Monday, 5 June 2017

The Lacy waves

‘The lacy waves’-John Heath-Stubbs

A shy woodland flower approaching the bar

The white swan makes a fine picture
The Bible has fine scripture

Red snow fruits
Remind me of Christmas

No responsive hearts
I feel alone

Victory of giving
I love Christmas

Spirit strong
I need him spirit strong

The great shining light as they say

Green velvet lawn
And the weather is even brighter tomorrow

Peace and prayer
‘Be still and know that I am God’-Psalm 46J

An invitation to ice cream planet

Smelling of radox
I love it!!

‘Bluebelled’-in love

‘A warmer pillow for your head’-Christina Rossetti

‘Song of cherished lips’-Christina Rossetti

‘The frost of years’-Christina Rossetti

A treasure to keep
Not a tear on the cheek


Eating softly and tenderly
Keeping eye contact

 Book Idea:

 A spaceship is landing in the garden
All the animals are watching
‘What is it’?
The hummingbird says,
Maybe it’s another hummingbird!
Frog says,
Maybe it’s house of flies!
Spider says,
Yes a palace full of juicy flies!
Bird says,
Maybe it’s a new bird house!
Squirrel says,
With lots of nuts to feed on!
Rabbit says,
No,I think it’s a carrot,a giant carrot!
You can see the flames!
Ladybird and butterfly say,
Let’s fly to the top of the tree and have a closer look’
The spaceship approaches the tree and then disappears
‘Where did it go’?said the ladybird
‘I don’t know’said the butterfly
The worm says,
I’ll have a look,it’s hidden in the tree!
Did you know the tree was hollow?
‘No’ said everyone
Flower says,
Isn’t that where the fairies live?
I wonder if there’s a fairy door?
Deer says,
‘I think there might be’!

Mouse says,
Let’s look for the front door and I’ll knock on it!
Hedgehog says,
If anything threatens us I can use my spikes!
Ant says,
Yes and we can form an army there’s thousands of us!
There it was,a little hut
The bees and the wasps started buzzing away just in case there was danger
Then a pixie put her eye in the middle of the hole in the door and said,
‘Who is it’?Why aren’t you guarding the door’?
Snails say,
‘Sorry Miss Pixie ,there’s been a UFO!
It has landed in your home.
It looks like a big light from the sky’
Pixie says,
What like the lights the humans use to find Badger and Fox?
Snail says,
‘No,like a hundred fireflies carrying something!’
‘Can you smell smoke’?
Everyone goes silent
Suddenly the green leaves appear to be walking!
Everyone gathers round,
‘Maybe we should offer them a drink said the fish in the pond!

Children’s song
We put our hands up to the sky
Try to catch a butterfly
We put our hands into the mud
Build a go-kart made of wood
We have a bath in some suds
Splash around with little ducks!!!


‘Methinks there is no greater work in life that making beauty’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

You are my ultimate goal

‘Every note is a star’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

‘The reef’s of care’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I pray to God and trust

Train Poem
In between the mountains
Across the meadow
We looked outside our cabins
Bravo,God Bravo

We went past the lavender fields
Believing that time heals
We looked at the sunset,eating a cornet
And listened to the wheels,
The rhythm of the wheels

It was such a long journey
What was my destiny?
I rested my head on the window
And dreamed of the beach
The train went high and low
I could feel the sand in my feet

The air was hot as I took in the view
I watched the birds making shapes in a group
Look mum,
It’s the world!!!
The train stopped at the station
I was ready for exploration
I hated carrying my case,looking out for mothers face,
Trying not to step on my shoelace

I wondered,how many countries could you go to on the train?
How many sweets could you eat on the way?
Can a train ride over a rainbow?
I kept my ticket safe
I kept my faith

The Piano Shop

I want to learn some pop
Go up stairs to the piano shop
I want to touch the keys
Buzz around like busy bees

As I sit at the piano
I feel so miniature
My legs are dangling off my seat
I am listening for a bounding beat

Maybe I could be a young Mozart
Write something that glows your heart

Maybe I could play in the clouds
Or play to lot’s of crowds

Food togetherness

Idea Visual
Long grass with sequins

Italian charm
Gelato song

The character of Christmas!

‘I will rise and glow’-Brian Patten

Looking for a lilac bird

Stoned on milk at primary school


My little peachcream


She wore make-up
She had been through a break-up
She had been through a pay-cut
But she always wore make-up

Eyes as bright as a thousand lamps
Eyes as bright as a thousand lanterns

Cheeks covered in the colour of raspberry jam
To attract a man and little lamb
Lips shimmering pink
Hair in a kink
Even her freckles made you think

Hot nights of obsession

‘Hot nights of obsession’-Ben Ashwell

Grief notes

Honouring the sunshine

A bloom of luck

I wish I was an Angel
No sins flooding my heart
A colourful rainbow
That makes my eyes spark

I have wounded wings

A train went shooting past
Everyone gasped
A space rocket blast
Everyone gasped

A thunderstorm
Everyone ran inside fast!
A bee flew outside the classroom
Everyone ran inside fast!

