Monday, 5 June 2017

Heavy sadness

A teenagers heavy sadness       
But they have lovely complexions

The more of it –Chocolate!

‘A melody to the tomb’-Alphorise de Lamartine

Celestial dew on the bed covers

‘The blessed day of your first kiss’-Stephane Mallarme

‘Restores life and glow’-Paul Claudel

‘How familiar is it to your heart’-Paul Claudel

‘A dream of lace’-Paul Valery

‘Illumined by lavender’-Saint John Perse

The colour of dawn
Get up and enjoy

Wave of love

Little feet having a paddle
A donkey ride with one foot in the saddle
That walk to the ice cream van
Tip-toeing on hot sand
Children are beautiful
The sing,they dance,say hello to strangers
You would die to protect them from danger
Watching the emotion

Love is a clear sky
Makes you feel like you can fly
Makes you feel like you could swim the highest tide

Love is a red breast
Makes you feel you are the best
A welcome guest

Love is sharing sweets
Giving away the last seat
Fanning someone in the heat

Love is a tattoo
It stays with you

Love is a stream with stepping stones
The sensation of water splashing on your ankles

Dancing like a ribbon
Twirling away
The flowergirl scattered petals
In the sun’s ray

A class outside on the grass!

‘Service to the grave’-John
‘Energy ton flower,flourish’-John

‘But love me for love’s sake,
That evermore
Thou mayst love on ,through love’s eternity’-Elizabeth Barratt Browning

‘A common angle’-Anne Stevenson

The boomerang
Be my boomerang

‘Hunger murmuring like persistent bees’-Paul Asta

The sunset
‘I have dissolved’-Daniel Bennett

To Orion
I turn to Orion

‘The wicked whisks are mixing up everything,swirling the room
And the people in it’-Adele Fraser

‘The room is a soup’-Adele Fraser

‘The only card I hold’-Adele Fraser

‘There greeting chorus,echoing human pain’-Paul Nash

‘Dove tailing into space’-Matthew Rice

‘This rose is open,the sun cannot steal it’s dew’-Carolyn Waudly

Looking for a little culture 

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