Sunday, 11 March 2018


My only grief was not having anyone

How do I turn it around?
Find my peace,find my love,find my sound?

Gobby Aussie!!!

Come with me under the stars
I have big ears!

Come with me under the stairs
We can hide under the coats and
Hug our bears!!!

Frickin freezing
Coughing and sneezing
I ain’t leaving the house!

I wish it was sunny and we could spot bunnies,down South!
It’s a battle outside,you just want to hide
The wind,the rain,who do you blame?
Stood at the bus stop,cod running through your veins
Then it starts snowing
Blowing in your face,like delicate lace
A good womans grace
But it’s a sharp and raw place

Food issues
Handout the tissues!

Fairytale flakes
On the first date
Rowing a boat out on the lake
Sharing a cupcake!

I just to create and appreciate

Memory heart love
Rain shine snow

The piano everytime

The piano starts
Your in my heart

Your breaking my heart
I’m counting the parts
The horse has broken away from it’s cart
Your looking at me like I’m classical art
I’m thinking of an Angel,let’s hold hands to start
Share a dessert,share a spark

Nan’s birthday

Bella Italia
Let’s get palia!

A Sly fry
I must try

Tomorrow hey

A bread roll

Beaming in the snow
Dreaming in the snow


Australian pink river

I know and believe

You can think
You can be beautiful

Missing you
I want to be kissing you

A Tasty Tassie!!!

What is the password,the key?Generous wine!!!

Tattoo Ideas ‘Purple ladybird’
‘Cadbury sign’
‘Jammy dodger’
‘Heinz tomato soup can’
‘Music manuscript’

You shine a love
You say words to last
The plane is a brilliance of wings

Attendant stars
There maybe clouds but you are always there

The planet alive
High five!

The high sweet song
The petals opened
Breasts and desiring eyes

Band name ‘Sounds of water’

Pollo Perfecto!

Pollo perfecto!

Just wanna heal

The water table
Every meal time
A listening Angel
Bringing out the wine!


Beauty and danger
I think that’s why they named her Iceland,lot’s of ice!
I bought myself an Icelandic jumper
And definitely got plumper!
Saw untamed horses
Battled against the wind and the rain,in gale forces

Every bodies eyes were impearled
Looking at rocks and lava pots I felt like a little girl
Waiting for pictures as the water bubbled

Service star
Service with a smile
You’re been on shift for a while

But you have style
You exile

Love hugs prayer as we departed

Snap fitness,
Need to snap back into shape

Cross trainer lass
Exercise class

Sparkling mind
Picture of Diamonds in her head

In a mist I found your kiss


Red-hair beauty
Vibrant orange like Iceland poppies

Little churches
Little houses on a hill,purple,blue,pink
When will I meet him?

The Novel

The orange pages read like a campfire
A hot campfire

They ignited like the crossing of car wires
She woke in the morning with that look
It was her dream book


Alps of passion in Iceland

When the volcano erupted
The sky was ashen
Blasting,I watched in attraction

Perfect outlines and they do not know it

Meet me by the shoreline
My heart rushes when you say your mine
I could kiss you all of the time
Your hands are warm,soft and kind

I need to tell you  I care,a prayer

I want to be

Smiling upon the folds of her dress

‘Smiling upon the folds of her dress’-Dylan Thomas

Mystery and meaning
I go to bed dreaming

Kiss me awake

‘The white and whirling bay’-Dylan Thomas

The Easter Isle
A heaven egg

‘The fields of praise’-Dylan Thomas

‘Singing in bed that lasted until dawn’-Dylan Thomas

The world of a holiday rain?
Let’s play a game

‘Under the night forever falling’-Dylan Thomas

My secret moon
Stay until noon

Arms out like wings Titanic scene

The paw of an animal

Flower lover
Steamy tub

‘The chilly glinting hill’-Dylan Thomas

‘Blossom blooms’-Elizabeth Bishop

One of me
Just want a pretty body

The babies
Warm pink glow

‘And all the sea were moving marble’-Elizabeth Bishop

‘That moment she was mine,mine fair’-Robert Browning

When a baby learns to walk
A spot of joy

‘Serenely sweet’-Lord Byron

‘The snowy and the sunny’-Lord Byron

Caress in the light
Caress in the night

The words appeared
The whole sky cleared
What was once so feared
Was now endeared

Love is here ,my eyes,my ears

Will there be tears?
Or many happy years?

Forever gleamers

Steamers and dreamers

How many weeps?
I need someone for keeps

He took my hand
Our lips opened

His body was unaltered land,
Golden sand

Is there someone?
Is there a love song?
Or will they make fun?
Will they look and run?

