Sunday, 28 April 2019

Confidence of love

Confidence of love
So thankful

‘Swirls on the night sky’-John Redmond

‘The arms of the bay’-Maurice Riordan

Between each kiss

Places to fish?
The waterfall

White butterflies
Jesus it’s beautiful

‘Come to me in dreams’-Raymond Carver

‘I keep my eyes on the stars’-Raymond Carver

‘The every beautiful path’-Raymond Carver

God,please help me out of this

Beat of sadness
A womans future

Working with strawberries (being on a diet)

The harbour seems calmer

‘The love in their young faces’-Raymond Carver

Locomotion and the ocean

He was there
Sheer chance

‘Glistening and working’-Raymond Carver

‘A field of oats at sunset’-Raymond Carver

Walk with a torch song

Blows and betrayels
I hate love when it fails

I picked peaches for you

The sensitive girl the one who cracked

‘I watch a lemon sun disappear’-Raymond Carver

Highland air,sweet and dreamy

Nothing but love are they dancing above?

An honest day’s work with the colours of sunset

Gentleness and affection
I want to look beautiful and go out

Most days I feel afraid
All those memories I could have made
All those days I could have played

The room with a vibe

The room with a vibe

‘With each wrenching try’-Maya Angelou



Humor and style’-Maya Angelou

‘Peace my brother

Peace my sister

Peace my soul’-Maya Angelou

Memorising smiles

Walking up the isle

‘Something in me

To cherish,to admire and to love’-Maya Angelou

Band message ‘Our inner beat’

Band name ‘The Divinity’

Read the story

A strong heart

‘No friendly beam’-Beryl Nixon

‘Writing poetry is my bliss’-Cara Galloway

‘Blazing sun and cooling breeze

Ice cream cones and picnic teas’-Richard Parry

Something special to see

The flame of your body

‘Have a Singapore sling,

Enjoy everything’-Dorothy Kenny

Dancefloor spaces

‘Booming out the beat

Marching down the cobbled street’-Amanda Gorey

I still have bulb fields to view

I await your running hands

The eyes of a child

Shimmering pools

‘A garden becomes a wonderland jungle,desert,fort’-Li Bordessa

Spirit and earth in harmony

Baby name ‘Earth’

The sugared drink

The many sugared drinks

Inspire Youth Zone


The peaceful uniform

The unicorn

‘Beach-dreams’-Jean Bleakney

‘Lover in the sand’-Anthony Caleshu

Chocolate powder

Dipping your finger in!

‘Put together’ by fate

Go to the blossom

Look at nature

The year filled in with excitement

The sun climbed

The words rhymed

The waveform of the sea

Children’s book ideas

‘The day off school’

‘Non-uniform day’

‘Element of the bulb’-Gearoid Mac Locklairn

Thoughts of sex,perfect

‘The lavender city’-Conor O’calloghan

In the nest of paradise

‘In the nest of paradise’-Christina Rossetti

‘My heart is breaking for a little love’-Christina Rossetti

‘Accepteth all

Fulfilleth all’-Christina Rossetti

The lady birds arrive

We are having a tea party

The frost of not speaking for years

The orange cordial face

A tender petal

We welcome the spring

‘Spring is coming,spring is coming

Flowers are coming too


Now are coming through ‘-Anon

The Band

A tambourine

A lovely velvet gown

Space book

Climb up to the moon

‘The moon is like a lamp,

The sun is like a fire’-Rse Fyleman

Strawberry tart

Berries are glowing

Flower eyes

A winter of crystal snow

Safe in a nest

‘Who paints the rainbow in the sky

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high’-Jeannie Kirby

‘Great,spirit,sweet protection’-John Glasworthy

Birds sitting in the dew

Listen how they coo

‘Woods have many

Secret spaces


Silent places’-Irene Thompson

He touched the heart

‘One grand,sweet song’-Charles Kingsley

Lace and flowers,everyday

‘She is more beautiful than day’-Lord Tennyson

‘A wise person should have money in their head,but not in the heart’-Jonathan Swift

‘He who loses money,loses much,He who loses a friend,loses much more,He who loses

Faith,loses all’-Eleaner Roosevelt

‘You can only become truly accomplished at something you love.

