Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Come right here

‘Come right here’-Song title

Wondering eyes in the shop
In my top

Harder with a flame

The road a romance

The velvet of your ear
And a little beer

Like a song rising up

T-shirt Idea
‘Speak for the kind’

The rain is coming down
It’s a nice sound

The garden of remembrance
The butterflies and birds

He was rhyme
He was fine

In the service of the good

Collecting words

A lonely chord,oh Lord

The bold sun wakes me up
A tree’s ancient dance

‘This love’s for a lifetime
You fill my heart with sunshine’-Amber Williams

The vibe of ecstasy
Evening of memory

The palace of wisdom
I really do wish for them

Instruments of union
At the music shop

Love’s Utopia

The heavenly orchard,the Yorkshire mix

The magnet of your hair
Your curly,curly hair

Walking on the wild track
On the red soil

I wanted to be loyal
I wanted to stand tall

In festive days
Nativity plays
We gaze at the Christmas trees

The freshness of dawn
Bread for the birds

A passion one night long
Or a passion all life long

The English train
The English flame

Far New York

Human kiss
Just one long cry

Ambrosial love

Made me fall like a whole sonnet

Chocolate spiralled in my head
My heart stirred

Visiting Australia The Opal route

With a aurora pen

Ran out of hope
Needed a boat

Goldbright (George smiling)

Children Shining,Blossoming,Growing

‘Waterfalls of lace’-Allen Tate

The skinny death

You have a secret light

Girls of the mountain

The moon above

The moon above
Has not said enough

‘Your smile!More Beautiful
Than a golden morning’-Marina Tsvetaeva

‘Yearning to be a Angel’-Marina Tsvetaeva

The mountain spoke
Love is a bond
Love is a wand

Tears to the moon
Horrible wound

‘Glad that I live am I
That the sky is blue
Glad for the country lanes,
And the fall of dew’-Lizette Woodworth Reese

Going to the orchard
It is beautifully dressed

The misty sea dancing

Perfect bubble of air
Rising to the top

Peace and morning pancakes

Building a beacon to find you

Magical poppies red and orange

Meadows sprinkled everywhere
I watch on the plane

‘Life is precious and time is gold’-Salena Godden

Glow and glitter girl

Today,I loss the fight
I wanted to eat light
I wanted to sleep all through the night
And just feel liked



Showing you to your seat with a torch
I can only think of New York
How many blocks can I walk?

How many hotdogs?
Will you give me some hope?

Walking with heart open
I can play Chopin

Mountain land
Can bring Mountain Joy

‘To claim me totally in a kiss’-Anon

The luminous plans of God

‘IN GOD WE TRUST’-American dollar

A lemon coloured sun

Ready for the game

The light of the stars
The light of parked cars

‘Show in the garden-Anon

A man like
A deep orange

‘The beautiful shining world’-Anon

Respect and remembrance

The sweetie tin

Taking it to the pillow
Did you see a comet trail?

The simple art of Aurora and the skies

The simple art of Aurora and the skies

‘The gifts of nature and of grace’-William Cowper

Children’s admiration and love

The crowd in unison

Amid the purple blooms
Under the purple moon

Melancholy pond

The stream of rhyme
Running through my mind

‘My little wild poet’-Anon

Dreams of a spiral stair case

Pleasant weather
Dined together
Toasting with a crystal glass

Garden flowers
Working hours

Love deep as the sea
You are carrying me

Youthful glory being at school

‘The heart-enlarging hills’-Coventry Patmore

The kiss the amethyst

‘Prayer and psalm’-Anon

Landscape bright and strong
Let’s write a song

‘The wonder and bloom of the world’-Matthew Arnold

Flowers of red on the bed

Angel forms

Pie ntologist

I wish you magic

I cry –cause your far away
I cry- cause you didn’t stay
I cry-every night and day
I cry-watching every wave

Swinging my legs on a rock of a bay
Watching the sunset bobbing away

Don’t want to be a coward
I wish that I had powers
I wish I was a lit up tower
Or part of a singing choir

My heart is in New York
I’m still taking a soak

I’m picking up a Vogue
Drinking coffee,will I find some gold?
Dreaming of the clothes

