Saturday, 4 July 2020

I wanted you

I wanted you,to kiss you

An unending kiss then nude!

I wish I was a mother

Teaching all the colours

Taking the kids to the ice cream parlour

I wish I was a mother

All those hugs and kisses

All those birthday party cake wishes

I wish I was a mother

A mother that can blow up a balloon

A mother that can do party games

And sing in tune

I wish I was a mother

With a cookie and glass of milk

Reading a story about how the pyramids were built

I wish I was a mother

Who could cook delicious meal’s

Teaching how to ride a bike

On two wheels

Explaining that all wounds heal

I can’t get any sleep

I feel like boo peep

Can’t find my sheep

What do I talk about?

Where do I find my sound?

How do I make my mark?

How do I turn this around?

Standing on a Mountain

Drinking from a Fountain

It echoes when your shouting

The stars will come out

And keep you smiling

I wish I was alive

I wish I was alive

When they put a man on the moon

I wish I was alive

When Walt Disney drew his first cartoon

I wish I was alive

When they invented the light bulb

I wish I was alive

When the Earth evolved

I wish I was alive

When Jesus was followed

I wish I was alive

When the Wright Brothers first flew a plane

I wish I was alive

For the very first football game

I wish I was alive during the Beatles,Pink Floyde and Led Zep

I wish I could have stopped the Titanic

I wish I was alive

When the Second World War ended

I wish I was alive

When the suffragettes descended

I wish I was alive

When the pyramids were built

I wish I was alive

When they first discovered silk

I wish I was alive

When they first built up New York

I wish I was alive

When people had more hope

I wish I was alive

When they discovered America

All that land they had to share

I wish I was alive

When they discovered Australia

Panning for gold,the ocean air

I wish I was alive

During the Vikings

The amazing ships and battle scenes

I wish I was alive

During The Roman Empire

Watching Shakespeare in Verona

I wish I was alive

To talk to Einstein

I hope he would be kind

I wish I was alive

When they invented wine

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