When I first started school my Nan gave me some hankerchiefs,
I still have them today
At 14,Nan gave me a box of make-up while I was sat at her dressing table
Smelling fancy soap.She also made my sister and I dresses,I remember her laying
Out patterns on the dining room table telling us stories and fables.
I looked forward to doing puzzles with my cousins and playing football
Outside with ‘Nan’s little rummuns!’

The surfer watches
Waves and currents

Love is sweet n sour sauce, a positive force!

The law of attraction
Scanning the beach

You are a magnet
The word is love

‘All good things come from love!
And all negative feelings come from a lack of love’-Rhonda Byrne

To amplify

The creation process
Clothe’s designer

Imagine it Feel it Receive it

The Aura of you
Fresh flowers and a watchtower

‘You should be as excited and happy as though it has happened to you
Because then you are saying  yes to it,then you are giving love’-Rhonda Byrne

I want to be an unlimited being

When will I meet my peace pilgrim?

What are you made of?

Everything I love and adore
The dancefloor

‘Love is the master key’-Oliver Wendell Holmes

The key of gratitude

‘Give thanks for your senses,your eyes that see,your ears that hear,
Your mouth that tastes,your nose that smells and your
Skin that let’s you feel’-Rhonda Byrne

‘The law of love could be best understood and learned
Through little children’-Mahalma Gandhi

‘Logic will get you from A to B
Imagination will take you everywhere’-Albert Einstein

‘When you realise there is nothing lacking
The whole world belongs to you’-Lae Gyo

Motivated by love

‘Success is not the key to happiness
Happiness is the key to success’-Albert Schweilzer

Love first
Love travels
Love shining

‘Your email shimmers in my inbox’-Vona Groarke

‘Working cells’

The perfect weight
All beauty comes from the force of love

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