I dream of going on a train
Being part of a golden chain

I don’t want weight gain
Feel insane
Or be looking for a vein

Tears travelling all over the world
Putting your hair in a curl
Putting you in a whirl

To look good
Reach my peak
Happy in the heat

I want to feel smitten

A note about love
I write with a feather plucked from a dove
I write from my soul
I can’t get enough
It’s from the shooting stars above

I put some gold in your bottle
To make you feel lucky
Please give me your love and
Make me feel like a catch

‘Honey is Art’-Carol Ann Duffy

Kissing photographs
Watching video laughs

A pocket-book and smile

Cedar soil (Cedarwood Drive)

‘Ten’s of thousands of fierce stars are booing me’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘Perfumes of the wind’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘A green ring for your finger’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘In a myth only’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘Swim in my element’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘A talented loneliness’-Carol Ann Duffy

‘A toy of sound’-Carol Ann Duffy

I love a simile

‘Your hand is a star’-Carol Ann Duffy

A little speck of space on my wrist

Sleeping babies
Captured in a photograph

In search of God and a new paradise

‘With lips like frozen rose leaves’-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Heavy sadness

A teenagers heavy sadness       
But they have lovely complexions

The more of it –Chocolate!

‘A melody to the tomb’-Alphorise de Lamartine

Celestial dew on the bed covers

‘The blessed day of your first kiss’-Stephane Mallarme

‘Restores life and glow’-Paul Claudel

‘How familiar is it to your heart’-Paul Claudel

‘A dream of lace’-Paul Valery

‘Illumined by lavender’-Saint John Perse

The colour of dawn
Get up and enjoy

Wave of love

Little feet having a paddle
A donkey ride with one foot in the saddle
That walk to the ice cream van
Tip-toeing on hot sand
Children are beautiful
The sing,they dance,say hello to strangers
You would die to protect them from danger
Watching the emotion

Love is a clear sky
Makes you feel like you can fly
Makes you feel like you could swim the highest tide

Love is a red breast
Makes you feel you are the best
A welcome guest

Love is sharing sweets
Giving away the last seat
Fanning someone in the heat

Love is a tattoo
It stays with you

Love is a stream with stepping stones
The sensation of water splashing on your ankles

Dancing like a ribbon
Twirling away
The flowergirl scattered petals
In the sun’s ray

A class outside on the grass!

‘Service to the grave’-John
‘Energy ton flower,flourish’-John

‘But love me for love’s sake,
That evermore
Thou mayst love on ,through love’s eternity’-Elizabeth Barratt Browning

‘A common angle’-Anne Stevenson

The boomerang
Be my boomerang

‘Hunger murmuring like persistent bees’-Paul Asta

The sunset
‘I have dissolved’-Daniel Bennett

To Orion
I turn to Orion

‘The wicked whisks are mixing up everything,swirling the room
And the people in it’-Adele Fraser

‘The room is a soup’-Adele Fraser

‘The only card I hold’-Adele Fraser

‘There greeting chorus,echoing human pain’-Paul Nash

‘Dove tailing into space’-Matthew Rice

‘This rose is open,the sun cannot steal it’s dew’-Carolyn Waudly

Looking for a little culture 

The sight of kilos

The sight of kilos
I hate being fat

‘Whisper on the spray’-Charles Causley

‘Sacred forest sticks’-Charles Causley

‘Glittering in my head’-Charles Causley

Cocoa money

I want Nan in joy always

He looks like tomato soup hmmm!!

I wake up alone everyday
God,why do have to pay?
How many prayers do I have to say?
How many traps are you going to lay?

Alone and totally numb

Everyday I wish I was taller
Everyday I wonder am I bi-polar?
Is it ok to drink diet cola?

Riding in your car
I saw the stars
Riding in the front seat
I felt the beat
Riding for 100 miles
I gave you 1000 smiles
Riding up the hill
You put on the heat
To stop the chill

Sleeping in your bed
Magic turned my head
Sleeping in your arms
My whole body warmed with sweaty palms
Sleeping on the pillow like
Sleeping on layers of filo
Sleeping on some petals
You sent me calm and settled

The central heating is beating

Just want to cry
The water is just too high
Or is it a closing fire?
Am I drowning in a mud slide?
Falling from a plane?
I can’t see for all the clouds
I pray for no more pain

The pen goes round and round for inspiration
Waiting for activation
‘My diet activation’!!!

