Sunday, 11 March 2018

In your eyes

In your eyes there is a golden gleam
Your lips taste like alot of cream!

I feel like I have magic beans
I love being
Please start seeing

My tears are a river but I have a boat
I want to find a castle surrounded by a moat
I want to sing
No more fat jokes

Think of a song
Love someone

We made love to the sound of doves

A big marbled pebble
Kept safely in my pocket

‘Floating like an undiscovered star’-Daphre Schiller

A sistersong
Since we were young

Maybe a Danish!

‘Fitted like peach skin’-Amanda Parkyn

‘Angels flocked in clouds of confetti’-Gabriel Griffin

The sun’s peachy dawn

‘Hot-water bottle hugged baby close’-Sarah Tames

Always something blue (always depressed)

‘The red silk puppy flower’-Mary Hodgson

Idea for Cadbury
Little nibbles of fudge covered in chocolate

Along the shore they run
Emotional waves

‘I joined the clouds to cry’-Karen t Brown

‘Restful in the rays’-Karen t Brown

‘No boundaries for the wind
No edges to the sea’-Karen t Brown

‘Towered with song’-Karen t Brown

When the sky begins to pour
I will still be yours

‘I remember you,
For you grew like the trees,

Centuries of love,tender like falling leaves’-Karen t Brown

Tattoo of ‘A dancers grace’

‘As the oceans are made of water
Of so many salted tears?-Karen t Brown

Weeping scars
You are not here

A Christmas heaven aged 7!

‘That saw your beauty
Like the morning dawn’-Karen t Brown

Braved I put my heart out there,everytime

A music store
I prayed it would open the door

Love,gather the firewood!

‘Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat up in your head
With silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby’-Langston Hughes

‘When I was a child I thought
The new moon was a cradle’-Wong Maj

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