Monday, 5 June 2017

All are architects of Fate

‘All are architects of Fate’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

‘Hemmed by foes’-Edward P.Sill

‘The delicate shells lay on the shore’-Ralph Waldo Emerson

‘The night has a thousand eyes’-Francis William Bourdillon

‘The smile of a little face’-Eugene Field

‘The inspiring sea’-James Russell Lowell

‘In the light of thought’-Percy Bysshe Shelley

‘In passing,a spark’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The taste of country bread

A perfect call
A host of heaven

‘A desperate desire’-Edgar Allan Poe

Angel-vision,my first binoculars

The love and power of God
Strawberries on the hill

‘The blue light in his eyes’-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

‘The courage of the bird that dares the sea’-Edwin Markham

The ticking of the glimmering girl

‘The forest’s ferny floor’-Walter de la Mare
‘Highin the sunlit silence’-John Gillespie Magee

Evening yellow and a tan

I want to give you a flower
You are my sweetest tower

Cleaning and dreaming

Ice cream and the sun’s beam
Holiday hot and steaming!

The breeze and novelty t’s
Walking around in pretty weaves

Birdsong,getting along

Writers block

Let’s go for a walk on Preston’s dock
Watch the water and throw in some rocks
Watch the ripples and imagine their touch
Sit outside the pub with a bottle of wine
And forget the time
Maybe you’ll think of a rhyme!
Feel the sun,how it shines upon the water
And forget the noise
Count the ducklings,their little legs
And cute little heads!

The day

The day I fell was like the taste of caramel!
The day that I loved was like the taste of chocolate pud!
The day that I kissed was like the taste of wine and fizz!
The day that I sang was like the taste of crumbled ham!
The day that I danced was like the taste of bread in France!
The day that I got fixed was like the taste of grownup chicks!
The day that I got fixed was like the taste of Weetobix!

I’m a pud in a mug!

It’s all patchwork

The sound of a plane above
I smile
The smell of a beautiful bud
I smile

The taste of sweet and sour
I smile
The sight of a New York tower
I smile

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