Orionese in the sky
‘Roadway of the skies’-Marian Allen
Auriole wing
The sun each day
I dream lets go away!
‘In the orchard’-meaning not well
Make a pretty song about it
‘A small,sweet,twinkling,country thing’-Charlotte Mew
‘Part of the soft air’
‘The waves of cloud’-Marie Carmichael Stopes’
Switch on the food controller!
‘Sorrow in your destiny’-Alberta Vickridge
The match spark
We sat waiting for the match to start
The peace of understanding
The sweet fields of my home
A fabled sea telling a story
‘In the snowman’s sphere’-James Kirkup
I feel so unwell
I feel like I can’t tell
He speaks of hell
I need Gabriel
The ice cream van arrives
I breathe
Inspire Youth Zone
I pray for my memory
I pray they will welcome me
I pray there will be lot’s of smiles and exiles
I pray I am approachable
That the kids will confide if they are in trouble
That they will make friends ‘in a safe’ bubble
‘You are light as dreams’-Edward Thomas
‘To his children settle’-Paul Muldoon
‘In a pretty design’-Harold Massingham
‘Electrical skin’-Christopher Smart
‘To the twirl and the swirl’-Hilaire Belloc
‘Diamond of the sky’-Edwin Muir
‘Soul’s delivery’-John Donne
‘The opposite of dew’-William Matthews
‘The one field that had the treasure in it’-R.S.Thomas
‘Amethyst and frost’-Geoffrey Hill
The older sister
I want to kiss her
My little sister and a game of twister
We secretly whisper
My youth –‘Full of branching ways’-Richard Wilbur
It would set me free
To see you constantly
To see that smiles
My whole body sighs
‘If dreams could spread like mist upon a lake
Then mine would cover all the seven seas’-Owen Skinner
‘You cannot taste the apple,
Unless you take a bite’-Owen Skinner
‘The speeding bullet
Stopping the rhythm’-Owen Skinner
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