Thursday, 18 January 2018

The Nurse

The Nurse
I was hoping to find a nurse
Like perfect verse
I felt so hurt

Why did the Lord put me on a psyche ward?
His voice is cutting up my mind
I just want him to be kind

Someone to care and have pasta
Somebody that stares and makes my heart go faster

Idea Chocolate Angel

Still drowning
Completely drowning
There’s no gown I can get in

Please let me slim down
Pound after pound
I want to go out into town less round

A clown and sound

A new beginning
Fresh linen
Lots of water drinking
A body for winning
I miss singing
I must start singing
Do my pink thing
9 stone lots of kissing

Charity shop
The bric-brac collection!

‘The constellations of islands’-Richard Georges

What are you up to?

Grief song
She closes her petals

‘Peace bowl’-Paul Muldoon

Used to be full of desire
Looking for a castle

I wanted to inspire
I wanted to dazzle

They tell me to smile
But I’m climbing the toughest mile
I used to sing as a child
All I do now is survive

I want to appreciate life

I want to be an echo in the sky
Travel for miles and miles
I want to be an echo in the sea
And find a golden key

I want to be remembered

I put my head on your chest
My heart feels like I may arrest

1 biscuit?1 choc?

The best diet?
Do not lie to yourself about it
Or cry about it
When you succeed
You will fly about it!

The Biggest Cry

I wake up each morning without any memory
That gives me anxiety
I can’t get a normal job
They can tell I can’t keep up
Then,there is my figure
I hate it in every picture
How did they do that in rickshaw?
I feel sick and I’m feeling bitter

I have no love,am I not enough?
I’m fat and have marks no-one would touch
I knock on wood

Purple Christmas lights in my bedroom window


Nothing is done
It’s been 17yrs since I have been ‘gone’
Nothing has been braved
Nothing has been paved
I feel like I’m screaming alone

Looking at the earth from above
Can I still find true friends and love?
Will I ever find a house?
Or will I end up a squashed little mouse?

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