Like I was hooked on space
He was snow quiet

‘Just say it’-Song title

The morning
The presents

Bless the hills and the windmills

A heart of sorrow,tell me

A orange husk of moon

The flowerbed of madness

My sun and song

'My sun and song and spring were you’-Sara Teasdale

The blue and blue

I wake up
The singing fire of spring

Your love is beautiful

‘The sun azure and amber fire’-Anon

Hidden music in my brain

‘Lost in the swirl of light’-Sara Teasdale

I love new snow everywhere

My heart goes to you

Luxuries of sound

I can’t think of the words
I can’t hear any birds
I love the smell of summer airs
It seems like everyone else is in pairs

How do I ace an interview?
I just want to make music

Create something true

Writing on a blackboard


I look around,heads down
Hearts pound
Like I’m running from a pack of hounds
Page turning,chairs moving
Good learning,I hope
How do I cope?
If I sharpen these pencils
I can feel the tension,
If I put them up my nose and
Bang my head on the table,
Does that mean I’m mental?

The Future

Is it all in computers?
I wonder if I will be cuter?
I need a recruiter
I need to feel cooler
I need some humour
Dance like a storm trooper

Maybe there will be a lighter hoover?
Maybe I’ll be a portal user!

I don’t want to be looser
Maybe I’ll find a seducer

The dove in him
And loving him

Singing melodious songs to the sea

You are lyrical and delightful

Wondrous birds flying miles and miles

‘Bird of precious gold’-Anon

When spring comes back with all its bliss
And lover’s kiss

Loves desires
Loves admires

The Bright Lamp (Sun)

Birds chirping choir
The spring admire

Vocal threads
I am not dead

Travelling dreams of paradise and light

To kiss again

To kiss again,to believe

To close my eyes
Forget goodbyes

There is a hungry longing in the soul
Why didn’t he call?

‘The rich rose of love’-Anon

The blackest depths
Bring excellence

Heaven in his face

‘Smitten red by a rich sunset’-Emma Lazarus

The Bed
Intercourse and peace

The patient pilgrim
Do I need children?

Godlike way
Touch of ray

Security of perfect peace
A happy childhood

They exiled in the mountains

Landscapes only seen in dreams

‘The charm of this enchanted night’-Anon

A bright dream Clean water in the stream

No more,no more
You break my heart

Dances in the shine
Of the disco ball

‘Smile on me as I write’-Anon

There must be a kinder way

Moonlit balcony by the sea

Twilight for the prayer
The treasure of a prayer

To kneel in prayer

Sunshiny atmosphere holidays

‘Bubbles of rhyme’-Anon

Turn sorrow into song

‘New leaves laugh in the sun’-Anon

‘Weight of dew’-Anon

We share a sweet and secret thing

In my heart a star,la,la

Sister of the sky
Please stay for a while

Holidays warm and free

‘Blue meadows of the sea’-Sara Teasdale

A dreamy bride
I really cried

Just caught myself in the mirror

Please let me be a singer
Have a healthy dinner
I just wanted to be brave like Linda (Supergirl)

A Shera career

‘My sun and stars are you’-Sara Teasdale

Streets of snow or a golden meadow?

Shade or Sun

Shade or sun (Wedding vows)

For the flower
With this ring

Together on the shore
Let’s go explore

Orange juice
Each luscious drop

In heaven together
And all smiles

The popular wave (Beach)

Holiday wine and wit

‘Thine eyes they burn like stars’-Sarah Fuller Flower Adams

A perfect truth
The white owl hoot

Her voice in the air
They stood up from their chairs

A new joy,baby joy

I need a precious friendship

Towering adoration
I love the New York streets

Self-knowing ecstasy

Picking crazy words (Schizophrenia)

He was one blazing flame

Snug,hug and happy

All honey and sweetness

I hear amazing flames of music

The Greatness women have done
Rosa Parks,The Suffragette’s,Margaret Thatcher,Mother Teresa,Florence Nightingale

Holidays warm gold air

Footsteps of my golden dream (Baby starts walking)

A shining song

Too much water in a glass
Spilling over into Taz
Can we put it in the past?
I need friends to protect me from the blast

Light me up like a match
Save me when they plan attack
I don’t want to be fat
Just an honest chat

Looking for treasure
Better weather

Will I go to America again?
Will I have a true friend?