I need an ocean of your love
A milky way love

Idea for

A token of your love
Would make my heart bud

Let’s set the mood
Light the candles
Check the food
Put on some lipstick and red rouge
Spray on some perfume
You cannot lose!
Let’s pretend we are on a cruise
Or on a beach,you can choose
You could me my muse

If I only had a brain

I was riding along on your train
I boarded to get away from the rain
Holding on to my locket’s chain
I was travelling
You choose to ignore me
You choose to pour me away

God is

God is a shield around me
God is a field of freshly cut grass
God is a healing wound
God is an open bloom

It’s a scorcher!
I wish there was a beach around the corner!

Ordering sweet and sour
I can already taste it in my mouth!
I wonder if I go on the trampoline,
My belly will bounce!

No path into the garden

Bleeding Mountain
A beautiful mess

Always know there is
A glow worm near

Hide and seek and playfulness
Glittering spy and a lover of the meadow

Genuine sadness MCR

Words that are the sweetest of the year
(Writing competitions)

Twilight lake
Looking at our garden pond

Lights on oriental streets
China town

Glitter of the blade (ice skating)

‘Glitter of Titanic’

True love
Shooting star
How many miles are we apart?
How many beats of my heart?

Wishing well
Will I get his kiss?
Will he make me feel fearless?

Two for joy
I’ve made a nest
Please don’t destroy

Summer that like whole strawberries

The old library

My eyes all sunny and bright
The books all dusty
With a smell that delights

Can you be charmed by a book?
I think so,that little smile
Someone reading the paper
Ignoring all the book haters

‘The crystal poet’-Charles Causley
‘Glittering fish’-Charles Causley

The reefs of love and fish
Message of the fish,Christianity

Feeling unprotected

A comfort lyer

‘The winking waters’-Charles Causley

‘A gold balloon’-Charles Causley

‘When in the summer sky the sun
Hung like a golden ball’-Charles Causley

All are architects of Fate

‘All are architects of Fate’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘Hemmed by foes’-Edward P.Sill

‘The delicate shells lay on the shore’-Ralph Waldo Emerson

‘The night has a thousand eyes’-Francis William Bourdillon

‘The smile of a little face’-Eugene Field

‘The inspiring sea’-James Russell Lowell

‘In the light of thought’-Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘In passing,a spark’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The taste of country bread

A perfect call
A host of heaven

‘A desperate desire’-Edgar Allan Poe

Angel-vision,my first binoculars

The love and power of God
Strawberries on the hill

‘The blue light in his eyes’-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

‘The courage of the bird that dares the sea’-Edwin Markham

The ticking of the glimmering girl

‘The forest’s ferny floor’-Walter de la Mare
‘Highin the sunlit silence’-John Gillespie Magee

Evening yellow and a tan

I want to give you a flower
You are my sweetest tower

Cleaning and dreaming

Ice cream and the sun’s beam
Holiday hot and steaming!

The breeze and novelty t’s
Walking around in pretty weaves

Birdsong,getting along

Writers block

Let’s go for a walk on Preston’s dock
Watch the water and throw in some rocks
Watch the ripples and imagine their touch
Sit outside the pub with a bottle of wine
And forget the time
Maybe you’ll think of a rhyme!
Feel the sun,how it shines upon the water
And forget the noise
Count the ducklings,their little legs
And cute little heads!

The day

The day I fell was like the taste of caramel!
The day that I loved was like the taste of chocolate pud!
The day that I kissed was like the taste of wine and fizz!
The day that I sang was like the taste of crumbled ham!
The day that I danced was like the taste of bread in France!
The day that I got fixed was like the taste of grownup chicks!
The day that I got fixed was like the taste of Weetobix!

I’m a pud in a mug!

It’s all patchwork

The sound of a plane above
I smile
The smell of a beautiful bud
I smile

The taste of sweet and sour
I smile
The sight of a New York tower
I smile

No kisses

No kisses,no love
No wishes,no fun

Scared of rides
I panick and cry
If it feels too high
I want to die

Scared of insects
I am a princess
Scared of cruelty and convicts
And drugs and conflict

Just want a job,
Even if it’s minion wage

Going straight to the kitchen
Need to do some ditchin!
Need someone to do some fixin!

Pixie ears
It’s been years and years

Struggling for funny
I wish the sky was sunny
Struggling for money
I wish I had a flat tummy

Idea :Jogger Blogger

Whispering headstones
I pass them everyday

Love,dancing let’s beat depression

So your secret it………

Binge eating?
Air-brushed tweeting?
Binge drinking?
Lazy cleaning?
Too much sleeping?

Hair and make-up faking?
Hands shaking?
A victim of raping?
Or plastic surgery mis-shaping?

Your pregnant?
You don’t know who the father is?
You do know who the father is?

You want to starve yourself?
You are starving yourself?
You want to harm yourself?
You are harming yourself?

Are you being bullied?