Spring wings

Mothering Sunday and always

Triolet poem

(A)   Brushes of colour in a romantic candlelit sky
(B)   The Blue Lagoon was like being in a warm womb
(a)    On the black sand beach the giant waves rolled by
(A)   Brushes of colour in a romantic candlelit sky
(a)    We climbed up a mountain to see a waterfall from high
(b)   The glaciers looked like a turquoise blue,a marble moon
(A)   Brushes of colour in a romantic candlelit sky
(B)   The Blue Lagoon was like being in a warm womb

Sleeps like a flower

‘Sleeps like a flower’-Nissin Ezebel

Little arches of rainbows

‘The shawl of the night’-Cemin Sissay

Sure and safely guided

The end of pain
The gift of life

The little lyric
A dazzling bird

My hurt head
A lasting name

A race towards love

‘Wild flowers pulsing’-Gabriel Okara

Peace and loving

‘My hands,my lions,my heart’-Abioseh Nicol

A palace of snow
Always to love

‘Life and desire and dreams and death’-Frank Collymore

‘Yearning for our different sky’-Derek Walcott

Northern Lights like coloured flowing hair

Up in the trees
Butterflies looking like leaves

Flying colours in the sky
Northern lights in your eyes

New York make a call
New York make me tall
New York know my soul

Idea Keyboard trill ending on different notes

Be my protector
Write me a letter
Give me some pleasure,forever

If you want me

I could close my eyes forever in your arms
I could follow you eternally just like they do in songs

The bars of hospital
The smell of a petal
Stung by a nettle
No way to settle

‘Crumpet Creations’

My dream weight

Feeding the owls

‘Starfish sands’-Dylan Thomas

‘A stream of milk’-Dylan Thomas

‘Kissed me in the brain’-Dylan Thomas

‘The intricate seawhirl’-Dylan Thomas

All night wet with love

‘Surrounded by loving hills’-Dylan Thomas

‘The moonlight night went on’-Dylan Thomas

‘Like a flower,a new room pulsed and opened’-Dylan Thomas

‘A woman in a mad story’-Dylan Thomas

Lovers go down to the shore
They do not want anymore

A number in magic

In your eyes

In your eyes there is a golden gleam
Your lips taste like alot of cream!

I feel like I have magic beans
I love being
Please start seeing

My tears are a river but I have a boat
I want to find a castle surrounded by a moat
I want to sing
No more fat jokes

Think of a song
Love someone

We made love to the sound of doves

A big marbled pebble
Kept safely in my pocket

‘Floating like an undiscovered star’-Daphre Schiller

A sistersong
Since we were young

Maybe a Danish!

‘Fitted like peach skin’-Amanda Parkyn

‘Angels flocked in clouds of confetti’-Gabriel Griffin

The sun’s peachy dawn

‘Hot-water bottle hugged baby close’-Sarah Tames

Always something blue (always depressed)

‘The red silk puppy flower’-Mary Hodgson

Idea for Cadbury
Little nibbles of fudge covered in chocolate

Along the shore they run
Emotional waves

‘I joined the clouds to cry’-Karen t Brown

‘Restful in the rays’-Karen t Brown

‘No boundaries for the wind
No edges to the sea’-Karen t Brown

‘Towered with song’-Karen t Brown

When the sky begins to pour
I will still be yours

‘I remember you,
For you grew like the trees,

Centuries of love,tender like falling leaves’-Karen t Brown

Tattoo of ‘A dancers grace’

‘As the oceans are made of water
Of so many salted tears?-Karen t Brown

Weeping scars
You are not here

A Christmas heaven aged 7!

‘That saw your beauty
Like the morning dawn’-Karen t Brown

Braved I put my heart out there,everytime

A music store
I prayed it would open the door

Love,gather the firewood!

‘Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat up in your head
With silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby’-Langston Hughes

‘When I was a child I thought
The new moon was a cradle’-Wong Maj

The Pub

The Pub
The comic end of it all

Travelling in a car
Singsong lakes

Love is lyrical on the wind

The Pub A philosophical drink

Back at school

You are so lush!

Crushes and blushes
Catching the same buses
Some of us are good girls
Some of us are hussies
Some boys just want pussy
Some boys go all mushy
But people can be fussy
They want the perfect tushi!
They don’t want their eyebrows to be too bushy!
Or let their kissing get rusty!
Trust me!


Love is blind
Looking for a sign

Coming across a nice bottle of wine!
An opportunity for ‘me time’
Instead of unrequited love


It’s a time for a child
It’s pancake Tuesday
It’s time to smile
And not be moody!

You have to get the batter right
And begin with a steaming hot pan
Stack them up layer after layer
Eat as many as you can!