Will I have my adventure?
I want to be an inventor

Will I find love?
I just want to cuddle up

I need a flat stomach
I need to do the work
But he won’t let me
Just feeds me with dessert


‘Frost-making stillness’-Ted Hughes

‘Tattered his ears and battered his head’-Ted Hughes

Any starlit land
Any golden sand

Waking up to an eye of flame

‘The lace of first light’-Ted Hughes

‘A rainbow of purples’-Ted Hughes

‘Earth glitter and heaven glitter’-Ted Hughes

Birds ‘Like soft rockets’-Ted Hughes

The bloom of sea life
What can we find in the tide

Haiku ‘The blossom-viewing party’

Haiku Basho
‘Scent of plum in a flesh of rising soul!

The Mountain path

Weddings and embellishment

We are not finished

Under the moonray

‘A dreamlike world of blossoms’

Bright moon tonight
Drifting into the bedroom


It’s setting in
Every mouthful
I’m swallowing

I don’t like selfies
I want to be slim
I’m counting the calories
Please God please,let me win
I really hate a weigh in

When I get a panic attack
I can’t breathe
Like I’ve found a rat


I wake up in the morning
The tears are pouring and soaring
Why did I end up alone?
Why did I take this road?

I feel so unhappy
Even when I feel computer super savvy
Gonna keep on writing poetry
Are you my destiny?
Confused and alone


I walk in the building
I’m on a search
I’m praying for peace
I’m praying for work
I’m praying for friends
That do not hurt
I want to feel clean
I don’t want dirt
I want to feel well and
Sing like the birds

Sunday Television
It’s a decision
Which rubbish channel deserves a look and a listen
I want to lie I bed and keep kissing
It’s a lazy day
Sunday roast is dishing
Anything with custard
It feels like I’m risking
A nice bottle of wine we are defo finishing

The best thing about Sundays
Is the smell from the kitchen

It’s a wonderful day a sundae 

Saturday, 4 July 2020

Magic of the galaxy

Magic of the galaxy

‘Ultimate dream of a kiss’-Anon

‘A glitter of heaven’

‘A chamber of creation’-Anon

On rainbow bridges

Simple,sapphire eyes

Steering the wheel of the sun

An hour of prayer

The breaking of bread

Giving peace instead of anger

‘When Christmas day arrives

Christ keeps the love alive’ Anon

‘A black swan of grief’-Anon

A one way dream

‘Storm bruised cloud’-Anon

The great book of forever (Bible)

The forever library

‘I wrote a poem made of love’-Anon

I felt the ripples of your heart’-Anon

Turquoise dreams of lust

‘Every moment was a chance

To make love

Make you smile

Make you dream’-Anon

I wept for many truths

Eternities web

The Internet

A mixture of dreams and reality

The summer cleanses

I can smell the chlorine

Neon butterflies and dreams

Pulling back the lace of Mountains

Vibration of the Alps

Coffee bean eyes

A roadside café

The piano delicate fingers

An eternity

The click of our hearts

Those with wings

My lift to heaven

Waiting for a song to unfold

‘A blue and amber moment’

A vision of the future

Yellow smiling of the sun

Endorphin in my dreams

He’ll wait for me at heavens dawn

My old home

A heavenly seat

Dreams of youth and madness

The sugar of morning

Trying to be healthy


Positive thinking

Positive thinking will change your life

Your journey begins in your head

Twinkle twinkle little star

Make a wish and take it far

Love n trust

Hearts race

Emotions sore

My best Angel verse

The gorgeousness of your soul

That tender kiss

Loved and smitten

New love sparks us

9 to 5 till soul is dead?

The fire in you and me

Striving and flying

A touch of divine

‘Beam it out and let you soul sing glee’

‘Rise on up and be your best’

Deep down

That honest glow

We walk the line and push the boundaries

And show our fight

March strong

Creative paradise


Performance and passion


The blossoms are coming out

So many I cannot count

I wanna climb that Mountain

I wanna go back to Downham

I wanna dance in a Fountain

I wanna keep on bouncing

And stop doubting

With your love I get higher

With your love I have fire


The Gym

I want to feel like I’m climbing

I don’t want to feel like I’m dying

I wonder if the Angels are flying

I must continue trying

Cedar pals

From the depths of hell

From all the places that you fell

With every core of my being

This depression runs into dreams and streams

You can hear the screams in the night

But there is always a light

Scared of failure and success

Scared of life and death

You are a whisper I hear in my heart

‘Words can touch and heal’-Anon

A spark of company

A sparkling spell

‘Pain is here to guide me,

A guide for tomorrow ‘-Anon

Thrive on comedy

Thrive on comedy

A ripple to the show

On the road to the palace

Unbidden by time

‘Your love was illusion

A passing rainbow’-Maria B.Hayden

The leaves of the cedars

Rain-dark day

A world of dew

The lotus petals sitting on the water

‘Soft sea of milk’-Anon

By the roses

The hearts of all

An eccentric orbit!