Don’t make money your goal.Instead,pursue the things you love doing

And then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you’-Maya Angelou

‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’

‘The best things in life are free’

Old heartbreaks

And lonely lakes

No best mates

And still I wait

Everytime I wake

I want a picture,I’m proud to take

My passport,my license

I want to put on some war paint

Wear my hair done,look great

Fitting in a summer dress,please fate

I want to be sophisticated

‘The dinosaur ,who left dry tokens’-Maya Angelou

‘Very simple

With hope

Good morning’-Maya Angelou

Sing on the dole

A poem of water

A poem of water

‘Vulnerable and slender sand scarlet’-Sarah Maguire

Warm and oval

‘The confident moon’-Sarah Maguire

‘The pink-flushed blooms’-Sarah Maguire

My body alive with you

Wild with you

‘As I see you

Crystals grow

Leaves chime

Roses flow’-Clive James

A second sweater

Writing a letter

Eyes the colour of bluebells

The freeform poet knuckles down to rhyme

‘The opal sunset’-Clive James

There in streams

I am there in every stream

I am there for every dream

I am there for every fight

And all that is unseen

That powers the dawn

A new baby born

A white wedding dress

Never been worn

The swallowed chocolate

It’s too late!

The Goonies film,

The adventure starts in the heart

The recollection of your smile

Watching the river for a while

A summer night

A handstand

‘We fell together

The world fell together’-Clive James

Holds all the verve

‘Alive,beautiful,neat’-Clive James

‘Glowing in the window’-Clive James


The piano glistens

The audience listens

A blush of red

Quite a hole

And I want to stand tall

I want to climb over the wall

Be excited by a call

‘Throw your fond in a pond’-Alice Walker

‘When the stars echo back’-Angus Peter Campbell

‘My highest love’-Angus Peter Campbell

The last milk journey of the day

The everlasting coins that join

A Bethlehem of the heart

‘The smiles you can make,

The metaphors you can invent,

The poems you can write by

Just seeing what’s in front of your eyes’-Angus Peter Campbell

‘O dove with patient voice and patient eyes’-Christina Rossetti

‘White as dove or lily or spirit of the light’-Christina Rossetti

If you judge people

‘If you judge people

You have no time to love them’-Mother Teresa

‘The door of opportunity won’t open

Unless you do some pushing’-Anon

To be thankful for

An empty parking space.A crackling fire.A great meal.A glorious sunset.

Hot soup.Cold beer

‘We are all in the gutter

But some of us are looking at the stars’-Oscar Wilde

‘May you have warmth in your igloo

Oil in your lamp and peace in your heart’-Invit Proverb

God is very good to us

‘Some pursue happiness

Others create it’-Anon

Happiness is a decision

‘Somedays the dragon wins’-Anon

‘There are all kinds of love in the world

But never the same love twice’-F.Scott Fitzgerald

‘Love should run out to meet love with open arms’-Robert Louis Stevenson

The happiness of an individual?

Peace and plenty

‘Go into the sunshine and be

Happy with what you see’-Winston Churchill

‘The realm of calm delight’-D.W.Lawrence

‘In literature as in love courage is half the battle’-Sir Walter Scott

The very heart of it

‘The ideal apostle’-Oscar Wilde

Instrument of friendship

Ideas in conversation and in the library

The sweet,the good,the silly,the lily

‘We are all worms.But I do believe that I am a gloworm’-Winston Churchill

Inspire Quotes

‘Kindness is beautiful’

‘Have a kind heart’

‘Enjoy every moment’


‘Keep smiling’

A handful of pebbles

And pirate dreams

Pieces of eight

Will your money be safe?

Some people use banks

But others have no faith

‘Look up to catch eclipses,gold leaf,comets,angels

Chandelier’-Jo Shapcott

‘Do not ask anyone

Who only smiles with their face

They are on auto-pilot’-Catherine Graham

That espresso smell

More beautiful

Piercing in the darkness

‘The certainty of tides’-Maya Angelou

‘Joyful fruit’-Sarah Maguire

‘The longed for heart’-Sarah Maguire

The best words in the best order

‘The best words in the best order’-Coleridge

‘Spiritual unity’-Philip Howard

‘The lamp as the sun

The planets turn on’-Philip Howard

Inspire Youth Zone Chorley

For the children

A safe building

Realising their dreams to

Stop them disappearing

Guiding them on their pilgrim

Protecting them from gangs and villains

There is the feeling of fresh love

They are playing pool in the rec

Having their hair dome,looking magic

They are singing in the music room

Playing football,dancing to house tunes

Then there is the boxing ring

And a kitchen for cooking

There’s a climbing wall,staff are watching if you fall

You can always go to the gym

It will make you feel better,honestly

We call the art room ‘Be creative’

It’s very very appreciative

Sometimes we are collaborative

We like it quiet and meditative

Original and opinionated

Blackpool rock

Sand in your socks!

Children are fishing and collecting rocks

‘I am seeking,I am striving,I am in it with all my heart’-Vincent van Gogh

The rugby touchline

The turn of the key

Are you happy?

