Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Style and a smile


Style and a smile


I should have a shipmate



May you dream of blue light

May you wake up all eye bright

Ready for the day’s fight/hike




Express your love


A BBQ on the beach

A slice of a juicy peach

Getting burnt feet!

Fanning ourselves in the heat!


That feeling of feeling complete


When will I find peace?

Will it be on an island in Greece?

Smelling the cotton sheets?

Listening to the birds,tweet,tweet?

When everything fits in the boutique?

And you are exercising more and more every week?


A promise ring



We have a vaccine!

Hopefully the numbers will stop climbing

We will be able to shop and start dining!

We will be able to go to concerts and sing!

We will be able to go to the football start mixing!


We will see family

Cry like mourners in Sicily


We will hug and kiss

Upload facebook pics


We will hold a party

Or simply go to Starbucks for a coffee!


We will go to the pub

Or go to the hairdressers for a hair cut!


I worship your love

Like a flower in bud

Let’s start our forever

The Guardian star,

There you are


The might of unknown forces,Unknown sources


May you not wither in the rain


‘Snowfall’s like the heavens glamour’-Anon


Under misty purple and copper hues in the sky, they stood gazing at one another


‘The sun becomes a reddened eye’-Ivan Head


‘And I am faith and I am light

And in me there shall be no night’-Helen Steiner Rice


Everything is lightened by a prayer


‘Our thanks for the blessings that daily are ours

The warmth of the sun,the fragrance of flowers

The beauty of twilight,the freshness of dawn

The coolness of dew on a green velvet lawn’-Helen Steiner Rice


The house of prayer I am thankful


The velvet night,So soft

Are your eyes


‘My heart You renew’-Anon

‘Your love is like a beacon burning bright’-Anon

‘A treasured psalm’-Anon


‘Evolvement of love’-Anon


Love entered the soul,the hole


Childhood and the street of dreams


Those times are forever on my mind


Petaled eyes to God, Opened


An inner smile,Watching


Dreams and streams

Begging to be discovered


‘Your beauty make my world twirl’-William Reynolds

‘Pastel blue above’-William Reynolds


New York,the dancing heat


‘Our pat shapes us,

It does not define us’-Jerald Albritton


‘When you pass away

Your Soul

Drifts off into the solar system’-Jerald Albritton


A magical hand xxx Your magical hand









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