Sunset glow makeup

The spiral of anxiety

The gift of family

Days of togetherness

The best of us

Necessary roles

Each day is fresh and unblemished

Clean and pure

Perfect your life

‘The red men’-American Indians

A shining message of God

The Lights

The sun is a luminous shield

Borne up the blue path

By a God

The moon is the torch

Of an old man

Who stumbles over the stars’-Eda Lou Walton


I look at the sky

Where do I fly?

Where do I apply?

Don’t want to be working and hurting

I don’t want to lie

Playing music

Bought Shirley Bassey on LP

From a market stall

I trapped myself in four walls

But my heart was in holes

I couldn’t connect with a living soul

And then he called

But something was wrong

I couldn’t write a song

A amethyst bird

A beautiful songbook

‘A love that never fails

A hand to pick you up

Never here to mock you

Always to build you up’-Anon

A peaceful dove and candles

Find your warmth and spread it

Living in the rain

Your dark days and broken soul will one day fill with light

The potential for true joy is in you

The glow of others

To figure out our light

Give your all

Inside a heart beats magic

Is there any magic out there?

Is there any magic out there?

Why do I eat a chocolate bar?

When I am alone looking at stars

A big potato

Something better

Dreaming on the swings

Crying when he sings

The love affair begins

Sliding down the slide

Going on bike rides

Playing five a side

Boys on monkey bars

Collecting spiders in jam jars

Playing in the sand with toy

Trucks and cars

There’s a paddling pool

There’s writing in the loo

Saying I am the one for you

I wonder,will I see you at school?

There’s a big seesaw

Little puppies showing you their paw

There’s hopscotch

And a human sized jigsaw

There’s a big que at the ice cream van

Little girls are pushing their little prams

Girls and boys compete

Who can make the strongest dam?

Some people feed the birds

Some people feed the ducks

They try to find the words

When someone has the looks!

Girls sit in a circle making daisy chains

Boys come home covered in stains

And then there is the sit on trains

And discovering secret pathways

The lush leaves on the trees

Tickle me all over

Sometimes I can smell a burning aroma

I wonder,what would it be like in Verona?

Shall I go back to Roma?

The perfect space

A welcoming waist

Will you undo my lingerie lace?

Art and the muse

Watching the news


In truth

I need to be on the path of song

Hymn Apollo

How shall I hymn you?

Both strong and fair

Of black clouds

‘My inner-mystery’-Maya Angelou

A golden jar opened

Over the sparkling waves

‘The moon swayed with me’-Li Po

‘Shells of loneliness’-Maya Angelou

‘Peppermint wind’-Shel Silverstein

The adventure of love……

Bosomful of songs

Clear water and petals

‘Queen woman of the sky’-William Butler Yeats

I want to go out

I want to go out

Wash away doubt

I want to go to sleep and

Dream of Unicorns

I want to wake up early and

Feed my new-born

I want to draw a picture and

Put some glitter on

I want to sing a song on the microphone

I want to help you to clean

To help with the hoovering

I want to make you jam tarts

And share my sweets in the back of cars

I want to swing on the swings

Pretend I have fairy wings

I want to make some cookies

And have a sleep over with mates and puppies!

I want to play some kerby

Like everyday is my birthday

I want to skate around the block

I want to share my chocolate

I want to collect a basket of flowers,

Play in the garden for hours

I want to play pool

I want to find a jewel

Try some perfume and wear it to school

I want to camp in the park

Watch the sun turn to dark


I’m barely breathing

I heard your leaving

You had me believing

Those lies you were weaving

Tonight I will write a hit

But I’ve never been through a split

It’s always been,unrequited

I’m looking for the eyes

I’m not looking for goodbyes

To enjoy a sunrise

To hold hands at the starry skies

I want to share my love

Like birds making nests above

The night and magic

The day and magic

Calm me down

Bring your love around

The magic numbers (children)

Let’s go for a coffee

It’s so flippin frosty

Maybe a biscotti

Just try and stop me

Tomorrow will be brighter

I know that I am a survivor

My ears are sore

You took my core

Is there a law?