Water in a well
A wish to escape hell

Stream of courage

‘The day’s in love with you as sun’s with gardens’-Iain Crichton Smith

Your emerald honours

The baby woke up like a rising daffodil

I found you on a tide of music

I cannot ignore the fire blossom

‘The perfect patterns of a universe’-Iain Crichton Smith

Northern Lights
A downpour of purples,reds,greens

I entered the maze
To put purpose in my days

After you,I love a gentlemen

Dreamed of places
Dreamed of faces

The stairs of prayer
Every step

The gentle rain
Up in the trees

The scent hidden in the flower

Make me feel like everything
Encourage me I will have wings

Have I disappeared?
So lonely and weak

I’ve fallen down a stream
Petals are floating like in a dream

Sweet of a man

‘Sweet of a man’-Walt Whitman

‘The burnt fools bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the fire’-Rudyard Kipling

‘The ocean fog’-Dana Giovia

‘Calmed by the cedar-scented breeze’-St John of the Cross

‘A creature of fantasy’-Sheik Mahmud Shabistari

‘We are such stuff as dreams are made on,and out little life is rounded with a sleep’- Shakespeare

‘The voice of depression’-Hafiz

‘A beach encounter at sunset’-Claire Bateman

Extraordinary and eternal

Blimey your ninety!
And oh so lively!
Living through the war and dancing on a Friday!
You have always been so homely
You are our own royal dynasty
You like rugby and pies,and the love in your eyes
Makes us feel like a family
You looked after us as babies
Fetched us conkers from tall trees
Picked tomatoes from the green house
Helped us rescue a little mouse
I remember when we gave you a hand in the kitchen
Crying from onions and smiling from cake mixing !
You love books and little pups,especially Bella!
Her golden coat forever!
If it was bad weather,you gave us lifts and always had mints,
You watched us in ballet,in our pinks!
All the photographs were on the wall or in a cabinet
Uncles,aunties and cousins feeling affectionate
You had a dressing table,I would close the door to your room
Smell the creams and spray perfume
I tried on some clipped earrings that shined like the moon!
New Years Eve,hot pot and mushy peas!
All gathered together
All dancing together as we pleased
Ninety years Nan,we love and applause you
Let’s get dancing we adore ya!

‘Luscious,gorgeous ,pretty’-Liz Cowley

Follow me (love heart)

‘As the bird is to the air And the whale is to the sea so man is to his dream’-Don Paterson

Somehow I will reach you

Somehow I will meet you

A dream of water on a small galaxy

The thin blossom
A big bottom!

The tree in rain
The tree in sunlight
Still stands

‘The jealous flames’-Christy Brown

‘Full of the ghosts’-Christy Brown

‘A full confession’-Christy Brown

A house of uproar

‘Sails full curved like a woman’s breast’-Christy Brown

The beautifying routine

‘Amber dream’-Brown

Like birds perched prettily on a tree

The pub 
Cosily dreamily drinking!

Sweet and sure

‘We pine for that sky’-Christy Brown

‘Your every moment arrests my mind
Bringing my senses instantly awake’-Christy Brown

My flawed body
A sugar free lolly!

Perfect words

Perfect words
Perfect curves

Flying birds
Flying pairs

Dreaming of a shell

Nothing done
Nothing won

All my care
I will be there
Up the stairs
Share the air

Bliss and grief
Sometimes we don’t know what’s underneath

Can you tell me a story of good?
Can you tell me a story of love?

I don’t want a pot of gold
I just want happiness and hope

‘Dove of the church’-Seamus Heaney

‘Sparkle of ink’-Seamus Heaney

‘A leaf’s twist’-Rowan Williams

Food,light,a few words

The hot song and a Sense of magic

‘The gold end of the day’-Anon

‘Play life like an instrument making melodies
Change the daily discords into harmonies’-Anon

‘Childlight and dew’-Louise Mc Neill

‘The music of the waterfall
The mirror of the tide’-William Allingham

‘Work,pray,sing’-Williiam Allingham

You light me up
Like any sunset
Like any moon
Like any planet

‘A sparkle and a song’-William Allingham

‘To see that one day like a star’-William Allingham

To be emotionally prepared

I wanted to end the gore
My head so sore
On the mental ward

The tea was poured
Unhappiness ignored
Why couldn’t I have been offered a paw?
The pain is still raw

An outdoor claw?
An indoor bore?
Friends and family wanting war?
Choosing the wrong song,the wrong movie ,the wrong door?

How do I grow?
Will someone ever love me,head to toe?
Or will they just want me for show?

How am I going to do any job?
This voice in my head wants my blood

Crazy about your lips

‘Electrical skin’-Christopher Smart

‘The smart of memory’-Charles Baudelaine

‘The cream of sin’-Charles Baudelaine

The heart depressed despite a delectable view

‘I happy am,if well with you’-Anne Bradstreet

‘Beauty of person’-Walt Whitman

‘Beautiful motion’-Walt Whitman