A child full of trust and belief

‘I would rather think of life as a good book

The further you get into it

The more it begins to come together and make sense’-Rabbi Harold Kushner

Still curious

Deck magic

We believe in mindfulness

We believe in kindness

‘Existence would be intolerable

If we were never to dream’-Anatole France

‘There are no rules

Just follow your heart’-Robin Williams

Me and my intuition

‘Every man must get to heaven his own way’-Frederick the Great

‘That money talks,I won’t deny

I heard it once it said ‘Goodbye’

-Richard Armour

‘The smartest thing I ever said was help me’-Anon

‘From a distance,it is something

And nearby,it is nothing’-Jean de la Fontaine

Am I not normal?

Am I not normal?

Terrified of walking into my local

Terrified of that holiday in Lake Como

Spiritual,can you fix it all?

Can you complete my soul?

I want to fall

Creatively Natively


Happy to sing

Happy on a swing

Happy with a plastic ring

No school or college fool

Asked me out,held me in my room

When I went to university,

Alone and doing my laundry

A distance,he wouldn’t stay with me

My flat mates were not friendly

But I always looked at the blossom trees

God tells me to have trust

But the world is dark and unjust

Is the talk of War

All we have to hope for?

Many people are dying

And we don’t find it surprising

We accept that they are frightening

The missiles are flying in

Taking life before it’s had the chance to begin

It’s like watching ‘the sinking’

Or stopping a child from thinking

How can we escape the blast?

By learning from the past

Pray to God you tread the right path

I wonder what will be

How much of the world will I see?

I’m approaching 40 and I still don’t feel free

Everytime I arrive,the bees are alive

He still won’t let me remember

Day to day I’m in Denver

Or dreaming there’s no tremor

Or am I burning in a pot?

Have I been left to rot?

Kindness and Ocean liners

Will you be my big brave miner?


Mothers day

Here are some flowers

May they open like paras

You’ve worked all the hours

It’s time to sit down

Here is some cake since

You taught me to bake

Smiling at the school gate

Sometimes you brought our roller skates

Here is a box of chocolates

Do you remember we were always sockless?!

You took us to school on your bike

Comforted us at night

Here is some perfume

Do you remember ‘Button Moon’?!

You used to sing a little tune

Tell us dad would be home soon

On holiday we ran up the sand dunes

And if we fell you dressed our wounds

You would make tea as watched cartoons

At birthday parties you blew up balloons

Here is a lovely plant

It’s you that I want to thank

For asking dad to be our taxi rank!

For all those bubble bath pranks!

Here is some jewellery

May it be a symbol of your purity

May it stop people like the shining sea

Here is a spa weekend

Have some treatments

You really are my best friend

That I will always defend

Here is a cream tea

People sat angelically

Finger sandwiches on tiers

Mum,it’s been 39 years!!!

The sun above water

The sun above the water

‘The truths of the body’-Eavan Boland

‘You were my dove,my summer’-Eavan Boland

‘I remember the smell

That romantic hotel’-Christopher Matthew

‘The moon and blossoms’-Zen Master Ryekan

Negativity ,neglect destroys ideas

Chanting this poem

A peaceful spring

A town in its festivity

The flower thief

‘In the mountain shade

Water in the moss

Drips between rocks

I feel a glimmer of clarity’-Zen Master Ryokan

‘The heavenly river shore’-Zen Master Ryokan

The faraway hushaby  mountain

The right one

But I don’t want a problem

I’ve got myself a tan

But does he have another woman?

I’m wearing a red dress


Do I look my best?

Like a bird in its nest

The right friend

For every second

When you come first

In some ‘good friend’ verse

When you called me

I heard angels sing

My eyes were open,yet it felt like a dream

We talked and we talked until the light came in


It’s my first thought

That and eating some porridge oats

But they make me dress for outdoor sports

Eat sugary cereal and drink coke

When I go to the gym

I want to do the weights

And run the whole time on the treadmill

I would like to do a class

I can see myself in the mirror

It’s all about ‘hourglass’


Brave in a cave

Ready to save

Something to send me to sleep

Someone to seek

I’m dreaming of a golden beach

A drop of water in the desert heat

I wonder how will we meet?

Will you raise my heartbeat?

May we no longer be incomplete?

I have all these dresses

They are really quite precious

But I cant fit in them at all

Its pathetic

It’s the same with my swimwear

I need to be thinner

A compulsive sinner

All I wanted was a story

Not glory

Dads playing the guitar

Dads playing the guitar

It travels the universe and the stars

When dad is playing the drums

I imagine everybody comes

‘A gentle touch of care’-James Larkhill

‘Our auras dance’-James Larkhill

‘An aura in my direction’-James Larkhill

‘Undress me slowly,feel me rise’-James Larkhill

‘A magnetic temptation to me’-James Larkhill

‘You entice me through your attraction’-James Larkhill

Christmas dawn

‘Overcome by the gifts beneath the tree’-James Larkhill

Spiritual light in the window

‘The dance of the free’-James Larkhill

The mountainside

The hypnotic tide

My dreams are in the streams

Drifting and sinking

I remember the kindling

I need to stop binging

I can hear the bass

I can feel the lace

At a slow pace

We enjoy the taste

Does he ignite a chase?