Just talk no more

I wish fate would show somw compassion to me

‘I wish fate would show some compassion to me’-Pam Ayres

Spirit of the bush


I need confidence and verve

The romance of a dream

Dreaming faces looking out the car

‘Tangential light’-Anne Fine

Your kindness

It touched me

‘Eternity alone’-Henry David Thoreau

‘A blazing star’-Joshua Sylvester

A child’s honest grasp

‘All will be right

Look to the light’-Anon

Sorrows end

Silver glitterings

‘To pure and perfect day’-James Montgomery

‘The flight of song’-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The scrap book

The first bud

Grass and flowers

But the cloud of you

‘In the heart of the god’-Ted Hughes

Drunken euphoria

Unwritten poems

A little bit crazy

Burning up calories

Crying and no loss

‘Safe and chrysalis in our sleeping bags’-Ted Hughes

The sun and its changing colours

So evil it thrills you

Then it kills you

Desperate days and weepings

‘My head a little crystal’-Ted Hughes

A foundation in God

Patient study

Looking for the truth

A raft with which to cross a river

‘Cease to do evil:

Learn t do well:

Cleanse your own heart,

This is the way of the Buddhas

At the precipice

The breeze and the moon

A little tune

The flower arrangement




How strong is your love?

Rhyme on my side?

A poem in the oven

Will you warm me up?

Will you dress my cuts?

Be in my dreams and my lasting thoughts?

Will you nurse me when I’m sick?

Will you kiss me on the lips?

Will you catch me of I fall and

Romance me on a ship?

Did you notice me?

Did you photo me?

I’ve put a curl in my hair

It’s like the ocean,a fantasy

‘To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides’-David Viscott

A sunny path

I desire to be the chemistry

‘And stole my heart away complete’-John Clare

The shine of the sun

I want to be an adorable weight

A hazel glance

‘Her smiles soft play is like the ray’-Gerald Griffin

With every kiss

Aurora borealis of my night

In paint and poem

Schooled and raw

An Egyptian golden work

Idea Jewelled mosaics

Owl of poetry

An owl in flight

The candle of the church

Can light many candles

In the clouds

I cry to heaven

In the depression

Changing patterns of green

Fields as I look out the plane’s window

The soft hands of femility

The embers of fading light

Your beautiful love

The wondrous sky

Mystery and fun

Silence or guidance?

‘Leaving a peach moon’-Norman Royal

A passing dream?

A crush?

The hurts of today?

Too many

A stabbing to the heart

The last rolo

And a carpet of flowers

I wish I was speaking to you

Seaside rock

‘Lighthouses and ships,

Fish and chips’-Pam Ayres

The leaves are brown

The leaves are brown

But the sun comes around

I should be running and

My heart should pound

Looking for a sound

And an even ground

Listening to music

The flowers at a stand

I saw a little squirrel

Running up a tree

I wish I could do a scribble

But he was too fast for me!

Nan’s pea and ham soup smoking on the hob

Crispy bread buttered up!

Chill on the hill

Night in

Another night in

What is my sin?

Night in

Another night in

Why can’t I win?


Night in

Another night in

Why can’t I sing?

Night in

Another night in

And too much eating

All those clothes

I want to fit in

Don’t want to be just sitting

Baby soup

Saw George today

A bouncy sunray

Coo,coo,cooing away

Talking to me lovingly

I want to go to the movies

And take my own duvet

Eat lots of chewy sweets

Take the shoes off my feet

Lying back on a reclining seat

I want to kiss on the back row

Where no-one can see us

Half-watching the show

It was suppose to be a simple day

Birdsong and beach waves

But then your voice came along

All my confidence,gone

One day you are young and fun

The next?

Problem after problem

I wish we could take a walk in a bay

Watch the ocean,ebb,flow,sway

Smile on a beautiful day

Ben and Jerry

I blame you for my belly!

I love you like a bowl of custard

I didn’t see you last night

But I thought of you till daylight

Your eyes like bluebells all bright

Your arms around me so right

A new job

I’m so nervous

Will I sob?

Will I be worthless?

Will I keep up the gym?

Will Angels start flying in?

Will this voice in my head stop firing?

