Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Shade or Sun

Shade or sun (Wedding vows)

For the flower
With this ring

Together on the shore
Let’s go explore

Orange juice
Each luscious drop

In heaven together
And all smiles

The popular wave (Beach)

Holiday wine and wit

‘Thine eyes they burn like stars’-Sarah Fuller Flower Adams

A perfect truth
The white owl hoot

Her voice in the air
They stood up from their chairs

A new joy,baby joy

I need a precious friendship

Towering adoration
I love the New York streets

Self-knowing ecstasy

Picking crazy words (Schizophrenia)

He was one blazing flame

Snug,hug and happy

All honey and sweetness

I hear amazing flames of music

The Greatness women have done
Rosa Parks,The Suffragette’s,Margaret Thatcher,Mother Teresa,Florence Nightingale

Holidays warm gold air

Footsteps of my golden dream (Baby starts walking)

A shining song

Too much water in a glass
Spilling over into Taz
Can we put it in the past?
I need friends to protect me from the blast

Light me up like a match
Save me when they plan attack
I don’t want to be fat
Just an honest chat

Looking for treasure
Better weather

Will I go to America again?
Will I have a true friend?

Will I have my adventure?
I want to be an inventor

Will I find love?
I just want to cuddle up

I need a flat stomach
I need to do the work
But he won’t let me
Just feeds me with dessert

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