Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Sunset room

Sunset room

The soft light comes in

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I have a sweet tooth

Meet me in the photobooth

When will I learn the truth?

Will there ever be proof?

My youth is fading

My baby will need cradling

Need to stop self-hating and start dating!

As long as I keep creating

And do some love-making!

Faint beacon

I wish we were speaking


‘I carry your heart (I carry it in)

The Mouse’s Banquet

Theodore loved cheese.Every kind of cheese


Brie and all creamy!

When the lights went out,he had an opportunity!

He sqeezed through a gap in the wall to find some tea!

He looked right,left and ran across the kitchen floor.

The family cat was asleep,for sure?!

He crawled up the table and saw a tower of cheese!

Lot’s and lot’s of crackers ,he thought,

How will I carry these?!!!

Stars in the sky

And I’m wondering why

‘A heart it hatched’-Mick Imlah

My guiding star

My answer

I stepped out of the house

A radiant star

‘The pretty strawberry’-John Skelton

Moon wise


Planets in motion

The pattern of life

‘I kept searching for you in the stars’

I asked the mountains for you’-Primo Levi

A tangle of monsters

I am totally trapped

The night of differences

I couldn’t sleep

‘Lace curtains gently swaying

Like a woman walking’-Roger McGough

Mum ran away to the bright lights

I too have that dream

‘Hundreds and hundreds of mouths glistening’-

Roger McGough

Because of the brave

Jesus Christ died on the cross

So we would be forgiven

Rosa Parks sat on that bus

So black people could be equal

Firemen died in 9/11 to save the lives

Of New Yorkers

Firemen help people everyday stuck

In their crushed motors

Police save people everyday from domestic abuse

Peace makers tell us to call a truce

Nurses and doctors work day and night

The postman delivers at break of light

Bakers up bright and early

Bin men getting smelly and dirty

The Wright Brothers invented the plane

And now we can holiday in Spain

Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic

Now we can see the world and it’s magic

People have reached the top of Everest or gone to serve in a war

People have gone up in Space or gone

Face to face with Jaw’s

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