Wednesday, 9 January 2019

'The only heaven'

‘The only heaven’-Ted Hughes

‘Song-ball’-Ted Hughes

‘As the owl becalms deeper

To stillness:

Two eyes fixed in the heart of heaven’-Ted Hughes

‘My song excites them’-Ted Hughes

‘A secret bleeding’-Ted Hughes


Sometimes there is an incline

Christmas be kind

All smiles around

New Year be shined

Image:A bird eating a pumpkin

The bright light

The star of david

The midnight sound

Hoping he’ll come around

The slow unravelling of my dressing gown

Undressing for my Cinderella gown

That he saves me from a battle ground


Falling asleep in car and being carried to bed

Climbing a tree and choosing your branches carefully

Chocolate for my pocket Reading a sonnet

Chocolate Rock and roll it!

Fireworks in the sky

Colourful umbrellas

Sparklers light up your eyes

So glad we are together

I reach in my pocket for treacle toffee

Look around for that ‘sweet’ somebody

The fire is burning hot and everybody flocks

You hold my hand at the pizza van

Music is blasting from the fairground

There’s candy,hot dogs and burgers all round

My hat flies

As we watch the display it electrifies

My ear muffs keep me warm

There is no storm

When I walk home,I smile,another year,

Fully worth while

There’s smoke and embers in the air

Lighting up the last flare!

‘The red levelling rays’-Ted Hughes

‘Drum-song’-Ted Hughes

‘The power of the salmon’-Ted Hughes

A search for poetry

‘Spread like a flame’-Wang Yen-Shou

Magic orchid

Magic child

Bird watching

The yellow dancer

Corals and morals (Green Planet idea)

From the waist up

Beauty in tiny places

The snow drop

‘Whenever you create beauty around you,

You are restoring your soul’-Alice Walker

‘I don’t think of all the misery ,

But of the beauty that still remains’-Anne Frank

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