And that smile on your face?

Does he hold your waist?

Like the hand of two ace?

This is the place,I have found my grace

But Bamber Bridge was not the place

The glaze

How many hours to true love?

How many raindrops from above?

How many birds will sing a song?

How many times will I get it wrong?

How many nights will I be unhappy?

Walking the club,smiling and acting?

‘A flame that winter cannot kill’-Iain Crichton Smith

‘Birds sing and pair again’-Christina Rossetti

‘The chestnuts proud and the lilacs pretty’-E.Nesbit

‘Hymns to sunrise’-John Clare

‘The laughing sky’-John Clare

‘Swan-dream of a summer’-Graham Burehell

Under every star xxx

The tunnel home

Perfect be

Think of the planet

‘In the deep honeyed light of late afternoon’-Joan Mc Lellan

I listen to

I listen to notes

On a sun-illumined day

He gives me a flower of chivalry

And I don’t want to step away

It is a motif of a song

Carrying a baby

The chords of my love

Will hopefully save me

The holy glow of my mother

Pouring the drinks in the summer

Pastels rubbed by my own hands

I once saw a dolphin leaping

I once saw peacocks feathers,

But they were sleeping

‘Light blinking in the darkness,

Like an idea’-Rachel Rooney

Always wanted to paint a blue escape to wake to

‘Beware of the grey

Beware of the grey

Fading your dreams

And ambitions away’-Paul Cookson

‘The day grows like a field full of flowers’-Anon

‘A wink and a smile from some distant

Constellation kissing, sweetening light’-Anon

He touched me like spider silk

The mist came in and I still believed him

He brings me crazy,crazy,crazy delight

Enigmatic in my silence and darkness

I needed a muted companion

It still hurts,they were jealous

There was no warmth or togetherness

‘Sequins sewn into my childhood and getting all dressed up!

‘When it rains

Look for


When its dark

Look for STARS’

‘It’s that

Heart of gold

And stardust soul

That make you


‘The heart is the boss’-Wendy Cope

‘The crystal of peace’-D.H.Lawrence

‘Echoing stars’-Martin Carter

‘The sea crinkled like foil’-Derek Walcott

The colour of the moon

An orange moon

I want to feel wanted,diamonted

Make me feel loved like that dance and that song did

I feel like a pig

I’m getting so big

I dream of a gig

Lifting out my purple wig

And my Aladdin outfit

The confidence of fancy dress

To make you laugh and express

A song to describe

When you left,I just died

The children are coming

And I am belonging

No point in yawning

I feel so alive

The children are laughing

And then they are napping

I love it when they high five!

The children are budding

And then they are hugging

I dance a little when they arrive

I want to give them sweets

I’ve not seen them for weeks

But when I do,

There’s blue skies

Pouring myself into Art and Words

It is the truth,I wish somebody cared

Every flower,every bird

I thank God for being there

The flame will always burn

The flame will always burn (Tattoo idea)

The stars orbit above

I can’t get enough

I want to give you the sunset

International Women’s Day

Thankyou for your bravery

First there is Mother Theresa

May we praise,may we pray for her

Then there is Rosa Parks

Stood for equality and made her mark

Oprah Winfrey sat us down to talk

And benefit spiritually

In the 90’s we had girl power

The Spice Girls stood like a tall tower

The statue of Liberty in New York

Let’s give every woman our support

Anne Frank wrote a diary

I love a good book and a winery

All those female authors and their stories


My mum is my hero

She says she loves me in my earlobe

She has cooked me a thousand meals

Let me try on her 4inch heels

Taught me to say how I feel

And then there is my Nan

Who lived through the War

And through every fashion

I love Princess Diana

I want to play a baby grand piana!

The Queen is still standing

Madonna is still growing and sounding

Marilyn Monroe,what a show!

If I have a daughter

I will tell her to hope for

A world that these women have fought for

All smiles

‘Behind every successful woman is herself’-Anon

‘Be a girl

With a mind

A woman

With attitude

And a lady

With class’-Anon






The moon is on the lake

It looks angelic

I then think of the hymn of the sea

The morning will be beautiful with light

My love is my daydream,reverie

His touch is as tender as young grass

The birds come flying past

I can feel his soft caress

He says I am a princess

May my knowledge glow like a candle

It’s going to be a tuneful night,

Owls hooting,out of sight

A glistening gift at the front door

Two pints of milk

Grateful to have shelter and comfort,

I stay under my quilt!

Beautiful and honest music on the radio

How much do I love him?

You will never know