Falling into trouble

Falling into trouble

I’ve stepped into his bubble

Glittering places

Glittering palaces

Weave my verse beside the limpid brook

Bold thought,untiring  imagination,

Softness and harmony

Make a true poem

The calm blue waters

The calm cool daughters

The time when the petals must leave the rose

The Art Gallery

Stirring in my heart

The dawn is my golden door

And my dogs paw

The shy Musician

A thousand messages

A thousand flowers

A thousand dreams

The shipwreck of a thousand hopes

Friendly swan

A friendly one

We arose and sensed the cloud

Sunshine of her hair

Caress gentleness

‘The main ingredient is an honest heart’-Mary Leapor

The stars all together

The smell of orchards and

A smile of an author

Smooth as a sea-washed pebble

‘Every freckle a star in the galaxy’-Abigail Cook

The beauty of the sun

A swimming pool of fun

A poem in which I am growing

Before the sun goes down

I wanna paint the town

Wear a princess crown

The road to heaven

Globe of Space

There will be a good ending

For every woman deserves to be worshipped

Charm and allure

The one in the wrong

Killing me all along

Echoes in my head

Dark and twisted

A city of water

The early morning sky that is all mine

Planetary lashes

The fantasy cedar

Welling drops of love

I can’t make you love me

Close your eyes as you touch me

I can’t make you kiss me

Stroke my hair

Stroke me bare

Please don’t dismiss me

A Cinderella gown

Met a clown

Romantic disposition

Romantic disposition

I am still a lady

But sometimes I feel like a ghost

May I rest in your nest?

I feel blessed

‘A song that soared to the sky’-Don Marquis

Hoping for the life romantic

How beautiful is the universe

The touch of you

The touch of sky blue

The eternal struggle

There’s an eternal struggle with depression

Young sonneteer

You can start any age

Be beautiful boss

Children are like planets in the sky

Admirers on Mars

Sea warm as a dream

‘Humanity will shed poems’-Don Marquis

I want to know

The soul of Cleopatra

Why am I sent to hell?

What do you do when you’ve ate too much?

Dream one day you will be touched

What do you do when you’ve slept too much?

Dream one day you will be happy to wake up

What do you do when you’ve full of cuts?

Dream one day you will be healed and loved


What do you do when it feels like you didn’t do enough?

You wasn’t strong or tough?

Dream one day someone will give a fuck

What do you do when you have no memory?

Dream one day for a remedy

I dreamed of walking to school with you

I dreamed of talking,you were so cool

I dreamed of swimming alone in a pool

I dreamed of swimming in the ocean blue

But I didn’t have the words

I wanted to twitter like the birds

Spin the bottle,truth or dare

You and me in the air

Then facebook came along,still

I really hope to write a song

What I would give to be wise and young

Our own field of lambs

Twilight of history

Map of geography

Simple joys

Simple sorrows

‘Compare her heart to a dying moon’-Anon

Not laughing computer tapping

Not laughing computer tapping

This job is not enough

I make the coffee,I make the tea

It’s better when I’m busy

Trying not to drink anything fizzy

I wanna work late at night

I wanna write

I wanna keep that candle light

Imagine am historic fight

And smile at the morning birds

As I write down simple words

If I could be so lucky

Scared of the funfair

Scared of sand storms in the air

A little dance

Just take a chance

Then your hands are in my pants!

It was a glance in NorthWest Lancs!

Roses are red

Violets are blue

We smile at each other

When you coo!

So I didn’t get a card

No one wants my heart

A kiss would be a start

I used to play Mozart

I used to follow the charts

And I went down to the park

To sing with the larks


More re-directed

The perfect love

Watching a sunset

Sharing woes you both know

A perfect kiss

Watching a movie we will probably miss!

I saw you in the mist

A perfect hand

Watching the birds

When drinking was new

When my heart followed you

I dreamed I was washing up

I dreamed you held my waist

Kissed my neck I was in luck

I dreamed of petals on my bed

I dreamed you saved me from a death

I wish you were a choir in my head

But I think there is a battle instead

I wish you were an Angel

Making all the pain go

Protecting me from rainfall

When a dolphin flies

I can see your eyes

When you say goodbyes

It goes in like knives

When its purple skies

Do you see me rise?

Do you have many wives?

Do you have many cries?

When the Owl glides

Do you think he’s wise?

Would you like a ride?

Would you pick my side?

Once a rainbow is admired

We can sit beside the fire

I want to Inspire

I want to Empower

Waking up

Shaping up

A friend

What did I do wrong?

Our own island

We could be singing a little song

I need you on long-term lend

We could be two true delicate wrens

Don’t want our love to blow away,to wash away

A beautiful kitten

Quietly sitting

The Great and Wicked City

Emerald City

Gratitude in rhyme

A nice time