Saturday, 4 July 2020


Galaxy,do you have a match for me?

Why won’t you let me work in a bar?

Why won’t you let me drive a car?

Why won’t you let me travel far?

Why won’t you let me be slimmer?

I wanted to be Madonna

I wanted to stop the bomber

I said my life was a drama

Then this voice made it all harder


We have to stay inside

We cannot divide

Or deaths will be multiplied

Honey guide

Sweet dreams,I love you

Two streams, in unison

The sun beams on the horizon

Floating peas on the ocean


I saw you in the trees

I felt you in the breeze

I heard you in a shell found in the seas

I smelled you in the burning wood

I tasted you in the strawberry blood

5 senses Touch,Sight,Hearing,Smell,,Taste

A heavenly kiss in the mist

Starting a memory box

Kingdom by the sea

And glittering sands

‘Stole away my heart complete’-John Clare

‘The magic hand of chance’-John Keats

‘I each natural fruit of earth’-Archibald Lampman

Under the blossoms

‘Autumn tint of gold’-Edgar Allan Poe

You are the light breaking through the clouds

You are the birds that sing and land

You are a rainbow when I burst into tears

You are the ocean

You’ve been there for 3.8 billion years

You are a Mountain I always look up to

When I hear you shouting it

Echoes throughout the summer dew

You are the sunset that calls to my heart

You are the sunrise always there from the start

You are a flower that makes me smile

You are a ladybird looked after as a child

You are a diamond

You make me feel pretty

You are the skyline of a city

You are a pop song I can’t get out of my head

You are a movie and a romance novel that I read

You are a planet

You are a hero

I must protect

‘A rain of tears’-Thomas Wyatt

‘A strawberry bed’-Edmund Spenser

I shall perish

Without a message

‘Two blushing pilgrims’-William Shakespeare

‘The will of heaven’-John Milton

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