Friday, 27 March 2015


Mist-magic (Not knowing a magicians tricks)

‘My cool spiritual embracing,
My secret kiss’-Robert Graves

Sweet corn
Shall we dance and be re-born?

Glittering free

‘Time for you and time for me’-T.S.Eliot

The crackling fire
The angel choir

‘The wakeful ear’-Robert Graves

Eternal kiss

‘My love is to the light of lights
As a gold  fawn to the sun’-Hugh MacDiamid

‘My lamp throws a circle of light’-George Mackay Brown

‘Sweet one I love you for your lovely shape,
For the art you make in paint and bed and rhyme,
But most because we see into each others heart
There to read secrets and to trust,and cancel time’-Tom McGrath

‘Like seahorse,like grace-notes,
Tiny floating saxophones’-Kevin MacNeil

‘The strawberries glistening in the hot sunlight
We dipped them in sugar looking at each other’-Edwin Morgan

‘Your cheek is of gold,your hair of copper’-Meg Bateman

‘Love is a mirror lined by sweet bouquets’-Iain Crichton Smith

Flower tall
It’s a blessing for you all

‘Ever lonelier and colder life’-Hugh MacDiamid

You dreamt

‘When winds have cleaned the skies’-Robert Louis Stevenson

‘The sweet,scent,and purple skies’-Kathleen Raine

‘I hope I find my begging notes’-Roddy Lumsden

Blisses and kisses
And worldly wishes

‘The silent lake which is your heart’-Alan Riddell

‘Planets are haloed by the unembarrassed stars’-Ruthven Todd

Elegant hair

It’s in those roses

The trusty tree
I love to hug a trusty tree

Caressing and undressing

Love is beauty without make-up
Love is beauty when you first wake up

‘Scented petals to scatter where you dream’-Magi Gibson

‘I’ll aim for pleasures in the sky
And you will trust my heart to fly’-Antonia Fraser

Unmagically together


I open my eyes and feel the warm sunlight,Amen

I wake  up to the smell of delicious bacon,Amen

A baby gives me a beautiful smile,Amen

The bus arrives right on time,Amen

I see  a butterfly in the garden,Amen

The birds are singing and making little nests,Amen

We are keeping warm round a log fire,Amen

Big giant marshmallows,Amen

Chocolate melting in my mouth,Amen

The sound of a grand baby piano,Amen

A bag of chips on the way home,Amen

A little crystal ornament,Amen

A piece of angel cake,Amen

The smell of fresh bread,Amen

Kisses on my neck,Amen

A chilled glass of wine,Amen

A yummy fruity cocktail,Amen







I had dreams of being something
Now I am fat and fat

It feels like they are campaigning

Rock light from Sanctuary of Healing

‘When cometh Jack Frost?
The children ask,
Shall they clasp a comet in their fists?-Dylan Thomas

Lily bones
Not eating

‘In the torrent salmon sun,
Eternal waters away’-Dylan Thomas

‘Your sweet inductive thighs,
Mad with love’-Dylan Thomas

Touch a flower
Hear notes of ivory

A broken brain
A link has come off then chain

‘You too have seen the sun
A bird of fire’-Dylan Thomas

Sometimes they have wings
Sometimes they have honey cheeks

Moonlight and lamplight
Setting the mood

‘Who sings like a bird,
Speaks his first word’-Dylan Thomas

‘The first secret of the heart’-Dylan Thomas

‘Tears of spring’-Dylan Thomas

The Lakes voice
I heard it with you

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