Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Shades of love

Shades of love

I edged his way

Sugared almonds at Weddings

The ruby slippers

The ruby door

The same confidence

‘Ah,Sun-flower!Wearyof time,

Who countest the steps of the sun,

Seeking after that sweet golden clime

Where the travellers journey s done’-William Blake

Touches and playful punches!

The moonlit reef

Let’s see whats underneath!

Grandma left her song behind

A custard cake and Boxing day Meal

Sweets from the cupboard

The big reveal!

‘Parted for me like the red sea’-Connie Bensley

‘I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold’-Anne Bradstreet

Long and luminous

Children’s book idea

‘To hide in the hollow tree’

The bed of perfect

In dream

‘On Christmas eve the bells were rung,

On Christmas eve the mass was sung’-Sir Walter Scott

This blessed babe was born

‘In a giddy trance,

The moon-beams dance’-Anon

In the morning you are my delight

Make no lies

Fine fun,going round and round on the chair

In good dress


I dreamed your wings span around me

You landed on my arm

I dreamed your little feet found me

And I wasn’t alarmed

We visited the farm

Your white feathers made a psalm

My eyes follow you in the sky and I cry

So long


I wonder if I will see a deer

Standing in sunlight,a chandelier

Drinking from a spring that’s crystal-clear

Hiding from a mountaineer

Maybe we should take a trip to Windermere

If we are quiet in the woods

We might hear or we will have to wait till next year

We are shedding a tear

I need the juice of roots and berries

Twinkle Twinkle

‘Then the traveller in the park

Thanks you for you tiny spark’-Anon


Nor pining for love

Or mining for gold

All I wanted was his hold

Nor following him

Or working the gym

All I wanted was to sing

Nor buying drinks

Or dressing in pink

All I wanted was his link

But my feelings were one-sided

My room was untided

My figure was dying

And my life was unguided

I wanted to find an unlosable friend

I wanted to find my own little trend

I wanted a lucky night never to end

And avoid the chocolate from the vend

I wanted to be Juliet

I wanted to be different

I wanted to drink alcohol

Look like a blond haired doll

Eating a tub of ice cream

Undoing the button on my jeans

I wonder,do they hear my screams?

I am surrounded by bubble bees

I just need him to call,I had a crush he made me fall

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