Do you use too much salt?
Do you eat too much chocolate?
Did you knock over an expensive ornament?
Lose some jewellery on the beach?
Did you not listen at school?
Are you impossible to teach?

Did you copy someone’s homework?
Did you not turn up at church?

Did you break someone’s heart?
Did you steal an idea?
Did you accidently fart?!

Did you cook something wrong?
Are you hoping they don’t cotton on?!

Did you receive an unwanted gift?
Did you forget to leave a tip?

You can’t zip up your pants anymore?
Sometimes you wish you had the hand of the law?
Your face is full of blocked-pores?

Is it what you weigh?
Is it that you don’t pray?
Is it that you don’t have friends?
Or have you lost your job?
Do you spend your whole life crying
And afraid of being alone?

Your guilty of a crime?
Your going deaf or blind?
Your scared of the camera?
You wish you had more stamina?

Is it that you don’t have friends because you eat?

You’ve bought some sweets when you are on a diet?
You have voices in your head that won’t be quiet?

You have on old underwear?
Your outfit has a little tear?
You’ve forgotten to shave?Under your arms?
You’re a little sweaty and your clothes are all marked?

There’s food all over your face?
You’ve dropped food all over the floor?!

You have stretch marks all over the place
It’s the mirror you can’t face

Your car looks like a tip
You need to go to the shop for Airwick!

Is your biggest secret,you are terminally ill?
Is your biggest secret that you are dying and unhappy?

Is your biggest secret you are suffering in a relationship,
Suffering from rejection?
Did your parents leave you as a child?
Did your parents hit you?
Did you hide under the stairs?
Are you haunted?
Do you have your own poltergeist?
Are you longing for a child?
Are you longing for a child’s health?

Are you feeling suicidal?
Do you want to reach for the Bible?

Do you feel like a good person?
Do you long for someone to learn from?

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth
Peace in our hearts
Brave enough to star

The Cake Scene

The trolly came out
The desserts looked like heaven
Strawberry Victoria Sponge,
Chocolate Fudge Cake and
Clotted cream with rhubarb pie,
Children looking wide-eyed

Did I mention ice cream Sundaes bigger than your head in a tall glass
Fit for a King or Queen
Parents drinking wine and then caffeine
Sharing a look of the big screen
Children jumping up and down like jellybeans
Choosing what to have

The Bake Scene

I have my bowl and spoon for
Macaroons and peppermint moons

I have no experience but I want to give them as presents
I’m wearing my hat and a apron
And lot’s of flour on my face
I’m also sneaking a little taste!

Is the oven hot enough?
Is the timer set?
Mum,I really want them to be perfect

The Cupcake
Welcome to the cupcake,twirl me round and round
Look at my crown!

Love and swirling leaves
You are in my dreams
To go toe dipping in nearby streams
Or build a house in the trees

I want to hold hands and cross lands
I want to kiss every minute
There is no limit

How many of my tears are joining the sea?
I want to escape Earth to see her beauty again

‘Eating demons’

Demons like bats flying round in my head
Losing the will to live
I just want to look down from the clouds and smile
Just want it to stop
Still feel shocked
How long can you possibly talk?

My lips have been sewn up
I cannot open up
My hearts been put on hold
But there’s a story to be told

I really need some luck
I want to write a hook
And finish my first book

I’m looking at the sky
Wishing I had a big thick purple carpet to fly
I’m looking at the sea
Hoping for a big giant seahorse to carry me
I’m looking at the hills
For a secret place where everything is still

My greatest fear is being ‘the only one’

I cry all the time
But my heart beats to the chime

My church journey
The good one

Home and a smiling gnome

Stars are cold
Everyone is cold

So believe me

So believe me
I would’nt lie
So believe me
There’s no reason why
So evil I want to say goodbye
So evil I’m gonna dry my eyes
God why,why
Did you send a demon?
Did you send a beeman?

I sit by the phone for you alone

A simple wish no-one snobbish

‘The genius of the sea’-Wallace Stevens

The sea
A deepening and enchanting sea

How ugly fear is

Carries an instrument,instantly remembered

Kissing pebbles,make me lucky

The fragrance of cooking
Everytime I pass your house!

‘A pearl of God’-James K.Baxter
Are you in the kingdom?

‘To a coast of light’-Robert Gray

‘Kisses that are the highest kind of communication’-Gavin Ewart

A faded photograph
A distant smile

Evils of cholesterol
Bacon butties with your best buddies

An Angel in a painting
On lookers fainting

Raspberry sweet hands from a jam tart!

The friendly tree
Keeps you dry
Keeps the sun from hitting our eyes

The waves of my love
Children running on the beach
Children silent as cones

‘Weaves of sunlight in your hair’-T.S.Eliot

‘Scored the sky’-Thomas Hardy
‘lilies revived,and the dragon-fly came back to dream on the river’-
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Boobs ‘Double stuff’!

Would you google him?