Thursday, 10 March 2016

Bless the frozen

Bless the frozen
Bless them in the cold
Bless them young
Bless them old

The kind rain helping the water pumps flow
The kind rain helping a flower show

The kind sun shining on her wedding day
The kind sun coming out on holiday

Beautiful poem

Waking up like a daisy
The warm sun coming through
Its great to have the energy
When the sky turns blue

Walking on the cool grass
Feeling the evening breeze
Watching butterflies flying over
Paddling in the sea


A chocolate on my pillow
A message in the mirror


A post it on the fridge door
A single red rose lying on the doorstep

‘Edge of the cosmos’-Erica Jong

‘Your hair and your eyes wild’-Erica Jong

‘Galaxies spin,grass grows,and people kill’-Erica Jong

‘The old self
She wants to come back
To the land of fuck’-Erica Jong

‘Singing like wind or water’-Erica Jong

‘Rising in the morning like warm bread’-Erica Jong

‘Self -the prison
Love -the answer and the door’-Erica Jong

A long flirtation
Life feels like a long flirtation

What moonlight can create
Love,Hope,a sparkling date!

‘Birth is the start of loneliness and loneliness
The start if poetry’-Erica Jong

‘A poet’s life
Always awaiting mail’-Erica Jong

‘I find I cannot exist without poetry’-Erica Jong

‘What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth’-Erica Jong

With you,with you,with you

‘To die into a poem’-Erica Jong

‘Pomegranate clouds’-Erica Jong

‘The pond god’-Erica Jong

Hate generalises
Love is particular

‘The sound of raindrops on a roof
The scent of spring’-Erica Jong

‘Sperm singing into me’-Erica Jong

‘The soul kisses of snow as it melts in the spring’-Erica Jong

A beautiful bed and noisy nights

Sorrow is wisdom
So is living

You have secret strength

I am waiting for an archaeologist to unearth me’-Erica Jong

‘We used to strike sparks off each other,
Our eyes would meet or our hands’-Erica Jong

The moon a peppermint cream
The moon,shine a torch underneath a white piece of paper in the dark

‘People who live by the sea know eternity’-Erica Jong

Our loves and our dreams,together

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