Friday, 27 March 2015

O high -riser,my little loaf

‘O high-riser,my little loaf-Sylvia Plath

‘The mouth of coral pink’-Christina Rossetti

‘You have to look with the heart’-Antoine De Saint -Exupery

The worship of the day
A solar eclipse

Beyond my room
The stars are illume
The air is abloom
I am in my costume

The highest joy
Being with the tallest boy

Sunny atmosphere
Golden hops to flavour beer!!!

He neatly and sweetly kissed me

‘May God bless and keep you always’-Bob Dylan

‘One grand sweet song’-Charles Kingsley

‘He saw the joy coming,
He saw the lovely,creamy,cool little ear of the baby’-D.H.Lawrence

And high as God
The space shuttle

Visible loneliness
Waiting in the waiting room

‘Raspberry shoulders’-Andrew Motion

‘Screaming as the water rose’-Andrew Motion

‘Dream companion’-Andrew Motion

‘We simply sat and watched the sky perform’-Andrew Motion

‘Touched as lightly as cloth’-Andrew Motion

‘Pure pattern,pure beauty,pure pleasure’-Andrew Motion

‘The garden lilac’-Andrew Motion

The beautiful Lake Poets
A dream of peace is a bare sky

How to describe peace in a heart?
Is a very silent lake

Beautiful detail in things
Like every twig in a nestling

The notes are locked in my throat

Better to fuck?
Better to make love?
Does he make you feel that you are enough?

A lot of modern poets are obscure
Nor easily understood
-Is that  better?


Let today be the day it all goes quiet
Let today be the day I am strong
Let today be the day I can fight and be liked
Let today be the day I pen songs
I need a story like Romeo and Juliet
I need to win at Russian roulette


A beast?

The sun
Like a gold cup outside

Being smutty is not my dream
I like to keep clean

The Brooks ran cold but
The Brooks ran gold

Teenagers hanging for love
Hanging for love on car parks and bikes

Happy lover fashion
Smiling posing retail therapy

Does blood and pain get the anger of God?


A pretty miss giving a kiss!!
‘Babbling out the very heart’-Ambrose Philips

‘Golden Italy’-Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘Bright clasp of  her whole hand around my finger’-Stephen Spender

Little milky (baby)

Snowing on angels
Meet me in the snowfield

‘Dew’s touch’-Ted Hughes

The finger of God?
A singer of God?

I feel unnoted and bloated

Someone I remember
That kiss in December

Unkissed (On a mobile)

‘My mother wore a yellow dress,
Gently,gently,gentleness’-Louis MacNeice

Our magic,I feel nostalgic

‘Flood of remembrance’-D.H.Lawrence

Water in the light
Everything will be alright

Standing in my night dress
Under the stars and not feeling the cold

Living supportively
God my almighty

‘Rainbow in the heaven’-H.W.Longfellow

‘The little moons fall down like tears’-Elizabeth Bishop

Are you a hazel nut swirl or a caramel square?!!!

Is he rainy and gamey?

A healthy selfie
A healthy elf


Blood in the stream
Have you been wounded?

‘The stem of a vase’-Mary Dorcey

‘Orange clouds’-Mary Dorcey

Unrecorded and I cannot remember

‘Tonight I am going to meet him like a flame’-Grace Nichols

‘I like to laugh and be happy.
With a beautiful  beautiful kiss.
I tell you ,in all the world
There is no bliss like this’-Stevie Smith

‘Joy in the morning light’-George Eliot

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